2013 Photo52 Challenge : WEEK 52 Water

I'm now 3 weeks behind; clearly it was unwise to try a film POTY AND a film 52 in the same year! However, I've just sent a couple of films off that may have some half-decent shots roughly on topic. I'm a bit stuck on Gluttony, as I did a few Greed shots for the earlier Sin theme...
The downside of getting a photo posted early in the week for a change is the long wait for the next topic....... :)
It takes forever for the new theme to come round when you've posted early doesn't it! Saying that I'm not complaining, been feeling rough the last few days :puke: Sorry to anyone I haven't commented on this week!

Probably wont happen this weekend as its my 'baby's' 6th birthday Sat ( where does the time go :crying:) so family are up, then both boys have a rugby match on Sun, so if we can have a theme that matches either of them I'll be grateful :p
I posted early as well and keep thinking I've forgotten to do something!
Oh, and guess who spent an hours and half last night on my Gluttony only to realise after uploading to LR that I'd left the ISO at 6400 :bonk:

Actually, the night ISO may add to it. I'll see what I've got tonight and if any are worth posting.

Keep up the good show all :bonk:

That's typical... have you posted that one up yet ??

The downside of getting a photo posted early in the week for a change is the long wait for the next topic....... :)
Gawd... long for that day to come again :help:
Just had a look at the spreadsheet, there has been a massive fall off of participants :(

In fact we are down to the numbers nearly of those who finished last year.

Such a rapid decline in numbers, often makes me wonder what the reasons behind it are. Maybe its like New Year Resolutions, people start out with the intention but don't quite carry it off. It might just be me but I do wonder :thinking:
That's typical... have you posted that one up yet ??:

Yup, be afraid, be very afraid .)

Just had a look at the spreadsheet, there has been a massive fall off of participants :(

In fact we are down to the numbers nearly of those who finished last year.

Such a rapid decline in numbers, often makes me wonder what the reasons behind it are. Maybe its like New Year Resolutions, people start out with the intention but don't quite carry it off. It might just be me but I do wonder :thinking:

Yeah, quite a drop off.

Hard core are still here, though. For me, it's become an addiction, and a very enjoyable one :)

It must be, I, along with Lynne and Michael, are on our 112 week :)

So, if you're thinking of dropping out why not let us know why so we can offer advice/support/a virtual shoulder??!!

Cheers all.
Well said Andy (y)

Oh and Dean, can I have a tick in the box for gluttony please? ;)
Just had a look at the spreadsheet, there has been a massive fall off of participants :(

In fact we are down to the numbers nearly of those who finished last year.

Such a rapid decline in numbers, often makes me wonder what the reasons behind it are. Maybe its like New Year Resolutions, people start out with the intention but don't quite carry it off. It might just be me but I do wonder :thinking:
I'm now going to update the last 2 days worth... might make a big difference... then again :D
In my case it's partly being behind because of film, but also because of doing the POTY at the same time, and I seem to be prioritising the POTY to the exclusion of almost everything else. I'm thinking of carrying on the 52 but not necessarily on film, and not necessarily all weeks. I guess I can declare a Joker any week, can't I? Like Gluttony, really does NOT appeal to me!
In my case it's partly being behind because of film, but also because of doing the POTY at the same time, and I seem to be prioritising the POTY to the exclusion of almost everything else.
I'm doing the POTY as well, but I guess developing your own photos makes it quite a challenge.

Hard core are still here, though. For me, it's become an addiction, and a very enjoyable one :)

It must be, I, along with Lynne and Michael, are on our 112 week :)

So, if you're thinking of dropping out why not let us know why so we can offer advice/support/a virtual shoulder??!!
You three are bonkers!

I have considered quitting as I have reached a level of busy and stress I didn't know existed :( Bloody family letting me down then changing their minds, I'm not quite 100% either and had no opportunity to get on TP, much!

However, it is addictive and I just can't stop! Plus thanks to this forum I'm now the proud owner of a second hand ring flash that is SCREAMING to be used :D Also my lovely admin section at work have screwed me over so this next shift cycle is dedicated to writing assessments of my junior ranks. I'm off from next Tuesday for nearly two weeks and will be concentrating on sleep, kids, rest and photography.

How could I quit, come on!
In my case it's partly being behind because of film, but also because of doing the POTY at the same time, and I seem to be prioritising the POTY to the exclusion of almost everything else. I'm thinking of carrying on the 52 but not necessarily on film, and not necessarily all weeks. I guess I can declare a Joker any week, can't I? Like Gluttony, really does NOT appeal to me!
Do what ever you like Chris... as many Jokers as you like, It's your 52 :)
I'm doing the POTY as well, but I guess developing your own photos makes it quite a challenge.

You three are bonkers!

I have considered quitting as I have reached a level of busy and stress I didn't know existed :( Bloody family letting me down then changing their minds, I'm not quite 100% either and had no opportunity to get on TP, much!

However, it is addictive and I just can't stop! Plus thanks to this forum I'm now the proud owner of a second hand ring flash that is SCREAMING to be used :D Also my lovely admin section at work have screwed me over so this next shift cycle is dedicated to writing assessments of my junior ranks. I'm off from next Tuesday for nearly two weeks and will be concentrating on sleep, kids, rest and photography.

How could I quit, come on!
YOU... you'll get your arse kicked for even thinking of it :bat:
Sleep when you die.
Rest is for wimps.
Leave kids with grandparents.
Lock and load your camera, and get out there.

How's that for support :D


I hardly ever sleep anyway, so agreed!
Rest, really not sure what that is either!
Kids are left with the grand parents while I work, so for once they get to see me for a while!
The camera is always loaded and ready for action!

I have my idea for gluttony, just trying to figure out how to make it interesting!

I'm working this weekend but bringing my camera with me going to try and get my POTY shot and whatever theme is announced tomorrow.

Oh and I can't believe the huge drop off in numbers! I know the commenting is daunting, but if you're like me and just can't do it then so be it! A little bit here and there is all that is needed.

Best I get on with my work now.
Hey DN, please don't take this as criticism, you're doing a sterling job.

I just ran through the spreadsheet to catch up on comments for the remaining people and found that 3 of the links to threads don't work.

AMS99 - goes to a bird thread.

Waywal - has 7 weeks of ticks but only 1 week and 20 posts...

Hwest - invalid link.


PS love the list of shame!


Hey - I found HWest's thread here.


Thanks for all the admin you do. Hope this helps a little!
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blakester said:
Just had a look at the spreadsheet, there has been a massive fall off of participants :(

In fact we are down to the numbers nearly of those who finished last year.

Such a rapid decline in numbers, often makes me wonder what the reasons behind it are. Maybe its like New Year Resolutions, people start out with the intention but don't quite carry it off. It might just be me but I do wonder :thinking:

As usual, I am a week behind, I am still in it :) I took a series of photos for gluttony last Tuesday, but they were pants so I binned them. Going out again today for a 2nd idea I have.....
As usual, I am a week behind, I am still in it :) I took a series of photos for gluttony last Tuesday, but they were pants so I binned them. Going out again today for a 2nd idea I have.....

Good effort Alan, sometimes we get weeks like that (y)
Actually quite looking forward to getting some inspiration in e coming weeks.... This year I have trips to China, Japan, USA and Mexico planned.... Plus various bits in Europe....

Next stop China, in a week! Plenty of subject matter there!
Time should have fun, btw I'm behind on last weeks, the images are taken and I like them both I just can't make them gel
Hey DN, please don't take this as criticism, you're doing a sterling job.

I just ran through the spreadsheet to catch up on comments for the remaining people and found that 3 of the links to threads don't work.

AMS99 - goes to a bird thread.

Waywal - has 7 weeks of ticks but only 1 week and 20 posts...

Hwest - invalid link.


PS love the list of shame!


Hey - I found HWest's thread here.


Thanks for all the admin you do. Hope this helps a little!
REALLY !!!!... Blimey... what has happened there then :thinking: I was having problems setting up links at the start, and tried loads of copy/paste of links and editing them... guess I shagged some up :D- I'll make the alterations, thanks Brian (y)
Although I’m flattered, I see in the participants spreadsheet that I have put in the «Sin» photo. I haven’t.
I found this forum after that theme finished, and didn’t go back :)
AMS99 - goes to a bird thread. - FIXED

Waywal - has 7 weeks of ticks but only 1 week and 20 posts... SWAPPED - His and Wibbly (Dave) were back to front :D

Hwest - invalid link. - FIXED

Thanks for all the admin you do. Hope this helps a little!

As above... fixed and altered - THANKS :)