weekly Jin's 52 Week Challenge for 2014 - Week 5: Smoke (although a bit late)

Interesting shot for the theme. My OCD suggests to give it a slight CW rotation just to even it up on each side but other than that I like the way the red makeup and blue eyes stand out against the rest of the white makeup
Interesting shot for the theme. My OCD suggests to give it a slight CW rotation just to even it up on each side but other than that I like the way the red makeup and blue eyes stand out against the rest of the white makeup

Thats quite interesting, I was going to photoshop the symmetry in there after noticing the eyebrows but there is a reason why the rotation is like so. The models eyes are ever so slightly wonky so I straightened the image to the eyes thinking that that would be slightly less noticeable. Maybe the key would have been to adjust both to achieve perfect symmetry.

was a little perturbed by your 1st line of text in your close shot ..."well screw you all !" :thinking:

As for the Close shot...got me thinking about Batman movies , the Joker .....love the catch lights , the make-up , the sharpness of the eye's , the imperfect symetry of the eye's....could see this as a book or DVD cover....(y)

was a little perturbed by your 1st line of text in your close shot ..."well screw you all !" :thinking:

As for the Close shot...got me thinking about Batman movies , the Joker .....love the catch lights , the make-up , the sharpness of the eye's , the imperfect symetry of the eye's....could see this as a book or DVD cover....(y)

Thanks for your comments. I got quite popular with this one on 500px.com and it has become my favourite shot of all time.

My text is more for me than for the community. I plan to turn this 52 week into a photo book for myself to reflect on after this year is over and the text are just so I can look back on each photo.
Week 5 - Smoke

WHOOOAAAAAAA!!!!!! Almost fell of the wagon there, so I am behind, weeks behind but I won't let myself down. This was always my plan for this shot, though it is not the most original of ideas I do think it is shot a lot better than most of the other similar images I have seen.

I was gelling my flash gun with a Rossco e-colour #19 fire gel Rossco and Lee do a sample swatchbook of all their gels. They are free and more importantly the samples are just large enough to fit over a Canon 480EX. Now with the Nikon equivalent the flashgun gets a bit warm and often causes the gel to melt however the Lee range has a high heat filter sample which when combined with the other gels solves this issue when fired at full power.

So lets break this shot down, the background is black poster roll, don't use it, it's s***. No seriously. If you give this thing a hard stare it will cause creases. The base is a glass oven tray turned upside down, not only does it provide a reflection but it prevented me from setting fire to my garage which is the biggest benefit. Behind the chilli is a nail this is placed to ensure the chilli stays standing. Using a syringe (from my dragon chasing days) I made a few holes along the top length of the chilli and squeezed in about 10 ml of Isopropyl Alcohol (Amazon.co.uk). This is one of those shots where an assistant is useful if you have one because this accelerant does not last long, so you are constantly squirting more and more fuel to get your shot.

For the smoke, I won't bore you. Use google.

Shot with a Canon 5D MKii using a Canon EF 70-200mm f/4 @ 200mm 1/50 secs f/4 ISO: 100
Post Processing: Composition and balancing between 3 shots (2 chilli-fire, 1 smoke), Hue adjustment on smoke, slight crop, curves adjustment on ember.

Review: Pay attention to background spill from side lighting spill only makes life harder in post, take more time in post to ensure a natural shot.
Great shot and like the idea with the chilli, I'd like to see the smoke a bit clearer as that is he theme but having struggled to get any smoke in mine I'll not say too much (y)

ps you need to put a link in the pictures only thread with your pic that links back to here so its easier for everyone to comment ;)