weekly Danhardwick's Photo 52 - Week 8 - Ending

Yep me too... skateboard in and the background oof :)

Bobby Gold... Simon said:
Skateboard needs to be in focus, the motion blur should come from you panning the subject and the background giving the motion. I would have got some action shots since you went to the effort of going to the skatepark...

Nice idea though mate, they don't always work out as planned! (y)
So it looks like a resounding miss this week. Thanks everyone for the critique, thats why we are here to imrpove so i must try harder for next week.

I agree that the skateboard does just look out of focus and not motion blur, and like has been said why would it be movng on its own.

Bobby i would have loved some action shots, however on a damp friday afternoon all the skaters had disapeared to play xbox and I am certainly no skater. I would have been posting this from a&e if i had tried ;-)
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Agree with most of the others - focus on the skateboard - cool idea though.
Like the idea and the motion blur works well.

I'd like a bit more punch to the colours and the sky may have more detail to be had.

Nice low angle but the BG is a tad distracting.

I don;t think you are far away with this one. Putting the focus on the skateboard is maybe all it needed (not a lot you can do with a bland sky). Why is the board moving? To me that's exactly what the photo is about. I liked it.
There's something spooky about that skateboard moving on its own which adds to the atmosphere of the empty park. Good work!
Thanks everyone for the positive comments. I agree with the punch, it could do with a bit more oomph in the colours and a bit more contrast. Ill see what I can do with a re-edit and post it up.

I have been quite busy this week with this and that and havent managed to post much critic, I will have a good go at getting to you all though.

So onto week 3, a bit late but better that than never.

Week 3 - Close by danhardwick, on Flickr

Taken in the Treak Cliff Cavern in Derbyshire, these stalactites and stalectmites are about 5000 years old, they are very CLOSE to meeting, maybe in the next 200 years they might meet.

Not the best quality shot as its taken at iso 1600 in quite a dark cave with quite limited access due to a large wiremesh fence designed to stop the stalactites being stolen.
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Good take on the theme. Not sure but on my phone the stalactites and stalagmite look slightly OOF but as I said, I am only viewing on my phone.
Lovely tones and colours and very nice composition.


Fascinating things aren't they...maybe you could have cropped the out of focus bit on the right hand side, a good choice for the for the topic and nice soft colours,

I was undecided about the OOF stalectite and tried both ways, with or without. I think with was batter as it added to the composition. Thabks for the comments.

Good take on the theme. Not sure but on my phone the stalactites and stalagmite look slightly OOF but as I said, I am only viewing on my phone.

They might be slightly OOF or just very noisy, ill try and clear it up on my pc when i get a chance. It was taken on iso1600 to get the shutter to a safe level.
Thanks for commenting.

Ewwwwwweee that looks gooey :D

Nice original take on the theme Dan :)

Thanks, it does look quite gooey and the rock its hanging off looks like a dinasour head.
Like the subject, perhaps a lower PoV would help to focus on the gap.
Hi Dan
Close - novel idea. Good warm tones and focus given the conditions. Just a pity that there is a shadow behind the 'gap' between the two as this makes it a bit indistinct. Still I bet that you did not have much wiggle room.

Thanks to you both, Alan you are right its a shame about the gap not being that obvious but the access was very dire, i should have taken a pic of the area to show as a demonstration.
Hi Dan

well , that's a different take on the theme.....& a good result given the difficult conditions you had :) can always use the advice given re lower POV etc when & if you revisit for a reshoot (y)

I agree with Mercuris about the lower PoV but good thinking for the theme.
Good idea for theme and agree about lover POV. Nice tone though (y)

Thanks Lynn, Peter and Michael, Good crit, I would have loved to have been lower however the fence prevented me from doing that, there was a hole at the bottom but that was too low and with the angle through the fence it was difficult to get a shot.
Looks like you've already done this weeks 'mineral' theme too.
Pumice stone looks clear, I like the bg, suits the image (y) The crease? (if that's what it is) is a little distracting though :)
I like the pumice rocks but I am not liking the background, I think I'd like to be closer to the pumice rocks to see the bubbles In them.

Thanks for the comments, i was attempting to give context on the rocks, but i think a closer shot would have been better.

Hi Dan

like the burst of color in the bg image , gives some context as to what the stones are & where they came from ....for me though , needs to be a slightly closer shot of the bubbles within the stone

Thanks for the comments, point taken. Glad you likes it and saw why i had included the bg.

Pumice stone looks clear, I like the bg, suits the image (y) The crease? (if that's what it is) is a little distracting though :)

It was a shot from a book that spread over two pages so its the center of the book, a shame really. not a lot i could do about it. Glad you like it.
Week 5 - Smoke

This is my first attempt at smoke photography and i found it relatively easy to get some great results.
I have coloured the smoke to some colours close to my heart.

Hope you like it.


Halo Removed

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I seem to have missed you for a couple of weeks Dan so sorry :(
Close... Love your stalactites lovely soft colours :)
Bubble...... Fits the theme well, different take, nice to be different (y)
Smoke .... very colourful, nice one (y)
Good work on smoke Dan (y)
I particularly like the composition here, landscape orientation puts a different spin on things.
Technically very good too, sharp and well lit. (y)
Smoke looks very sharp, good colours, I like the incense stick in shot (y) not sure about the yellow/red halo? though, was that intentional?
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