2013 Photo52 Challenge : WEEK 52 Water

I thought I would jump on this year, never done anything like all the links, etc. do not know, but I'm sure the old man's hand, I can let my right, if you go astray. If nothing else, this will let my thoughts and camera clicks, and want to have some fun

Welcome aboard. The links are not so hard if you read the first page of this thread for guidance.
I thought I would jump on this year, never done anything like all the links, etc. do not know, but I'm sure the old man's hand, I can let my right, if you go astray. If nothing else, this will let my thoughts and camera clicks, and want to have some fun

Welcome aboard. 'Fun', yeah, that's one way of looking at it ;)

Ay advice, just ask

Hi all

woohoo...double figures now..won't take long to reach the 1/4 way mark now .

Well done to all who are still hanging on in here :clap:

Letter....not long since we had this same theme last year...& I still can't think of an original idea for it...might be another letterbox pano from me...I ned the practice :LOL:

I found letter a struggle last year, I remember your pano though and Iain's spooky peering through the letter box!

Hi all,

Sorry i've been MIA.. 'work' scuppered me, literally!.. Not been feeling very well either.. Looks like I have some catching up to do..


Welcome back :) It's not always bad bringing up the rear, there are a few of us do it regularly ;) I hope you're feeling better now?

I've got a busy few days at work then I'm hoping things are going to ease up a bit and I can start catching up properly.
I found letter a struggle last year, I remember your pano though and Iain's spooky peering through the letter box!

:LOL: I looked back on that one Marsha, it was a bit spooky wasn't it?

I will be going for something completely different this year though, just waiting for my prop to arrive.
Just thought that I would say that I am having a good :) at the comments made by DK in the 52 Chart.

Almost worth missing a week to see what kind of abuse I would get :thinking::eek:
Ooo I'm sure I can think of something special just for you :D

......just waiting for my prop to arrive.
The mind boggles :cautious:
Just thought that I would say that I am having a good :) at the comments made by DK in the 52 Chart.

Almost worth missing a week to see what kind of abuse I would get :thinking::eek:

:LOL: Although I won't be the one to mention his spelling :whistle:

Oh god, what you ordered now Iain?
Still haven't done letter. Had an idea but that's going out the window. Made my own letter and made it look old but just being lazy and not getting round to it. Might try this afternoon to muster up some enthusiasm :(

Trying to think of something different but decent is hard and no matter how much i say take something and post it i cant :bonk:
seemed such an easy theme after juxtamathingy last week, and there's letters everywhere, but I found it hard to find something strong enough to stand up on it's own. Hence why I didn't do that! :LOL:
Wow, unless I'm not reading right the drop out rate is much higher than last year!!

Good show to those still here, and don't forget to support each other. It'll start to get hard soon ;)

Wow, unless I'm not reading right the drop out rate is much higher than last year!!

Good show to those still here, and don't forget to support each other. It'll start to get hard soon ;)

Nope I think your right mate... Think I have thought of my shot, just need to take it now :D
Wow, unless I'm not reading right the drop out rate is much higher than last year!!

Good show to those still here, and don't forget to support each other. It'll start to get hard soon ;)


Hello Everyone,:wave: Sorry for the lack of support over the last couple of weeks - Without going into too much detail my partner is very poorly and It's all I can do to keep up with the photo's at the moment (actually I failed last week :shake:)... At least I'm well and back to a descent mileage on the bike again (at last) I'm SO glad I'm not doing a marathon this year!
Just thought that I would say that I am having a good :) at the comments made by DK in the 52 Chart.

Almost worth missing a week to see what kind of abuse I would get :thinking::eek:

Hahaha don't want to end up on the list of SHAME!

The kit I wanted for my juxtaposition photo arrived though... Hopefully I can get something done tonight before I go off for the weekend again.
I've several reasonable options for Letter, but really struggling with Juxtaposition :-(.
My letter photo will be late this week, got a 'will do' photo but not processed it yet.
My week 10 is done and processed but flickr's being a pain and won't upload it!
I'm in the 'struggling' brigade! Time isn't an issue, motivation is! Must lay off the chocolate and get this bloody juxtawhatsit sorted :help:

I'm working all weekend and hoping it's going to be quiet so I can do some major 52 catch up!
Good luck with the catch up :)

I see I have a o_O in one of my boxes - is this because i stuttered a bit on No. 4 :) You don't expect me to catch up AND be able to count do you :D
I can't remember why... seemed appropriate at the time :D

Hahaha don't want to end up on the list of SHAME! .....
Oooo that you don't :geek:

I'm at work, only just noticed the new theme.

Cheers Sarah.

Best I work on letter first!
Well good luck again... I took mine yesterday, will edit it today and post hopefully....

Cheers fro the theme Sarah... another :thinking: from me
I forgot it's saturday! Electric, hmmmm :thinking:

I must apologize for not getting round the other threads for comments, things have just been way to busy, including clearing my garden and nearly busting my nose in the process! I also find myself concentrating on my 365 project and I just never leave enough time to comment on the 52's.
Well got todays shot sorted, just trying to upload both last week and this week to flickr but its not playing :bat:
Sorry guys, I'm afraid I've rather fallen off the pace over the past couple of weeks.

Work has rather taken over, I need to try and get back up to date if I can.
Goodness me - 3 weeks behind..... And off to the states tomorrow. Hopefully the interweb will be faster and less restrictive than China, so time willing, I will be able to upload some pics :) It's been a mental few weeks. Roll on Easter!
UM, DK I do have a gluttony shot (two, in fact!). No electric yet though...