52 from Dark Star - 26/52 Night 1 and Night 2

Duo is defined in my Dictionary as: "A Pair of Artistes" - I was tempted to get my son and his best mate as they are in deed P*** Artistes but I plumped for an image representing possibly the best popular musical duo ever: Simon and Garfunkel!

One of the biggest selling albums of all time and what an album!

Not sure on the dof on this one but time is short so here it is in all its vinyl glory :):

I like the take on the theme. Composition is also good (y)
mmm vinyl, do you still listen to it? Since moving I have managed to rediscover my record collection:banana:.

I like the composition and the dof looks good to me, a good interpretation.

Good interpretation, John - and I like your taste in music. :D

There's enough in the shot to hold interest but still remain clean and uncluttered. I like the fact you've included part of the album cover, although the sheet music look too pristine to have ever been played. :) (My copy of this is dog eared, and scribbled on!)

Definitely a top class Duo, imo. :clap:

Thank you Corky, Mark and Jean :)

Thats song been played a bit Jean - mainly guitwr though - vinyl and sheet music probably bought in 1972 or 1973 - although sometimes I think Bookends is the better album :)

And yes Mark my vinyl still gets a hammering :)
Fab, love that song and the duo!!

Good focal point with lots of interest. super!! :clap: :clap:
Excellent composition, I love Paul and Art peeking out of the left of the image.

My only slight crit would be the dust on the vinyl, other than that, superb effort.
Very nice image John, good composition and the DOF works well, and love the song. I have to agree with Hyster on the dust on the grooves though ;).
My turn for a mega catch up John :D

Poverty, what an excellent opportunity seen and taken :clap::clap: great composition.

Up - clean, crisp shot and a good composition, and, as has been said already, upbeat. (y)

Letter - the first thing I thought was 'that board's seen some play :LOL:', the second thing was 'oooh, another Scrabble player (y)' and then - what a great take on the theme, I keep looking at all the different words.

Duo - I downloaded this a few weeks ago as I'd forgotten how much I loved it! Like the DoF and it's a great composition. And, as my husband says, dust, what dust? :LOL:
Thanks Jill for that catch up - I know how long it takes :) Hope you're feeling well!!

Thanks also Marcus, Angela, Shorty, Gary and John!

Dust...hmm I didn't spot it and the set up was out for a good hour before I shot it! So it gathered some I reckon!

That attention to detail eh? A lesson for me! :rules:

However I'll quite happily subscribe to Reg's and Jean's view - "Dust - Its only natural!" :)
Ah, excellent shot. love the composition, and good take on the theme! well done :)
Hi John, I think all your 52s are fab. (y) I have to say though that I especially like the one in 'history'. That is a very special one indeed. :) I'm doing something similar myself on the 52's topic, but it's called 52Q's, an art journally twist, lol. I love the 52's on here. Well done John. :)
James many thanks - I owe your thread a visit!

Beth thanks also - thats very kind of you - is your thread on here?....I shall have a search :)
I love the way Art's eye is peeping over the edge of the vinyl! It's got a great retro feel to this one as if it's straight out of a magazine when this was released! Nicely done indeed!!
Longing.....tricky one this...but I was lucky enough to be staying in the Radisson in Birmingham this week...I looked out the window at about 5:30pm from the 17th floor to see this long queue of traffic...all heading home and it occurred to me then that all those folk that were waiting in the queue, frustrated by the traffic and, perhaps, longing to be home or be where they were going!

Particularly meaningful to me as I've spent the better part of the last 18 months living away from home 3 days a week and that feeling is very familiar :)

So here is my Longing:

He He He... that's a clever shot and a great idea for this weeks theme...:clap:

guess that's one we can all relate to at sometime...:razz:

Yes I like that one John...(y)
Very clever interpretation John, well seen and well captured. :clap:

I've been wondering how you'd interpret this, John. I thought you'd go for something at home you were missing, but this is much cleverer and nicely captured. :clap::clap:

It also illustrates how souless and impersonal being away from home can be, and how mad it is that a lot us us spend hours every single day just travelling to and from work. :thinking:

:clap: excellent shot, well seen, well caught and what a great way to show the theme (y)
Nicely done, there is something quite striking about the contrast between the impersonal cold machines taking the people home and the feelings that go on in the people operating them.

Nice quality as always, good idea. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Good Shot and take again. What made me chuckle was the traffic in the Bus lane!;)
I like the curvyness - and I like the thinking too. I spend a lot of time in traffic longing to be doing something, anything, more interesting. I can definatley relate. Nice work (y)
Yep, the curve is good, pulling the eye through the picture. Its a good interpretation, I can feel my stress levels rising just looking it at it.

well done.
Yet another cracking shot from you John and a moment's inspiration (and great gear and technique :LOL:) is all it takes. Great interpretation and I love the curve. It certainly reminded me of the feeling I had when in the UK a couple of weeks ago and was stuck in traffic on my way to do some serious shopping :D

Nicely done, there is something quite striking about the contrast between the impersonal cold machines taking the people home and the feelings that go on in the people operating them.

Nice quality as always, good idea. :clap:

Thanks Angela :)

Good Shot and take again. What made me chuckle was the traffic in the Bus lane!

Well spotted corky - I never noticed that :)

fantastic composition John and i can totally sympathise with where your coming from.

Thanks Ruth - I drive way too much and too far! :(

I like the curvyness - and I like the thinking too. I spend a lot of time in traffic longing to be doing something, anything, more interesting. I can definatley relate. Nice work

Cheers DS - glad it chimed for you :)

Yep, the curve is good, pulling the eye through the picture. Its a good interpretation, I can feel my stress levels rising just looking it at it.

well done.

Calm down Gary, Calm down :D and thanks :)

Yet another cracking shot from you John and a moment's inspiration (and great gear and technique :LOL:) is all it takes. Great interpretation and I love the curve. It certainly reminded me of the feeling I had when in the UK a couple of weeks ago and was stuck in traffic on my way to do some serious shopping :D

Well the curve has gone down well, many thanks Jill - I think most of us have been there - its always worse at the end of the week as well
Longing! Good work!
Did you consider a mono? wonder if it would make the shot a lot more sombre...? and fitting with the likely emotions of the drivers....

Jeff - thanks - I did think of mono for those same reasons but I quite liked the colours in the traffic queue so I decided against it :)
17 of 52 - Dark

Well I am Dark Star so I thought a self portrait might be different and in mono - unusual for me :)

So here we go - a Dark Dark Star


I'll add lessons tomorrow I think :)
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You've made a fine job of that Sir, I like the catchlights in the eyes, the negative space works well too and the angle of the lighting make for a very sinister shot.

Very well done.
You've made a fine job of that Sir, I like the catchlights in the eyes, the negative space works well too and the angle of the lighting make for a very sinister shot.

Very well done.
:agree: great capture John(y)