Justlooking's 52 for 2010 - week 52 together - page 18

i'm another not really keen on street photography, feel far to self conscious.. anyway, nice to see behind the scenes as mentioned and bang on theme!
Great chemistry shots the three photographs work very well and the layout looks really good.
Good candid shot - as well as capturing the stall holder it also captures a wet day market scene.

thank you

Well done for getting out of your comfort zone to take the candid photo. It fits the theme well.

Alot of us felt out our comfort zone on this one m8, well done for getting the shot

Well done for getting out there and doing it.
Was it something you enjoyed and do you think you'll be doing it again?

I've tried it a couple of times but TBH it just left me feeling a bit flat. I didn't get much of a buzz from doing it, I started to get irritated by the number of people who wanted to stop for a chat and the end results didn't excite me much either.
I keep thinking I must be missing something, because so many people rave about street togging - so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it.

Thanks all. Sarah as for Street photography ... nope it's not something I will be doing again in a hurry anyway...... candid can't appear twice can it :puke:

Well done for getting ut there and doing it anyway. I like the result - it's got colour and interest and has that 'behind the scenes' element that I, for one, wouldn't have thought about. :)


thnaks Jean

But you've done it, and you've given us a different angle that we don't normally see. (y)

Well done for getting out there and getting the shot, it works very nicely and is on theme.

i'm another not really keen on street photography, feel far to self conscious.. anyway, nice to see behind the scenes as mentioned and bang on theme!

thanks all - seems quite a number of were out of our comfort zone this week ! I guess that's part of the idea of the 52 so well done to all the others who were out there being uncomfortable :D
Well done for making the effort and getting the shot - I think a lot of us found it hard to do. You have captured a very nice behind-the-scenes picture of daily life, the sort of image that is so fascinating to later generations. (y)
I like the collage effect for Chemstry. It works really well and is different from the other tryptich's I saw for that week.

I also like the lines and composition for Candid. Shame it's the back of the chap, but overall, it works really well. A view we don't often see.

I like it!

I reckon you've managed 2 in 1 there. That will fit this weeks theme as well.

I did think I should get the front of the stall for this week but chickened out !

Well done for making the effort and getting the shot - I think a lot of us found it hard to do. You have captured a very nice behind-the-scenes picture of daily life, the sort of image that is so fascinating to later generations. (y)

Thanks Tracer

I like the collage effect for Chemstry. It works really well and is different from the other tryptich's I saw for that week.

I also like the lines and composition for Candid. Shame it's the back of the chap, but overall, it works really well. A view we don't often see.

I like it!


Ian - glad you like the Chemistry cake. I wasnt brave enough to go round the front of the stall !
Mmmmm, hot cross bun loveliness. Shame they weren't toasted with butter dripping down the side. God, I'm making myself hungry now!
Mmmmm, hot cross bun loveliness. Shame they weren't toasted with butter dripping down the side. God, I'm making myself hungry now!


It would just make the shot even more inviting...<stomach rumbles>

Just off to have some lunch!
As Dean mentions, hot from the oven with butter melting over them would have made them even more tempting than you already have..... like an M&S advert.

The shot is nicely lit and the eggs add a nice bit of colour.

Well done, Dan
Well shot - nice lighting and I like the touch of the coloured eggs.

But it is cruelty to post such an appetising picture!!
Ooooh that's a real "hungry making" produce shot !

It's a lovely sharp image with some nice detail.
I particularly like the different contrasts between the buns, the butter and the eggs.
Not sure if the crop's a little too tight for me, but overall it works very well.

I'm now contemplating going to toast a Hot Cross bun!
Cracking produce shot - nice & close for real impact!

Yummy... And we don't have any...

on theme, and just the right time of year too... well done
Mmmmm, hot cross bun loveliness. Shame they weren't toasted with butter dripping down the side. God, I'm making myself hungry now!


It would just make the shot even more inviting...<stomach rumbles>

Just off to have some lunch!

I did think about dripping butter but it takes me so long to get a picture I am 1/2 happy with the bun would have been a soggy mess ! :bonk:

I really like this one. A good take on the theme and actually making my mouth water.


thanks Jenny

Very appropriate and a good take on the theme

Thank you

As Dean mentions, hot from the oven with butter melting over them would have made them even more tempting than you already have..... like an M&S advert.

The shot is nicely lit and the eggs add a nice bit of colour.

Well done, Dan

thanks Dan

Well shot - nice lighting and I like the touch of the coloured eggs.

But it is cruelty to post such an appetising picture!!

I agree! I could eat those buns right now. :D


very good produce shot m8

Ooooh that's a real "hungry making" produce shot !

It's a lovely sharp image with some nice detail.
I particularly like the different contrasts between the buns, the butter and the eggs.
Not sure if the crop's a little too tight for me, but overall it works very well.

I'm now contemplating going to toast a Hot Cross bun!

Cracking produce shot - nice & close for real impact!


Yummy... And we don't have any...

on theme, and just the right time of year too... well done

mmmmmm.... hot cross buns AND mini eggs?

perfection ;)

Sounds like I may have increased the sales of Hot Cross Buns !! :D
Week 13 Quad .. ok so quad = 4. So here are 4 images each a quadrilateral with 4 different treatments in a big quadrilateral.

Really like this - the colours changes are really subtle and effective and I am bound to say a great take on the theme :) - have just posted a similar one (not flowers though). Great minds think alike :LOL:
good idea (Only saying that as it's what I posted the other day) :LOL:

speaking form 30 mins of trial and error, I think it works best with four similar but slightly different images of similar ISO / f no etc etc......

Therefore, echo the other comments that 3 sharp and 1 blurred makes it off balanced.

If I am going to be picky (which obviously I now am) the four small pics need to be identically sized and aligned perfectly. The borders should also be of uniform thickness. (For me, quad, and the need for identical sizing would also therefore automatically mean everything square.)

Don't know what software you have but Elements / CS3 you can use rulers / gridlines and set "Snap to grid" to ensure this happens.
It's a good idea but I tend to agree with Lynton's comments. It has lots of potential though, and worth having another go at if you have time.
thanks for the comments .. here is another attempt which hopefully won't make your eyes go funny !

Ooh, this is nice. At first the 3rd flower kept putting me off but now I've worked out whats goine on (left to right top to bottom) I don't find it so distracting. It's very clever, square crops in a square frame, I really like the frame colour too, nice to see something other than black or white.
Hmmmm Dean talking about toasted hot cross buns, would have preferred the buns on their own.

The first quad shot works better for me, it was an idea I had but decided against as I'm not too big a fan of sat infront of my laptop doing PP stuff.
Ah, that second one is much better, the blurred one and the oddly coloured one didn't quite fit right.
I love the concept of this JL. The Gerbera is crisp and clean (apart from bottom right on the first one. For some reason I can't quite fathom, the green borders look great (The obvious choices would be neutral (black etc) or a shade to tone with the flowers).

I suppose this is what the 52 is all about. Somebody (you in this case!) comes up with a great idea and then other people come along and add their twopenn-orth (me in this case!) and it's not criticism in any negative way, but more that you've triggered ideas. :)

So, I really, really do like the second version of this, and my favourite it the top right colour. The idea you've triggered, is to have four different levels of desaturation, but still keeping colour in all of them. Flowers fade naturally, and I think representing that in a quad would look cool. Sorry to ramble! :)

It's funny when I looked at the first one it was the selectively coloured one that looked a little out of place more then the blurred one but now you have changed the 4th one too b&w it fits much better! Excellent idea and I like the result :)
Ooh, this is nice. At first the 3rd flower kept putting me off but now I've worked out whats goine on (left to right top to bottom) I don't find it so distracting. It's very clever, square crops in a square frame, I really like the frame colour too, nice to see something other than black or white.

Glad you like it.

Hmmmm Dean talking about toasted hot cross buns, would have preferred the buns on their own.

The first quad shot works better for me, it was an idea I had but decided against as I'm not too big a fan of sat infront of my laptop doing PP stuff.

PP ... well I only used Picasa and apart from cropping to be square the PP consisted of pressing one button for each image. :D

Ah, that second one is much better, the blurred one and the oddly coloured one didn't quite fit right.

thank you.

I love the concept of this JL. The Gerbera is crisp and clean (apart from bottom right on the first one. For some reason I can't quite fathom, the green borders look great (The obvious choices would be neutral (black etc) or a shade to tone with the flowers).

I suppose this is what the 52 is all about. Somebody (you in this case!) comes up with a great idea and then other people come along and add their twopenn-orth (me in this case!) and it's not criticism in any negative way, but more that you've triggered ideas. :)

So, I really, really do like the second version of this, and my favourite it the top right colour. The idea you've triggered, is to have four different levels of desaturation, but still keeping colour in all of them. Flowers fade naturally, and I think representing that in a quad would look cool. Sorry to ramble! :)


ramble away ! it makes it sound as if I had a plan for the images :LOL:

It's funny when I looked at the first one it was the selectively coloured one that looked a little out of place more then the blurred one but now you have changed the 4th one too b&w it fits much better! Excellent idea and I like the result :)

Thank you
the second one is miles better for me.. like the graduation of colours fading to mono.. agree the frame colour is nice too, works well on this - great interpretation of the theme
Week 14 Shoot

not really happy with either of these... cheating posting 2 !

#1 the idea was point and .... shoot. wanted to try and get the image on the camera screen but it was very sunny and I failed.

#2 this one is me shooting me ! Taken outside the Fitswilliam museum in Cambridge.

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#2 is great. Just a suggestion, how about a closer crop to lose the grass surrounding the ball ?
#2 is very creative. I wouldn't crop it, I think it is fine as is, gives it some perspective that one can see exactly what it is. Well done. Iain