weekly Marsha's photo 52 2012 is complete. NSF Dieters!

Cheers Mandy

Blank_Canvas said:
It looks an effortless image but but looking beyond the surface I would imagine you spent a considerable amount of time on.

I spent about an hour taking the photos, as it was so bright I had to keep coming inside to check the exposure! This was part of the second batch (the first lot were too dark) but the sun had moved, fairies were glaring and needed moving! Then I had to try and add bubbles, that never went where you wanted, shooting in rapid bursts to catch the bubbles so I think I took 80 shots!

The PP took over an hour as I did two shots (I didn't like the other one in the end) Clone stamp worked on the cotton, adding a few choice bubbles was relatively easy!

I am loads better today thank you. My codeine abuse is easing with the pain!

Thank you Darren. Now I'm on the mend I will have to rejoin the work force next week and actually start at my new unit (I was posted two weeks ago, not turned up yet!) That includes an hour commute each way so my photography time may suffer:razz: I hope I can still produce some pleasing shots.
Right just playing catchup to get up to date now I've posted my Shiny late :( and still need to shoot my "magical".

Shiny - Lovely colourful shot, great composition and good lighting, using the reflectors really helped too.

Magical - I like the bubbles and even the butterflies but those fairies are too "cartoony" for me.
Works well for me you have set this up just about right except the front fairy it looks like a cut out (which it is)but the other one does not,
Bubbles and butterflies work really good with the green leaves and the lighting is not too harsh at all.
I like this Marsha :)
The bubbles add a certain depth to the photograph, you've handled the pp work well too. I like the bright vibrant colours in the image, they go nicely against the darker background.
Good work all round in spite of your reluctant models and props man :LOL:
Donnie said:
I like the bubbles and even the butterflies but those fairies are too "cartoony" for me.
Alas they're the only fairies I had to hand!

Trevor the light started quite soft, but within an hour it was getting too bright so I had to call it a day.
Hi ya :wave:

lovely shot & great idea for Magical...your PP skills are soooo much better than mine :crying: Great colors in the foliage, lighting looks spot on & love the addition of the bubbles :clap:
Thanks Lynne, I spend a LOT of time on Google learning about photoshop! I've just discovered the joy of using masks! I just wish it was something I 'knew' how to do and not luck:bonk: I really need to do a course!

Talking of which, was you that did the macro course? What company did you use? My attempt at flowers this morning makes me realise I need to get my butt booked on one!

Thanks Sarah, Fairies do seem to be a bit difficult to come by!

Oh Andy, I tried to make my fairies look 'ghostly. They ended up looking underexposed more than anything:bonk:
Shiny – I like the way the needles take the eye across and then up the photo

Magical - Nicely on theme. The bubbles really add to the overall impact
despite all the time you spent on PP I really can't tell that you've done any lol, which means you've done a very good job, yay :clap:
A real girlie effort there Marsha ... pink and sparkly :exit:
Well focused and exposed (y)
Well I rejoined the work force this week and started at a new job so have been busy training and commuting, it's seriously interfering with my photography :thumbsdown:

I took two of these on Saturday whilst visiting Windsor castle but I've just been too tired to get on the PC! I took the middle shot today.

I gave up dairy for a year so hardly touched this stuff, well now I have a few tubs in the freezer to make up for lost time.! Apparently my kids love it too! 1 & 3 were taken inside in the Ben and Jerry's shop, yum!

Shot 1: F4, 1/125 sec, ISO 400, 50mm.
Shot 2: F4, 1/320 sec, ISO 400, 155mm.
Shot 3: F2.8, 1/400 sec, ISO 400, 43mm.

I resized and combined in photoshop on a black border then added the white frame and writing.

But I couldn't leave it there, this is just to show my gluttony!!!

I have mentioned a few times about my choccie problem and my huge stash, well here is todays hoard:

F11, 5 sec, ISO 800, 28mm. Taken late in the evening using natural light and a reflector to highlight the front area.

I blackened the background in PP, it is otherwise as shot.

In case anyone is wondering the hat box on the left contains a delicious Hotel Chocolat Easter egg all for me:naughty:
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Hi, and nice one (job and photographs :D).

#1 for me...Ben and Jerry's is sssoooo nice....but very expensive :crying:

Your daughter look very interested in the ice cream....:bat: the middle one looks a bit warm to me.

2....well thanks....I have NO chocolate in the house... It's a bit let down by the PPd black BG - edges look a bit rushed.

Your daughter look very interested in the ice cream....:bat: the middle one looks a bit warm to me.

She was totally engrossed! But too tired to finish it and that's saying a lot for her!

Dam I missed the warmth on that middle shot, edited version to follow!

2....well thanks....I have NO chocolate in the house... It's a bit let down by the PPd black BG - edges look a bit rushed.
I would say I'd share some, but even my husband doesn't get a bite!

Yup, it was totally rushed, more to show my gluttony than anything!

number 1 for me, the lighting is a little cool and flat on number 2 I think?

But 1 is a great montage but the ice cream on the right pane's a little dark.

Number two was rushed, number one is my proper vice shot. Yes the one on the right is a little dark but I can't really lighten it much more without making it look odd, and the ice-cream was quite a murky colour though!

Thank you both for your comments.
manda said:
Hope the new job is going well! Your daughter looks a cutie! I like you trypitch - always a fav of mine, Mandy

Thanks, it's my first tryptych. I've not used those borders you told me about yet but I've got them ready.

The new job will be VERY boring which is what I'm counting on. Plenty of time to read my photography books and go on the Internet to keep up here! But for a few weeks I'm training and getting used to the commute! So my time and ability are being tested while I'm so tired!

I apologise if I've not visited anyone's threads yet, I'm getting there slowly!!
What a shame work is getting in the way of your photography. Your are not taking your '52' seriously are you...... LOL

'Vice'- No 1 for me. I really like the set surmounted by the black border, really nice lighting too. nice work !
Blank_Canvas said:
What a shame work is getting in the way of your photography. Your are not taking your '52' seriously are you...... LOL
I know, it's bloody rude! How dare the RAF post me and expect me to do stuff in my own time too? Thankfully when I go on shift life will be much easier!

Cheers Darren.
Hi Marsha
Your triptych is the clear winner for this weeks theme IMHO.
The edit is just perfect, it could easily be an advert for Ben&Jerrys!
The look on your Little un's face is great too, eating that much ice cream must take some concentration :LOL:
On a side note, this is certainly on theme but vice seems such a harsh word when connected to your photograph with your lovely little model and the soft colour tones. Thats a bit random, but just my thoughts.
Good work all round. Iain
Good composition on Shiny with the OOF adding lots to the image. The fairies seem to be popping up a lot this week but bang on theme. The edit of Vice triptych really makes the shot pop. Trouble is it has made me feel hungry.
Hi Marsha

Magical - good shot. Good technique. I like the variety in the pic, partic the colours, and the bubbles are excellent Really good how they vary in their focus and the reflections in them.

Vice - Use of tryptych is imaginative and I like the composition. However i agree with Iain (Blakester) that you lovely daughter eating her ice cream is not really bang on theme. But she takes a lovely pic.
LOL Marsha, Choc and ice cream.....the same vices as my better half!

I like the storybard idea.....perhaps en extension of that to start out with for example, the menu, arrival of the goodies, portraits of the enjoyment of eating it, empty tubs afterwards and of cousre a very satisfied look on your little girl.

Your hoard of choc pic could sell those products in a magazine!!
Very classy shot with the blackened background.
blakester said:
Hi Marsha
Your triptych is the clear winner for this weeks theme IMHO.
The edit is just perfect, it could easily be an advert for Ben&Jerrys!
The look on your Little un's face is great too, eating that much ice cream must take some concentration :LOL:

Thank you for the very kind words, it's much appreciated!

blakester said:
On a side note, this is certainly on theme but vice seems such a harsh word when connected to your photograph with your lovely little model and the soft colour tones. Thats a bit random, but just my thoughts.

superpippo said:
However i agree with Iain (Blakester) that you lovely daughter eating her ice cream is not really bang on theme.

As much as I love my daughter she really can be a total demon! She got this massive ice cream for actually being good for once. But she's such a spirited little miss independent she's rarely angelic! I have a photo of her 'smiling' for the camera, I'll have to post it it may fit the theme better!

fazer said:
Trouble is it has made me feel hungry.

Nom nom, the tub on the right was my lunch that day, it was HUGE!

superpippo said:
But she takes a lovely pic.

Thank you. she's a nightmare to photograph as she runs away or looks possessed:bonk:

Thanks Asha. I wish I'd had the triptytch in mind when I was in shop or I may have taken more structured shots!

I could definitely advertise Hotel Chocolat as I have enough of it, yum!

Entrance isn't bringing any inspiration to me just yet:thinking:
Magical - really like the fairies in the tree, nice and playful shot.

Vice - like both. The ice cream shot is good, almost too nice for vice though! #2 is a nice collection of chocolate, little bit jealous. You should have added a hand trying to grab the stash!
I know, it's bloody rude! How dare the RAF post me and expect me to do stuff in my own time too? Thankfully when I go on shift life will be much easier!

Cheers Darren.

You choose you're branch and take your chance ! - Should of joined the Senior Service LOL :LOL:
I went to the garden centre this morning and took a REALLY crappy shot of the entrance! I thought this might be a week where I won't have a clue what to do. Then I was trawling thorugh my photos from last Saturday's trip to Windsor Castle and I found this:

F4, 1/400 sec, ISO 100, 17mm.

This is just one of the many archways, but I thought it had that entrance feel about it?

It was taken at midday so the sky was pretty bright and washed out. I've added a blue filter to the sky to try and bring a little life back into it!

I then took it into Topaz adjust to bring the detail out in the arch way. For some reason when I saved it as a JPEG it lost all the detail I wanted so it went back into Topaz and attacked it, now I think it's a little too much but hey, I'm done going backwards and forwards!!!

Is it cheating that I took it last Saturday? Probably, but I really don't think I'll get the opportunity to do anything for this theme this week! I will try harder next week.

All critique welcome, I will catch up with everyone else when I can.
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Thanks for popping in Michael.

Yeh, I know about the PP being too much, I blame my pc for acting weird! Mind you, I'm using this photo in the pp game linky so it'll be interesting to see how others edit it!

As for straightening it, the arch is actually wonky! The brick work and wall in the distance appear straight, I think!!! I'll have a snooze then take another look.