weekly Clives TP 52 Week 52: Celebrate

Hi Clive that's a smashing shot of the bridge for Big, I agree with Tim maybe a slight crop on the left, it looks brilliant against the gorgeous blue sky.
Very well done with After, I fancy some of that on my house, love the red postbox, a perfect choice for the theme.
You don't get much more Alien than that ....well spotted.
Definitely #1 for liquid, the spray looks amazing, very well captured.
Hi Clive,
I think you may have got the colour balance wrong for alien, he's come out 18% grey ;)
Good spot.

Liquid - Nice and stormy, I think #3 does it best for me, just the right side of over exposed accentuating the light.
I'm a bit behind with your themes but A, your house is a treat and a perfect After, B love the sea and splashes, just love all things sea, C Alien, spot on with that one and Cracked, that one spot on. Great photos all round.(y)
Ghosssst train, very fitting Clive :)
Hi Clive.
Cracked - Loving the "Smile you're on CCTV" sticker, it evidently didn't work !
Not sure if the flowers at the bottom are adding to the image, but presumably you've tried different crops and are happiest with this one.
Spooky - Hehe, nice one.
Like your image for Cracked Clive certainly fits the theme.

Your Ghost Train fits the theme
Great photo for cracked, obviously the "Smile! You're on CCTV" sticked didn't deter anyone... Works well in B&W and I like the flowers in the foreground.

Spooky is right on theme and quite cheesy, which is what Halloween is all about.
Both good submissions for their respective themes Clive. I like the inclusion of the flowers in the fg for Cracked as their presence gives dimension, making the broken glass the filler in the sandwich between indoor and out. :clap:
Hi Clive.
Pose - Love the concept of your shoehorn :) Not so keen on the colours though. The statue looks like it should be black, yet it's a blue hue. I could be completely wrong and it is true to life, but it doesn't work for me.
News - On theme, but again, it doesn't quite work for me. If you were going for a close up, then the thumb... And maybe getting the paper flat, on the other hand, if you were going for a 'reading the news' shot, I would have liked to see the reader too.
Both on theme Clive. Tend to agree with Tim regarding News - perhaps an over-the-shoulder type shot at the paper?!?
Nice find for Pose Clive

Nice idea for News but like Tim it doesn't quite work for me.
Fabulous statue for Pose but he looks a bit lost in all the foliage, a tweak on the contrast may brig him out a bit, but I love the choice.

News ...well it fits the topic alright ...a week that will certainly go down in history.

:agree: ... yet but still good detail in that statue.
Week 47 Young

Maybe a bit of a shoe horn....

Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavavaria, built at the command of the young King Ludwig 2nd of Bavaria, aka The Swan King, The Mad King, The Dream King and the Boy King. Influenced by his love of Wagner he spent Bavarias wealth on castles.
This one is pretty special!
Week 47 Young.jpg
Nice catch up, like the lateral thinking for young,
We bumped into similar masky people when we were in France for the Joan of ark festival, oooooo so scary.....
Got to love father christmas being arranged.
Great catch up Clive.
I like the idea behind young, and a nice bit of landscape photography. I think the castle is leaning slightly to the left and the whole image could do with a little de-fogging, but all in all it is a great idea.
Scary photo for culture, I like it. And fortunately there's a Glühwein Hütte right behind that scary man... :)
Nice find for arranged, good light and I like it that they all have a price tag in their hair.
Love the fairy tale castle - as @brrnd says, it is leaning just a tad. Ah! Cultura; of course - is it not the land of trolls ... and Count Drac. Excellent choice for the theme and great colour and drama. Well can I say about Arranged - lovely seasonal shot (hoping he visits me this year)
Hi Clive,

Young - I'd like to see stronger blacks in the image, but the grey blacks are in keeping with a misty / cloudy day, so I'll shut up :)

Cultural - Love it, perfectly on theme :) I doubt it would have been possible, but if you could somehow have got a shallower DoF to isolate him from the busy background, I think he would have had more impact.

Arranged - And not a Krampus in sight. Shame ;)
Lovely image for Young Clive the mist/fog really adds to the atmosphere for me.

Culture - now thats a bit scary! great image well seen and some nice details

Arranged nice festive image