weekly Trying again in 2014 - week 6 Mineral, and week 7 Sense

I did think about shooting this kind of image with talc but wasn't sure I could pull it off.

Great take on the theme.
Hi Liz,

Nice to see you back as well this year.

Odd - Hits the theme but as has been said the white balance needed adjustment.
Linear/Line - I thought of this as well but didn't go for it. The mono approach suits it. #1 works for me due to the composition and better area of focus. I feel you could have gone with a grittier conversion as well.
Hi Liz,

Nice to see you back as well this year.

Odd - Hits the theme but as has been said the white balance needed adjustment.
Linear/Line - I thought of this as well but didn't go for it. The mono approach suits it. #1 works for me due to the composition and better area of focus. I feel you could have gone with a grittier conversion as well.

Thanks, probably could, nev did say I should have done it with a razor blade, this maybe one I reshoot at a later date, the aim for me this year is to use my camera, it stayed in the bag far too long last year hence being rusty
wow...bit controversial but well thought out lol
start as you mean to go on :)
Been a bit of a mad week this week so just playing catch up, here is Play, shot one handed and pretty pleased with it myself now off to try and thing of something for close:thinking:

week 2 play 2
by jalizcazan, on Flickr
Springers ! Mad as a barrel of monkeys but quite adorable and you have brought that out in this picture.
great eye contact, love doggie ones, great start Liz (y)
Springers ! Mad as a barrel of monkeys but quite adorable and you have brought that out in this picture.

He's worse because he isn't full springer, he definitely has collie and probably staffy in him as well
Dogs in photos winner every time good eye contact and nice angle you have shot that from. :clap:
Like the Play image, but for me perhaps a bit more space around the sides.
Dogs in photos winner every time good eye contact and nice angle you have shot that from. :clap:

Hi Liz, Great to see you here - loving the wonderful bright and crisply sharp eye in your "Play".

Like the Play image, but for me perhaps a bit more space around the sides.[Thank you

I know what you're saying was deliberately cropped tight due to messy background this wasn't my intended shot but just happened
Hi Liz, welcome back to the 52 (y)
Off to a good start, both submissions bang on the theme.
Play, just to echo whats been said above about the great eye contact, I particularly like how you have filled the frame with your dog.
Liking the play shot, great expression captured. Good job. A bit closely cropped around his head though, I wouldn't have minded a messy background and it could have always been blurred to give a bit of fake DoF
Hi Liz, welcome back to the 52 (y)
Off to a good start, both submissions bang on the theme.
Play, just to echo whats been said above about the great eye contact, I particularly like how you have filled the frame with your dog.

Thanks Iain

Lovely eye contact from the dog, Great stuff well done (y)


Liking the play shot, great expression captured. Good job. A bit closely cropped around his head though, I wouldn't have minded a messy background and it could have always been blurred to give a bit of fake DoF

I do have a wider crop will see about posting it
A really nice shot. I really like his expression: he obviously wants you to put your camera down and play with him.
Good old Fudge getting in the 52. Not sure I'm keen on the angle on this but the eye is certainly sharp. What happened to beach pictures from Saturday? I must admit to thinking you'd gone there especially for this theme - spaniels playing on the sands.
Good old Fudge getting in the 52. Not sure I'm keen on the angle on this but the eye is certainly sharp. What happened to beach pictures from Saturday? I must admit to thinking you'd gone there especially for this theme - spaniels playing on the sands.

going on my own with 4 dogs means not enough eyes to watch them and take photos, plus it was windy damp and grey don't think i would have got a fast enough shutter speed for spanners in full flight
What more can be added that already above... nothing, that's a lovey capture of a great looking dog :)

Thanks he is a handsome Dude
Hi, Play, nice and tight, sharp where needed, good catchlight.

Whites on the fur look blown in places.

Lovely dog, though.


Thanks Andy
Awww that's lovely ♥


A really nice shot. I really like his expression: he obviously wants you to put your camera down and play with him.

I was playing with him, what you can't see is my hand just out of shot

for a one handed shot with loopy dog at the end of the other you've done really well (y)

for a one handed shot with loopy dog at the end of the other you've done really well (y)

Thanks Lynne
lovely looking pup and on theme

Thanks Craig
Great eye contact.

Thanks Mark
Lovely image well done (y)

I think this is a great image the dof is good, the framing is brilliant and it is a good take on the theme.

The only thing I would change is just tweaking those shadows on the eye on the right to bring it out of the shadow a little.

Thanks i may try that at a later date
Ok so busy, busy again this week, but i am determined to do this, this time, i am succeeding with my aim in that i am getting my camera out more frequently, anyways back on track i have both my close and bubble photos in one post this week

Close, was a diificult one, but went for close shave,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

week 3 close 2
by jalizcazan, on Flickr

Bubble, something i have been meaning to have a go at for ages, i have a 100mm macro that rarely sees the light of day good excuse for a play

week4 bubble
by jalizcazan, on Flickr
Hi Lizzy.
Thanks for sharing.
Close - good idea. The colours are nice and natural and a nice bit of dof.

Bubble - like this, nice and crisp. I like the blue tones in there.
Close, on them and good detail. WB is off and I'd prefer a nice close up of just eh razor.

Bubbles, on theme but focus looks off. Pity you couldn't get in closer for more detail in the blue part.
