weekly Wibbly's 2013 52 Week Challenge - Week 8 Time *Now Added*

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OK, New Year... new resolutions.

Getting out and about and using the camera more and more and learning new skills is certainly high on my list of 2013 priorities, so a 52 weeker seems ideal. :bonk:

I don't think I've quite got the patience or imagination for a 365 so this looks a great place to start....

Wish me luck..... (I may just need it) :LOL:

Week 1: Sin Now added.
Week 2: Week 2 Season
Week 3: Week 3 Gravity
Week 4: Week 4 Wild
Week 5: Week 5 Space
Week 6: Week 6 Work
Week 7: Week 7 Gluttony
Week 8: Week 8 Time
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Hi Dave

welcome to the 52's madhouse....this is def the place to be for learning , pushing your boundaries on what you shoot & above all...having some fun along the way :)

look forward to seeing your shots mister (y)
blondie606 said:
Hi Dave

welcome to the 52's madhouse....this is def the place to be for learning , pushing your boundaries on what you shoot & above all...having some fun along the way :)

look forward to seeing your shots mister (y)

Thanks :)

They may well start off a bit random, but the hope is I learn lots about composition and the process of putting a photo together!
Here we go then.... Here's week 1 added. A bit random but at least it's out the way :D

I was trying to portray the dark side of the chocolate, but in the end due to the angle I had shot the pudding, ended up having to crop it in a bit more than I wanted and reverted to black and white, as it just looked better. (You may find that a running theme through my photos as we go on :LOL:)

Anyway, do your worst, I'm here to improve :bonk:

IMG_9894 by mrdaveyoung, on Flickr
My first impression is that I want one :) Glutenous thoughts aside, I like the lighting, in particular the way the reflections on the cake demonstrate the gooeyness of the fudge topping. I am not sure I like the way the right hand side is it off(just clipping the side off slightly), I think I would prefer to have the whole bowl in or a larger part of the bowl missing.
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Certainly does look sinful. so fulfils the brief there.

Not so sure you 'need' such a shallow DOF here, the ice-cream and the gooey sauce on the spoon are just as relevant as the cake, so don't feel any benefit in having them OOF.

But great start - and well done in supporting me and the others so far. (y)
overbez said:
Certainly does look sinful. so fulfils the brief there.

Not so sure you 'need' such a shallow DOF here, the ice-cream and the gooey sauce on the spoon are just as relevant as the cake, so don't feel any benefit in having them OOF.

But great start - and well done in supporting me and the others so far. (y)

I agree with overbez regarding dof. What is in focus makes me want that pud... :)
Thanks all for the comments. I'll bear them all in mind :)

DOF is always an issue for me so it's great to hear feedback like this, helps to remind me to wind it off a bit :D

Really looking forward to the next one, and seeing other people's.
Hi, Dave, Sin indeed. WB isn't too bad and I like the close composition. I'd prefer a wide DOF because there is no real focus point that the shallow DOF focuses on.

Good start. :clap:
Another good sinful effort
I like the dof, but my eye's drawn to the bright part left of focus point, I'd either focus on it, or darken it
Not sure about the b and w, think I'd need to see the colour version, which would likley be double calories :LOL:
I think the crop works fine myself (y)
I want some of that pudding it looks yummy. I'm not a big black and white fan and I think the chocolatey colour would make it look even more tempting, but it's personally choice. I would rather see a bit more on the right hand side.
Nice start nice DoF I like the crop but agree with Nicky a little about seeing the chocolate colour :thinking: could be totally wrong though
Thanks for the comments. I chose to crop as the original was not quite as I wanted in composition and I could crop in tighter on the chocolate more. :nuts:

As for Black and White, well you may see quite a lot of that from me during my time here, I do like like B&W, and with the rim of the dish being a bit of a washed out red I didn't think in colour it added anything to the photo.

Great to get some meaningful critique though, thanks.
Hi Dave, I really like that, and think the B&W works well. Slight shame about the cropped right hand side, but I think it's bang on theme and nicely taken. Can't say I agree with Andy about the DoF; I like it as it is.
Hi Dave i like that a lot the shallow dof does it for me (y) for my own personal taste i would liked to have seen it in colour, it's a very good start to project (y)
Adding a choccy colour in my opinion would have focussed on the sin. Nevertheless, i'm still tempted but you got there first.. demolish..
Cant add anything to the comments above. Looks lovely!

Good luck with your 52.
Great shot and start to the project Dave, maybe some selective colour could be used on the chocolaty goodness.
Hi Dave

all these threads with chocolate in are making me seriously hungry :D

I really want to like this shot...nicely laid out , ice cream just peeking in at the back & focus on the centre.....but I really want to see it in color (y)
Great capture, I like how the light plays out with the chocolate, you can really feel the sickly gooey-ness & the teasing of the ice cream in the background compliments the overall image. Nice start :D
Food pictures should make my taste buds water and this does not quite hit the spot for me in spite of it being chocolate. I am not sure if this is due to the focal point - which to me is the side of the dish and part of the spoon or that it looks over sharpened or in black and white which means that that lovely gooey feel is lost and it looks like tar rather than chocolate.

I think the crop works but would, I think, like to see it in colour and not so sharp. If you did not like the colour of the rim you could maybe selectively colour part of the image or change the colour of the rim - or cover it in icing sugar so it is not so visible
Thanks, feedback appreciated. Can't wait for week 2!
Good lesson in shallow DOF and nice detail in the in focus bit. I'd loose some of top and right. Perhaps a slightly wider DOF?

Maybe a touch more DOF as it took me a few seconds to realize what i was looking at :bonk: also the bright spot lower left is a little distracting as it draws my eye from the focus point.

Good shot - good use of DoF. I think the red/pink 'splurge' down the right detracts a bit from the main focal point, so I would either tone it down a bit (maybe even convert to B+W?) or crop.
Thanks for all the feedback, if the cold weather sticks around I may try and photo,it a little better, with more DOF! If the weather doesn't stay cold, then there's no chance :eek:

I like the focus and DOF but im not actually sure what it is. Am i being bone and just not seeing it?

Haha, sorry guys, I guess the DOF and maybe a little too much PP maybe?

Its the ice formed on top and side of a nearby fence.

Maybe I've overdone it slightly, I did say it was a bit abstract :bonk: :LOL:
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Not really my sort of thing.... but it certainly has had me looking at it. Is it a fence panel, with maybe the corner of a garage door above the in focus slither?

Even though it's not my thing - I quite like it.

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oops - replied from the last page - didn't see the second page! doh!
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Excellent use of detail, focus and DOF as already stated Dave. Very clever take. Well done!