weekly Gary’s 52 for 23 Week 52 - Favourite of the year

around the house
currently confined to barracks with a nasty dose of norovirus, its really not very nice

week 6 - Knobs.jpg
Get well soon, Gary.

Nicely captured knob but what is it?
it is the spindle of the other half's button making press
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Nicely knobbish!
Interesting piece. Shallow DOF used well to make a potentially distracting background into a nice complimentary feature.
Says it all

Yep - plenty of letters in there!
That's a good take on the theme and, as said, nice to see a bureau in use. I've gone so paperless I hardly see our postie these days!
In the park, in the kitchen

Nice one - I may have something similar in the pipeline :)
Great spot. I cannot think why that would be there! Certainly wouldn't want to cook in it.
week 9 - Broken and tech black and white.jpg
That there be f&&ked! Good find for the theme.
Last edited:
definately broken, no engine and propshaft hanging down. Easy fix for someone with the right tools :D
Definitely fits the theme, could use the same picture if "missing" comes up as a theme
Full (Bucket)

Interesting shot - raises a few things to wonder about.
That looks familiar.. mine is full of bird feeders that need cleaning though!
That looks familiar.. mine is full of bird feeders that need cleaning though!
It belongs to the window cleaner who was painting the soffits 3 years ago, he never finished, we haven’t seen him since
guess he’s not missing his bucket!!
Bridge over the Irwell

Catching up:
Full: Good eye Gary, fits the theme well
Patterns: Another one the fits well with the theme, Good use of leading lines.
On the ELR close to Ramsbottom
