Rjbell x100f 52'ers

A couple of cracking first images Robert, absolutely love the colours and silhouette in the first shot, real nice leading lines and reflections in the sand too !!!

As for the gate shot, love that too, a bit of a shoehorn for the theme yes but hey the image is worth it, real nice long shadows parallel with the diagonal lines is splendid...(y)
Really nice image, you can always say a libary is the gateway to knowledge! One of the first things that struck me is the amount of detail in the road, it looks beautifully weathered and stained.
A shoehorn maybe, with the gate just out of the frame, but great picture, I love the long shadows.
As has been said, good photo, perhaps less is more on the gate front :)
I too like the long shadows and will take your word for it that the gate is there great shot.