iPhone 5S/C and iOS7

Already down to 'about an hour' so things are looking up.
I found, steer clear of safari and use chrome

grey colour keyboard and contrast also the tabs work better.

Found a design flaw, annoying the way I keep "snagging" that pull up menu from the bottom whenever I scroll up a page. Unless there is a way to disable that?

EDIT: Just found that option.
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Found a design flaw, annoying the way I keep "snagging" that pull up menu from the bottom whenever I scroll up a page. Unless there is a way to disable that?
Yes. Its in the general settings I think. You can turn it off so that you can only get at it from the home screen.

Did have issues with app closing to begin with but it seems ok now.
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Found a design flaw, annoying the way I keep "snagging" that pull up menu from the bottom whenever I scroll up a page. Unless there is a way to disable that?

EDIT: Just found that option.
I used to do that with the scroll down, now in the habit of just using the middle of the screen to scroll, I keep away from all screen edges
interestingly, the new iOS 7 keyboard does not appear to be standard across all applications. I have several "old" apps on there that I've not updated yet, and they use the old iOS 6 keyboard.
Is there a shortcut to the notification centre that can be reached from home screen not lock screen? I have an auto sleep wake case so I don't see the lock screen without having to access it with 2 buttons . . .i used to just swipe up top middle. Now I get that search I never use that used to be left most and out of the way.

It's function stacked now. Sometimes I get the search and sometimes the notifications. Ugh. Have to be more careful about where to swipe.
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It took over an hour to activate, now just waiting for my back up to restore.
interestingly, the new iOS 7 keyboard does not appear to be standard across all applications. I have several "old" apps on there that I've not updated yet, and they use the old iOS 6 keyboard.
Yeah, same here. I assume they need to hook into it via an app update.

It took over an hour to activate, now just waiting for my back up to restore.
Did you wipe your phone? I upgraded (and forgot to back up, although most of my data is stored in the cloud anyway) and everything is as it was. :)
Is there a shortcut to the notification centre that can be reached from home screen not lock screen? I have an auto sleep wake case so I don't see the lock screen without having to access it with 2 buttons . . .i used to just swipe up top middle. Now I get that search I never use that used to be left most and out of the way.

It's function stacked now. Sometimes I get the search and sometimes the notifications. Ugh. Have to be more careful about where to swipe.

The easy way to sort that is to swipe down the middle if you want search. swipe from the top for notifications. Personally I like search no longer having its own page - imo it was really inefficient use of space.

In terms of updating my iPad mini is still having none of it, update is downloaded but refuses to verify.

Edit: ooh, the iPad has just rebooted. Almost there...
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Yeah, same here. I assume they need to hook into it via an app update.

Did you wipe your phone? I upgraded (and forgot to back up, although most of my data is stored in the cloud anyway) and everything is as it was. :)

I did, I thought being such a big change it was better to start afresh.

I backed up and then did a shift restore to update after downloading the .ipa.

That was the easy part, I had all my problems waiting for the activation.

Just running the restore of the back up now to restore apps.
Well, I said I wasn't going to upgrade to iOS7 until the weekend but the phone was connected to the mac on charge anyway so I gave it a go. Took 2 hours to download but only 15 minutes to update and all seems hunky dory. (y)
The easy way to sort that is to swipe down the middle if you want search. swipe from the top for notifications. Personally I like search no longer having its own page - imo it was really inefficient use of space.

In terms of updating my iPad mini is still having none of it, update is downloaded but refuses to verify.

Edit: ooh, the iPad has just rebooted. Almost there...

I never use the search. I'd rather switch it off and have notifications come up all the time.

I'm really hoping ios7 is readable on a retina display. I think I had issues with the mini being eyeball swivelling on ios6 when I first had it. Never had the boss eyed feeling with the iphone even when reading minuscule text.
I never use the search. I'd rather switch it off and have notifications come up all the time.

I'm really hoping ios7 is readable on a retina display. I think I had issues with the mini being eyeball swivelling on ios6 when I first had it. Never had the boss eyed feeling with the iphone even when reading minuscule text.

just finished installing on my iPad mini.

Definitely not as good on a non-retina display - notably crisper looking on the iPhone, but other than that I've not had problems reading text.

The parallax effect is nowhere near as good as I'd hoped it would be, but that might just be because the mini is slow by today's standards.

My mini also thinks its 4.45pm..

EDIT: one final thing before I go, iPhone sized apps on the iPad now appear to run in better quality. I can only guess the iPad is now using retina artwork bundled in the app instead of the artwork designed for the non retina. The net result of this is iPhone apps such as met office don't look all pixelated on the iPad. Pretty sensible move actually.
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Anybody else having issues with charging ??

The cable I have ALWAYS used is now 'Not Certified' god damn it !!!!

If apple made one that was more than 2cm long i'd buy the bloody thing :bat:

nope, but then i only use official leads/chargers.

can you not just get a usb extension and use the official charger? might be a change to the power requirements or something daft.
I detest the stupid "favorites" bar, I want my editable bookmarks bar back.
It would seem ITunes Radio is only available to the US. That's one of the major things I was looking forward to. 4rse!!
Have to say im not that impressed with it, could be the last time i have an iPhone and may make the move to Samsung for the next device
Will I lose any settings on iPad when I update to 7?
SHMBO will kill me if something goes missing from her beloved pad....she is still on 5:)
It would seem ITunes Radio is only available to the US. That's one of the major things I was looking forward to. 4rse!!

yeah US only at the moment, UK coming later. unless you register a US iTunes account :)

Will I lose any settings on iPad when I update to 7?
SHMBO will kill me if something goes missing from her beloved pad....she is still on 5:)

shouldnt do but then you should backup first.
No radio
Stupid photo booth
Crap favorites bar
Very laggy at certain things

Researching how to downgrade to 6.3
No radio
Stupid photo booth
Crap favorites bar
Very laggy at certain things

Researching how to downgrade to 6.3

it was always said that Radio was US first, UK later. if you REALLY want it sign up a US iTunes account. Simples.

dont have to use photo booth.

whats wrong with the favs?

got a bit of lag to start on the ipad2, the 4s is much slicker.
The favs can't be edited, I stupidly enable iCloud to work with safari and it pulled in lots of very old favs I no longer want. I just can't get rid of them from the favs bar.
Saw the notification this morning and choose to install it. All done in perhaps 15 mins (y)
What's the issue people have with the bookmarks? I still see what I had before.

It would seem ITunes Radio is only available to the US. That's one of the major things I was looking forward to. 4rse!!
Yeah, I desperately want to see what this is like. :(
What's the issue people have with the bookmarks? I still see what I had before.

Yeah, I desperately want to see what this is like. :(

Try to add or delete from the "bookmark bar" you'll see my issue then :bang:

I have found how to reorder them, giving me a part workaround to how I want them shown.

Open a new tab, then press and hold the tile and you can then reorder.

On the old bookmarks bar I had created folders too, this can not be done any more, nor can you add a new favourite to the bar. Safari has taken a huge backward step IMHO, as the user can't decide totally what they want on the bar

Edit, you can add folders to the favourite list
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I like it on my ipad and iphone. Simple, neat look and all the apple elements now match. I hated the faux book etc looks of ios 6.
The thing I miss the most is the lack of lines in the notes app. It used to look like lined paper so everything was easy to read. Some numpty has left the icon with lines and taken them out of the app! Can't read things in it easily now. I'm going to have to go into every single note and double space them all just to be able to read what I had written before. So stupid.
The thing I miss the most is the lack of lines in the notes app. It used to look like lined paper so everything was easy to read. Some numpty has left the icon with lines and taken them out of the app! Can't read things in it easily now. I'm going to have to go into every single note and double space them all just to be able to read what I had written before. So stupid.

Ah yes, that'll be Jony Ive and his move away from skeuomorphic design.

Except he's taken it away from where it's actually needed and added it to where it's not :bang:
Also now the search has moved, I can't understand why they don't allow you to swipe between screens as in android, when I swipe right to my last screen I want to swipe right to my first again, not have to keep going left through all my screens again.
Ah yes, that'll be Jony Ive and his move away from skeuomorphic design.

Except he's taken it away from where it's actually needed and added it to where it's not :bang:

Has he got an email address? I wish to make a complaint!
If you are having a laggy home button like i did and various others

i found the fix.

Settings > General > Accessibility options > accessibility short cut > TURN THIS OFF

This turns off the triple click shortcut for various options, i assume the lag is introduced as it waits to see if you click the home button more times.

When this is off the home screen appears as soon as you click the button, instead of the half > 1 second lag before.