weekly Rybo's 52 week photo thread - week 1

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OK, so my first attempt at this sort of thing. First time i have taken my camera out in my own town which was good :) I even got kicked out of the market (They obviously considered my clicky box to be witchcraft - Wiltshire can be a little backwards!).

I tried to go with a read between the lines theme o_O

Read between the lines
by 'ryan', on Flickr
I love the colour in this, very striking but could you straighten it a bit it's on the wonk.
Cheers for the advice guys :) its really helpful. It is rather wonky. I struggled trying to balance wonky lines and wonky letters, I think it might be the angle i was taking the photo from. I must focus more on my composition next time, and hopefully will get a better shot.
Agree with the others about it being wonky.

Have you tried a b/w conversion? :D:eek::D

Everything else seems b/w this week ;)
Cheers for the feedback guys and girls :)

Agree with the others about it being wonky.

Have you tried a b/w conversion? :D:eek::D

Everything else seems b/w this week ;)

I did try B & W, i did think it would look cool if it was a little gritty David :) the contrast between each panel seems less striking than in colour though... I need to work on my processing too!

by 'ryan', on Flickr
Colour for me. Lovely detail in the fence and the lines really work. It is a tad on the squiff, I noticed the lettering gets smaller from left to right.

Good start.

Hi, have to agree about straightening and brightness, good start though
As far as straightening goes, its a tough call, anti-clockwise would just make the lettering climb to the right even more :thinking:

As it is, neither are straight, which to me, might just make it work :)
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Good shot. Perhaps the lettering is a bit too strong and pulls the eye away from the verticals?
prefer colour version
seems that as soon as you try to straighten one line another starts to look wonky! but thats life i suppose :thinking:
Hi Ryan & a belated welcome from me :wave:

think I must need to go to spec savers.......the verticals on the N & P look spot on to me...maybe it's the door lines not quite straight or the angle giving an optical illusion ? Color verison has more punch but would love to see a smidge of HDR on it to boost the tones in the rusty bits a little more :)
Cheers everyone for all the feedback and welcomes :) It's good to hear what i can do to improve so thankyou :)

For this weeks theme, I struggled a bit to come with an idea. Especially when I realised my brother has all of our childhood scalectrix :( But i have decided to try a play on words with some playdoh. I hope I that fits the bill for the week. I tried messing around with the background, using a bookcase, but i thought it was too distracting. It was difficult ensuring the DOF manages to capture the book and face of the little man whilst excluding the background. I think it would have perhaps been better with a darker background but my house is unfortunately rather magnolia! I am quite pleased with the composition though. Cheers for looking :)

50 Shades of Clay
by 'ryan', on Flickr
I think it's very good :D

Nice compo and good use of DOF. I think he'd probably get a bit lost in a busier background too.
:LOL: at the bulging eyes, he must be at an interesting bit :naughty:

Great image, very well thought out Ryan (y)
creative start ryan,

like the lines in the no parking garage, I did have a pull of the image in PS to make it all vertical and the writing straight and the same height - it looked worse!!

50 shades.... fun image, well composed and technically sound.
Thanks everyone :)

Susie, thanks for the tip, I'll make sure I grab a few sheets for time :)

Phil, there is definitely something juicy to give him that smile!

Overbez, I walked past it other day to see if it was wonky but it must have been my perspective. Cheers for giving it a go :)
An original, playful idea, well shot. Must have taken a while to make the model. Good start!
What a great idea love it and you also get to play at modelling as well. :)
Fab idea and love the little book the model is holding very clever (y)

As said above coloured card is good for background or whenever I go into a DIY store I look at the wall papers as they always have a roll open for samples and if any catch my eye a grab a meter or 2 or 3 :naughty:
A very amusing interpretation and I guess ultimately the challenge is about having some fun. Nice work. I agree that a darker background would probably have set it off a bit better but all the same nicely executed.
Nice. I'll bet fifty shades of clay was more interesting than the original Grey.