2013 Photo52 Challenge : WEEK 52 Water

I think I may have a few more curves after two weeks on the halloumi :naughty:

Photography is a challenge just now, trying to organise the chaos, adjust the kids to the heat & new schools and using my old, VERY slow pc! Had a moment yesterday when I discovered my CS5 didn't open RAW files. But managed to locate the upgrade patch to ACR 6.7, phew!

Now if I could stay awake past 9pm (UK 7pm) I may be able to look through my photos!

Hope everyone is doing okay? I keep looking at the photos thread at everyone's shots (y)
Feel like I'm stuck in a rut...just can"t get past Still and Whimsical ;(

Really in need of some inspiration!

I find the easiest thing is to just not bother! Shoot the other weeks for now as they come to you and leave the annoying weeks lurking in the back of your head. Hopefully some inspiration will drop out of the sky for you then post as you get them.
I find the easiest thing is to just not bother! Shoot the other weeks for now as they come to you and leave the annoying weeks lurking in the back of your head. Hopefully some inspiration will drop out of the sky for you then post as you get them.

Beat me to it.

Move on to the current week and do the missed ones when you have time. The project is supposed to be fun, so don't get all frustrated otherwise you may just give up.

Have a go at Curve...they are everywhere

Hear Hear !!!

Chis, other than that you can also post a joker, but in either case don't let it wind you up too much (y)

I'm still waiting for a 'still' shot... Tried 3 so far, all failures, I did get a shoehorned shot on Saturday I may use that temporarily and replace when ever :)
Have a go at Curve...they are everywhere

Sometimes that makes it much harder though...... I thought shape was going to be easy.... but it wasn't.

Anyway, thought I'd have a quick look at the numbers expecting to see a curve forming there..... :geek: Was quite surprised...


Seems there's a solid number around 27 or 28, with a few a few weeks behind.... but it looks good for a good number to make it to the finish!! (y)
Looks like I will be resorting to my "sunday banker" shot again this week if time doesn't stand still...

or perhaps I will allow myself to over run for once and have 2 themes for Saturdays TP "meet" in London :naughty:
Looks like I will be resorting to my "sunday banker" shot again this week if time doesn't stand still...

or perhaps I will allow myself to over run for once and have 2 themes for Saturdays TP "meet" in London :naughty:

I COULDN'T DO IT - Be "late" that is, I just couldn't bear to miss the "deadline":shake: I wonder what tomorrows theme will be?

Hope it's "Camden Market". (or cows, or cheese, or Balloons :naughty:)

I should have uploaded this: Learning Curve? :LOL:

Bah, behind again! Taking the day out for whimsical and messing it up put me off a bit, but I'm still here :)
I'm still here just a bit behind.

I've got a lot of personal stuff going on at the moment and for the near future so I'll probably drop behind a little but I will catch up.
New to this, is it fair to come in now, or am I 37 weeks behind...? That's a lot of catching up

HI Gary, welcome to TP. :wave:

You can join in whenever you like... You just can't EVER leave! :naughty:

Everyone plays the game by their own rules, just decide what you want to do and try to stick with it.

I look forward to seeing your submissions :)
15 more themes to go
15 more themes to go
E I ad eo
There's only 15 more themes to go!

:clap: Yay :clap:

I wonder what next weeks theme will be? Hope it's Cows or Cheese or Hot Air Balloons :p

Hope it's not "London" :bonk:
New to this, is it fair to come in now, or am I 37 weeks behind...? That's a lot of catching up

I might suggest not trying to catch up 36 weeks, if you want to join in - just jump in on this week....
I might suggest not trying to catch up 36 weeks, if you want to join in - just jump in on this week....

I agree, that's a sensible comment there... However :naughty:, you could cherry pick the most motivational (motivational to you that is, it's all subjective of course) themes and do the odd backdated shot as well if you feel like it! :D
Hi all, got a few ideas for Power.

Just counted and this is week 142 of my TP52; lynne as well. Eeekkkkk.

Cheers all.

Thought I was feeling tired......week 142......oh my giddy aunt mary !

Got a few more shots for curve plus my shot for power ,back on the mainland tomorrow and got Wednesday off to edit a few pic's (y)

& is it really only 15 more theme's till it starts all over again ?.....BRING IT ON :clap:
And another luchtime slides by... trying to catch up with comments folks!

Hiya Marsha, alright lovely? :wave: