Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

A few pine cones after trimming up my Japanese Larch Bonsai
The tree stands about a foot tall and the cones approx 3/4in.

In the garden.



In the kitchen.


What's that in the background?


Yum Yum :D
Today's wanderings incorporating a Dog walk at the same time ! Nikon Point and press

This concrete block wall is about 25 foot high and 40 foot wide as you can see it seems to have parted company with the rest of it !
Clee Hill Quarry workings


You cannot see but there is a massive crack behind the right pillar, part of the wall must had stuck a little as it fell
About 100 yards down the road I also Spotted this also ( I knew the Pub/Restaurant but not about the red Ivy)

The colour sensative function on the point and shoot has also brought out the red tint in the bricks. Unfortunately there was a bit of muck on the lens but in the bright light I couldn't see this on the screen and only noticed when I got home .


I also managed this master piece, I must have caught the shutter button. The strange thing is I cannot remember being any where that Clee Hill/Ludlow would be to the Left of Me. I'll have to blame it on Aliens or the Dog !

You finally got there then Alan ! looks like it was a nice day as well.

Yes, we had a leisurely and almost event free drive there and back too. We mat a friendly guy with a drone and he caught us in one of his pictures so I asked him to email it to me and he said he would.

Our paths may cross one day BB :D