2013 Photo52 Challenge : WEEK 52 Water

DK, sorry if I missed it on the previous pages but what do the colours mean in the spreadsheet?
hehe, my exact actions when I read the new task...

"Season, season..." - puzzled look.. - "Mags" (my wife)


Challenging these aren't they :)
Good luck with week 2 all - now we're up and running properly it's surprising how quickly the weeks will come round.

Nobody will be able to do them all, all the time, just do a few... if we all do a few random ones with a bit of good crit it will be much more useful for all ??

(y) Hats off to anyone who manages to comment on every photo every week - but I know for most (myself included) that it's an impossible task.
My personal feeling is that it's better for each photo to get 4 or 5 pieces of good, solid crit and advice than 90 "nice shot" type comments, so I'm going to try to focus on posting in a different thread each week and pick up any that haven't had much activity rather than trying to get round them all.
Maybe in a couple of months I'll have got around to seeing everyone's thread :LOL:

But please, if anyone feels like their thread has gotten lost then shout up.
There are always so many at the beginning, nobody would deliberately ignore a thread but it's easy for it to slip off the front page.
My personal feeling is that it's better for each photo to get 4 or 5 pieces of good, solid crit and advice than 90 "nice shot" type comments, so I'm going to try to focus on posting in a different thread each week and pick up any that haven't had much activity rather than trying to get round them all.
Maybe in a couple of months I'll have got around to seeing everyone's thread :LOL:
Sounds like a good plan (y)

I will also probably jump in on any 'Special' shots I see while updating the spreasdsheet :)
:clap: to all those that made it to week 2 :D

I know... lost some already :shrug:

being very new to this type of thing I dont feel Im in a position to comment on others attempts (but have looked and read comments on all posted so far ) hopefully in in a few months I may feel confident enough to leave a few
Don't worry if you don't feel confident in technical crit (neither do I), just give your opinion, it is better to leave some feedback somewhere, even if you just like the angle or subject, Even small comments after a few weeks keeps people going (y)
being very new to this type of thing I dont feel Im in a position to comment on others attempts (but have looked and read comments on all posted so far ) hopefully in in a few months I may feel confident enough to leave a few

Hi Craig, you know what you do and don't like. Don't be afraid to jump into any of the threads and say what you see and feel. Your comments don't have to be technical :)
Fingers crossed eh... baggsy the first snow shot :D

There's light snow on Sunday night and heavy snow on Monday morning for where I live according to the Met Office website :p We'll see who gets it first :LOL:

It better stay, I'll be peed off if it just melts!
There's light snow on Sunday night and heavy snow on Monday morning for where I live according to the Met Office website :p We'll see who gets it first :LOL:

It better stay, I'll be peed off if it just melts!
Well if it's Monday it comes here it will have to ba an action shot for me, camera out the window going down the A11 at 85 mph !!!
being very new to this type of thing I dont feel Im in a position to comment on others attempts (but have looked and read comments on all posted so far ) hopefully in in a few months I may feel confident enough to leave a few

Hi, there, don't take this the wrong way, bbbbuutt, what you've said is a bit of a cop out. If you like a photograph, say what about it. Even if its something simple. Trust me, studying a photograph you like and thinking about what you like about it will really help your photography.

On a selfish note, if you don't comment on members posts, you might not get may in return. Quid pro quo, and all that.

Hi, there, don't take this the wrong way, bbbbuutt, what you've said is a bit of a cop out. If you like a photograph, say what about it. Even if its something simple. Trust me, studying a photograph you like and thinking about what you like about it will really help your photography.

On a selfish note, if you don't comment on members posts, you might not get may in return. Quid pro quo, and all that.


Good points Andy. (y) I agree wholeheartedly. Just say what you feel Craig.
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Dang it! Been waiting two weeks to take the next photo, and I end up in hospital the morning it is announced! Suspected appendicitis, so I'll be laid up for a few days :-( Just heading up to a surgical ward now :-(
Dang it! Been waiting two weeks to take the next photo, and I end up in hospital the morning it is announced! Suspected appendicitis, so I'll be laid up for a few days :-( Just heading up to a surgical ward now :-(

Ouch, good luck with that Alan. I hope you've got your camera with you :D
Hi, there, don't take this the wrong way, bbbbuutt, what you've said is a bit of a cop out. If you like a photograph, say what about it. Even if its something simple. Trust me, studying a photograph you like and thinking about what you like about it will really help your photography.

On a selfish note, if you don't comment on members posts, you might not get may in return. Quid pro quo, and all that.


You make some fair points there and thinking about it what is the worst that can happen :):bonk:
Dang it! Been waiting two weeks to take the next photo, and I end up in hospital the morning it is announced! Suspected appendicitis, so I'll be laid up for a few days :-( Just heading up to a surgical ward now :-(
Oh Dear... good luck (y)

Keep your phone handy too, a 'Season' shot could crop up you never know :D
Dark Knight said:
Oh Dear... good luck (y)

Keep your phone handy too, a 'Season' shot could crop up you never know :D

Well apparently it will snow on Monday. Only problem is, the view from the ward is a brick wall! Maybe there will be some inspiration in the ward somewhere!

Bloody hungry though :-( Nil by mouth!
Well apparently it will snow on Monday. Only problem is, the view from the ward is a brick wall! Maybe there will be some inspiration in the ward somewhere!

Bloody hungry though :-( Nil by mouth!
I'm sure they will let you out for a 'Snap' instead of a Smoke :)
Dang it! Been waiting two weeks to take the next photo, and I end up in hospital the morning it is announced! Suspected appendicitis, so I'll be laid up for a few days :-( Just heading up to a surgical ward now :-(

Sorry to hear that mate, hope you're soon on the mend :)
Hi, I've done this a bit back to front - would like to be part of Photo52 Challenge 2013! I managed to set up my own thread and, at long last, to post the first one up... Here's to an interesting year of being creative and learning to take some nice photos! :D
Welcome Sarah :wave:

I'll add you to the spreadsheet as soon as I find your thread... your Entrant no: 100 (y)
Well at home again! Kidney stones plus an infection in the same area made it look like appendicitis (severe pain on right side from stones plus fever, swelling and the "wrong kind of pain for stones" from the infection).

Fingers crossed I can get the camera out!
Well at home again! Kidney stones plus an infection in the same area made it look like appendicitis (severe pain on right side from stones plus fever, swelling and the "wrong kind of pain for stones" from the infection).

Fingers crossed I can get the camera out!
Glad to hear your out at least Alan :)

What, they left it inside you? Could be painful passing that. :D
Take care
Ouchie :LOL:

ok....I need inspiration so......I'll give it a go too :)
Entrant 101... Come on down !!!! - Welcome Sarah (y)
Back in now! Ambulance this morning. No camera, other than my phone :-(

I'll have to get my thinking cap on about seasons in this place... The morphine is helping with that one.....

Hope your sorted quick Alan...GWS mister (y)