Shiny's 2023 52 Thread

You have some very impressive fish and a very clean tank. Great back story too..
Nice picture of the tank and tank looks really clean with no algae- maybe tiny bit below the sand. Some good sized bogwood in there as well.
The huge population of BN catfish see to the algae, I even try to promote it's growth but they still consume it all.
Nice image, I gave up trying to capture my fish :LOL:

Clown loach are amazing fish to watch aren't they, we have 7 ranginging from 2" to 7" long.
Mine really need a bigger tank but six feet is the most I can fit in my living room...and in SWMBO's life!
Juxtaposition tech. It's two photographs turned into one JPEG so not sure if it's valid...but let's say it is as it took me an hour or more to work out how to do this!

New growth and old removal.

FreeWeekJux by Martin H, on Flickr
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Course it's valid!!

2 nice shots that work well together. Sharp on the bud, and the OOF one in the BG adds to the image. Lovely yellow too.

Liking the chippings coming off the chainsaw and the sunlight bright on the cut ends in the second shot.

Hopefully you've learnt something in the edit and could do it quicker next time. :)
Course it's valid!!

2 nice shots that work well together. Sharp on the bud, and the OOF one in the BG adds to the image. Lovely yellow too.

Liking the chippings coming off the chainsaw and the sunlight bright on the cut ends in the second shot.

Hopefully you've learnt something in the edit and could do it quicker next time. :)
Yes, I think I've got it now. Lightroom is so comprehensive, but everything in it has a steep learning curve.
I must confess 'Knob(s)' has not been the most inspiring subject matter. Indeed, if you have a look at a professional site like Alamy, for example, the pictures they have on there for the subject of knobs are equally as uninspiring. Heigh ho, it is what it is and here is my own pathetic picture of some knobs on an MPK Mini Keyboard Controller.

Shame the subject was not 'dust' or 'skin cells' as this picture would fit either category; close up, things are very difficult to get completely clean!

Knobs by Martin H, on Flickr
Knob theme synced :)
As Stan says, the warmth on the light and the shadows make this interesting. The shallow DOF creates a nice Background too.

Couple of slithers of white (bottom left and top right) where you have rotated it! At least it ended up level though. :)
A good take on the theme.

Knob theme synced :)

Good use of the DOF nice picture!

Nice set of knobs. As you said not the most interesting objects for photography but that's what this challenge is about. I like the warm colour and the strong shadows. However, I'm not too keen on the halved knobs on either side and would prefer to see them whole.

As Stan says, the warmth on the light and the shadows make this interesting. The shallow DOF creates a nice Background too.

Couple of slithers of white (bottom left and top right) where you have rotated it! At least it ended up level though. :)

Oh, yes, I hadn't noticed that. Believe it or not, I spent about five minutes with the camera on a tripod trying to ensure that it was straight before I even took the picture, only to find in LR that it wasn't straight at all; hence the rotation.

Thanks all for looking.
I think the dust adds to the image, it looks well used! The soft colour and shadows give it a vintage feel.
Very clever and well lit.
Nice lighting, the guitar black and background the same looks good and its a B
Does a guitar have a B string? The curve of the body gives the letter shadow so well on theme. Lovely warmth and detail in the wood, set off nicely by the black.
Does a guitar have a B string? The curve of the body gives the letter shadow so well on theme. Lovely warmth and detail in the wood, set off nicely by the black.
It does. The string names are EADGBE a mnemonic for which I use Eddy Ate Dynamite, Good Bye Eddie.

Not that it's part of the theme (although I suppose it could be), the B string is the second from the right as you look at it.
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Very Nice lighting, but reminds me of an R.
You could be right if you take into account the black pick guard. Still a letter, fortunately. :)
Kitchen. Not exactly a work of art (either me or the kitchen).

Yes, that really is as wide as my kitchen goes. Apparently. it's called a 'galley kitchen', I just call it bloody small. If another person wants to get to the cupboards behind me, anyone already in there has to come out first.

We have dogs that are normal collie-sized, but one time, we looked after someone else's mastiff/other-large-dog cross-breed and when he went to the end of the kitchen to get a drink, he had to back out as he couldn't turn round; it was most amusing. Our dogs just manage to turn.

Before you ask, yes, I do wear odd socks all the time.

Kitchen by Martin H, on Flickr
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Nice shot and literal translation of the theme, were you using a tripod and timer?
Well taken, lots of leading lines and perspective. A place for everything and everything in it's place I imagine.
A place for everything and everything in it's place I imagine.

Has to be, there is no space to waste. Can't imagine a family living in this house as the rest of it is pretty bijou, but we do have a massive garden; about 1/3 acre, however it's a 70 metre walk to get to it, past everyone else's [smaller] gardens.
I was going to ask about the socks.......I know a few people that do that!

First the theme nicely
I was going to ask about the socks.......I know a few people that do that!

First the theme nicely
It started because I always had black socks for work but they had slightly different, but hardly discernible, patterns so I gave up matching them up. It became a bit of an obsession and now. if I pull two identical socks out, one of them goes back. It has its uses; when one sock gets a hole in it, I just throw it away, I probably have loads of single socks now.
That really is a narrow kitchen Martin, ours is a galley kitchen but definitely nowhere near as narrow.