weekly CatClick's 52 week challenge - 2022

A good idea - I hadn't even realised the bottle was cracked until I read your description, I just thought it was a "feature".
Nice job, the internal lights work well and I really like the colour-way and background of the whole image.
Well that’s different and it works.
Did you light from the front as well?
That looks great and sounds like a lot of effort! I'm not sure I'd have noticed the crack. The lights inside and the reflection really add to it. Lovely shot.
Ewwww nasty stuff Gin. But nice photo of it :)
The lighting works and creates an interesting reflection. Wondering what kelp flavoured gin tastes like?
Love this image, strong and beautiful with bold lighting. Well done
Very nice. No idea how you did that.
A piece of white perspex at the edge of the table with a glass and a lensball at the edge. Plain white wall a couple of feet behind the table. Long exposure in a dark room and painted with light behind the glass. I've got a cheap torch which is like a mini light sabre only about 6 inches long and can change between red, blue and green - I put strips of black tape along the torch to make it stripy. Hope that helps?
A piece of white perspex at the edge of the table with a glass and a lensball at the edge. Plain white wall a couple of feet behind the table. Long exposure in a dark room and painted with light behind the glass. I've got a cheap torch which is like a mini light sabre only about 6 inches long and can change between red, blue and green - I put strips of black tape along the torch to make it stripy. Hope that helps?
Thanks for explaining.
You know Cobra's theme next week is probably going to be 'abstract' knowing him, just to catch you out and make you do it again. I like it a lot, it would decorate a modern home a treat as a wall hanging.
Oooooh nice one.
really nicely done. The colours and abstract style really work well and it's lit really well.
Really nice image ... well done.
I REALLY like this shot. Getting the glass, the ball and the base material spotless must have been a challenge!
Really effective and imaginative
I REALLY like this shot. Getting the glass, the ball and the base material spotless must have been a challenge!
Really nice image ... well done.
really nicely done. The colours and abstract style really work well and it's lit really well.
Oooooh nice one.
You know Cobra's theme next week is probably going to be 'abstract' knowing him, just to catch you out and make you do it again. I like it a lot, it would decorate a modern home a treat as a wall hanging.
That's very nice Catherine. (y)
Fun image Catherine, I like it a lot. Well done.
That's a really impressive image.
Superb! Really nicely executed!
Thank you everyone, I wasn't sure how it would land. Something completely new to me, so many variations to explore with it, so if Cobra does come up with "abstract" - bring it on! :)
Great abstract image, you are certainly adding to your skills with the challenges.
That's a really pleasing image to look at. Nicely done!
Great lighting and a a great concept. You must have patience to set this up.
How lucky was that? Camera club outing on Saturday, was to Edinburgh - thank you @Cobra ! :ty:
Mind reading a specialist at no extra cost :D