Daily Slimbert's 2012 - 366 - Day 117 Added

glad you did then.... just got the laptop out so had another look..... like it very much.
Day 6.....

I know absolutely nothing about wildlife.....and I have absolutely no intention of learning anything about it either!! I once spent about two hours in a hide with TP's very own tappilappi, and the less said about that the better.....a little bit of my soul was destroyed that day!!:crying:

Anyway, I do know (well, I'm fairly sure anyway) that this thing is a Pheasant.....but what it was doing in my back garden at lunchtime today is anyones guess!! He/she turned up, stared at me and my wife for about 5 minutes, then buggered off again!! :shrug:

Since I'd left my "big" camera in the boot of my car while it was being MOT'd, and my wife had left her camera at her mothers.....all I had to hand was my mobile phone on auto with it's rubbish digital zoom.....hence why the quality looks loads better than the standard I usually produce!! :p

Day 6: "Pheasant Shoot"

Day 6: Pheasant Shoot by Damien Light Photography, on Flickr
Not doing it for that lol....... If I like something I'll let it be known...... If I don't, unless someone really winds me up, I'll keep it to myself.

The best thing is with my memory...... Everyday I can appreciate the photos as new..... So commenting helps me realise I've already seen them!
I didn't mean I'd return the favour of specifically "nice" comments....I just meant returning the favour of commenting in general!! (y)

Please do feel free to be as honest as you like with my photos....I never dummy spit, or sulk and genuinely do listen to, and think about everyones views.....I don't always agree with them in the end, but I never ignore people!! ;)

Similarly, I'll be just as honest about your photos if/when I comment on them.....you have been warned!! :LOL:
'tis a boy pheasant (girlies are greyish brown), and I am disappointed you didn't bag it..... 40 mins in the oven, a nice sauce and mmmmmmmmm...... though I must confess, never seen one in a tree before....

If you want a slightly more interesting "hide" -than Don Tappi's haunts... woodbastwick.....;) "says Mike"
'tis a boy pheasant (girlies are greyish brown), and I am disappointed you didn't bag it..... 40 mins in the oven, a nice sauce and mmmmmmmmm...... though I must confess, never seen one in a tree before....

Never eaten pheasant before.....as you know, I'm more of a doner kebab kind of guy!! :D Oh, and he's stood on a fence, not the tree....but I'm pretty sure he was eating the blossom off the tree!?! :thinking:

If you want a slightly more interesting "hide" -than Don Tappi's haunts... woodbastwick.....;) "says Mike"

Not a chance, I'm strictly exit only.....but my mincing queen of a younger brother might be interested!! :shrug:
Day 7.....

Took a trip down to Ely in Cambridgeshire today to assist my good friend Ryan Jarvis (ryanyboy on TP) with a model shoot held at a swamp.....also in tow was Nick Davis (aka: Tractor Boy) who did a rather good job of flashing at a young female model for most of the shoot.....but that's another story!! ;)

I didn't take any shots during the actual shoot, I was only there to help out, but here's a quick grab shot of the model (Maddie) after the shoot to show the state she ended up in.....as you can probably see, this shoot wasn't done in a nice warm clean studio!! :p

Day 7: Modeling - It's a Glamorous Life

Day 7: Modeling - It's a Glamorous Life by Damien Light Photography, on Flickr
Very True.... I wish I had this shot for the 52 wk 2 'fear' theme... she looks as though somebody is threatening to steal her sandwiches :D

I'm not sure about being threatened with sandwich-stealing, but she seems to have an expression that someone told her that they forgot to put the memory card in the camera before she set out on such a hard day.
Spending a couple of hours rolling around in mud, in freezing cold weather, while wearing hardly any clothing, is the kind of thing I dream about doing.....but Maddie had definitely had enough by the time I took this, hence the "please, no more" look on her face!! :D
Just found this thread. A good start to your 366, best of luck with it.
I haven't any planned, but need to get my photography going again this year, hopefully after Feb I'll have finished the diploma I'm doing and will have more time.
Great first 7 photos. Good luck for the year. Last one, as said, has great colours and so sharp on the eyes.
Love the last one, you nailed it!!
Faking backgrounds just isn't my thing tbh, Matt.....I don't do layers at all, but that's down to me not knowing how to do them!! :p

I didn't want you to fake it :naughty: I wanted the real thing (y) I don't mess around with layers either, about the only thing I can do with a layer is selective colouring and I do that about 4-5 times a year :LOL:

Day 7.....

Took a trip down to Ely in Cambridgeshire today to assist my good friend Ryan Jarvis (ryanyboy on TP) with a model shoot held at a swamp.....also in tow was Nick Davis (aka: Tractor Boy) who did a rather good job of flashing at a young female model for most of the shoot.....but that's another story!! ;)

I didn't take any shots during the actual shoot, I was only there to help out, but here's a quick grab shot of the model (Maddie) after the shoot to show the state she ended up in.....as you can probably see, this shoot wasn't done in a nice warm clean studio!! :p

Day 7: Modeling - It's a Glamorous Life

Day 7: Modeling - It's a Glamorous Life by Damien Light Photography, on Flickr

Love the eyes in this one, very entrancing and I'm a sucker for a red head any day of the week (y)

Love the eyes in this one, very entrancing and I'm a sucker for a red head any day of the week (y)


Thanks you, Matt!! (y) Really appreciate it!!

Eyes are fantastic on last one. Just a great shot.

Cheers for commenting, Tony!! :D I 100% agree, she does have lovely eyes!!
Day 8.....

Met up with an old friend from Leeds today, Kevin (LeedsCanary on TP) who was visiting Norwich with his family.....he's down here fairly regular, as he's a Norwich City supporter :puke: :wacky:

Anyway, me and my lot, and him and his lot, all went to the Norfolk coast to to see the seals.....8 of us in total!! Also, while there I spotted Dave and Nicky (tigerdriver and Noodsy on TP).....that's 6 TPer's I've met in total this weekend!!! :eek:

Looking through my photos from today, I didn't do very well tbh.....but here's a half decent one that at least gets me through another day of my 366!!

Day 8: "Seal of Approval"

Day 8: Seal of Approval by Damien Light Photography, on Flickr
Hi, Damien, day 7 is a cracker. As has been said,the look in her eyes is amazing.

Any more available from this shoot?


I didn't take any of the main shots on this shoot, I was just assisting so this is the only one I took of the model apart from one set up shot to test my settings.....however, here's a few taken by Ryan Jarvis (the main tog).....in all those shots I'll have been holding a softbox or a giant diffuser to block out the harsh sunlight!! http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=377358

Thanks for commenting, Andy!! :clap:

Nothing wrong with that mate - nice shot (y)

But another person that has got there before me - thtat's the trouble when it's on your doorstep :shake:

Cheers, Dean!! (y) Wait till February, then you get down on the beach with them.....being restricted to the dunes is a pain in the bum!! :shake:
Day 9.....

My trusty little Fiesta has been a great car, but around 6 to 9 months ago I noticed a drop in the mpg it was returning.....around 10mpg less than it had been for over two years!! :eek: I tried everything, including emptying the boot of all my photography gear, pumping up all the tyres to the correct PSi etc, but nothing worked!! :shake:

Being a lazy bugger, and since it was still returning a little over 50mpg (which is still pretty impressive imo), I just left it and did absolutely nothing about it.....:nuts:

As it's three years old next month, last Friday was time for it's first MOT.....it came away with just one advisory, a slight cut in one of the brand new tyres :)annoyed:)......but they also discovered that there was a fuel leak (injector seals), which would obviously explain the drop in mpg!!

Thankfully, it's covered under the warranty so back it went today to be fixed and here's the mpg of my journey home from the garage.....much better!! :clap:

Day 9: "Odd....ometer"

Day 9: Odd....ometer by Damien Light Photography, on Flickr
Blimey.....I've made it to double figures!!! :banana:

Day 10.....

Both my daughters have a comfort/bedtime toy.....these toys are almost identical in appearence, both were made and sold by Tesco, both are called "Cuddles", both have been puked on, ****ed on, and **** on.....both Cuddles have been through the washing machine several times a year, both have been lost at bedtime several times a week since they were bought, and both have travelled abroad (although one of them nearly didn't come back!) and will do again this year.....in short, these small worn out pieces of faded fabric have generally been through everything my two girls have been through, and then some!!

It's beyond me what my daughters obsession with these things is, but I do know that without them, my life would be hell!!!

Day 10: "Cuddles At Bedtime"

Day 10: Cuddles At Bedtime by Damien Light Photography, on Flickr
Damien, great photo's again since I last called in (y) though did you have to take a picture of Mike while sun bathing :eek: :puke: :LOL: :exit:

Look forward to calling in again soon (y)



Thanks, Matt!! (y) I keep meaning to get in the other 366's and comment on other peoples but I never seem to have time!! Having said that, I have a weekend of doing absolutely nothing coming up.....so no excuses!! :nono: