weekly Delta Skies 2014 TP52 - Week 51 Extravagant & Week 52 Support (that's 2014 done)

As has been mentioned, the lighting is spot on, the condensation really adds to it too. Good job (y) I'd like to see the top of the bottle just to see if it adds to the composition but other than that I can't add much!
Super job Peter - and no faffing about in Post trying to tidy it up this time - beautiful job

love the close framing and the condensate drips, perfectly composed too, just keeping in the complete circle around the brand, nice attention to detail!
Many thanks Graham
Nicely lit, I like the colour coming through the bottle.
Thanks Kev
Very nicely done Peter. Agree with all that the well considered compostion and attention to details (water droplets) are very good. On first impression I cant help but feel there should be a tad more contrast / saturation though appreciate this can impact negatively on the overall clean and fresh feeling
Very nicely done Peter. Agree with all that the well considered compostion and attention to details (water droplets) are very good. On first impression I cant help but feel there should be a tad more contrast / saturation though appreciate this can impact negatively on the overall clean and fresh feeling
Thanks Jason. I've just played with the contrast and saturation levels and can see exactly what you mean.
Hi Peter
Mineral - good comp, angle on bottle and the right amount of the neck and label included. Well lit and good inclusion of the droplets. Good clean, fresh feel (y)
Thanks Alan
Very nice photo, great composition and beautifully lit
Cheers Colin
Hi Peter

well that works a treat......proper advert quality image , nicely sharp ,cracking bg , jaunty angle & condensation on the bottle :clap:

if I were to be mega mega picky i wish you'd rotated the bottle a couple of mm to the left so the rhs of the circular part of the label was more evenly visable...... as I say , mega picky & more to do with ocd I think....sorry
Works for me - not a blown highlight in sight - which is so difficult when water and glass are involved (y)
Hi Peter

well that works a treat......proper advert quality image , nicely sharp ,cracking bg , jaunty angle & condensation on the bottle :clap:

if I were to be mega mega picky i wish you'd rotated the bottle a couple of mm to the left so the rhs of the circular part of the label was more evenly visable...... as I say , mega picky & more to do with ocd I think....sorry
Thanks Lynne. No problem about being mega picky. I've done this thing long enough to also suffre from OCD :p
Great 'Product' shot. Nicely lit an well composed (y)
Cheers Michael
Works for me - not a blown highlight in sight - which is so difficult when water and glass are involved (y)
Thanks Sarah
Week 07 - A Sense of Peace

A Sense of Peace
by Delta Skies, on Flickr

I had a particular picture in mind which due I needed to visit Selby Abbey but unfortunately I found that it was closed to the public from this last weekend. Knowing we wanted to make the most of the nice weather we headed to the coast and came back via Beverley Minster. I've never been in previously and have to say the £3 spent on the photo permit was good value. I had a lovely time in there which has a lot of photo opportunities especially if you have a tilt and shift lens - which I don't hence the leaning verticals. Adjusting them made the result look far too false though. While I was in there I was treated to the fantastic awe inspiring architecture as well as an organ practice, choir practice and bell ringing practice. Anyway the technicalities are that this is a combination of 5 separate images from 30 seconds to 1/15 second and lots of masking in PS.
Mineral was ok....sense however I think is a great image, particularly considering how you put it together. :clap:

The whiteness of the stone reminds me of a set from LOTR: The Return of the King....something from Minas Tirith
It does seem to be the brightest cathedral I've ever seen, is it truly that well lit? I suspect not and I prefer my cathedrals dark. It's an impressive place though. For no reason in particular I can say my son was born in Beverley, when it was in North Humberside, now it's changed back to Yorkshire I suppose he is a Yorkshireman -- oh no, he can't be, he would already have told me!! ;);)
Hi, very nice image, great detail, i know churches/cathedrals are difficult lighting wise they tend to be very dark at floor level
but using the 5 exposures has worked really well.
Nice pic for the theme too :clap:
Mineral was ok....sense however I think is a great image, particularly considering how you put it together. :clap:

The whiteness of the stone reminds me of a set from LOTR: The Return of the King....something from Minas Tirith
Thanks Chris although I can't comment on LOTR. Sarah can tell you that I always fall asleep to those type of films :sleep:
It does seem to be the brightest cathedral I've ever seen, is it truly that well lit? I suspect not and I prefer my cathedrals dark. It's an impressive place though. For no reason in particular I can say my son was born in Beverley, when it was in North Humberside, now it's changed back to Yorkshire I suppose he is a Yorkshireman -- oh no, he can't be, he would already have told me!! ;);)
Thanks Martin. Over bright - yes probably. I was comparing it to a recent camera club winning entry of a similar scene which was much darker and moodier. I went down the higher exposure route to really show off the splendour of the place. Nothing wrong with Beverley though other than it being too close to Hull ;).
Sense fits the theme wonderful image no crit from me.
Cheers Mandy
Hi, very nice image, great detail, i know churches/cathedrals are difficult lighting wise they tend to be very dark at floor level
but using the 5 exposures has worked really well.
Nice pic for the theme too :clap:
Thanks Allan
A great image, lovely combination of the 5 images. It might be my squiffy eye but I think it might need a slight CW rotation to make the bottom of the stained glass window horizontal.

Lovely image though :)
What a wonderful building. The ceiling is stunning.

Well composed and cracking detail, I especially like the detail in the far stained glass windows.

I did wonder what a little more contrast would look like and had a quick play in Snapseed, but I think I prefer it as it is.

Good show.

Excellent pp skills Peter, great Image, like the fact it looks so well lit (y) I might have been tempted with a 'sense of hight' :thinking:
Hi there....I really like this image a lot...Cathedrals are awe inspiring places aren't they. It actually looks a lot less bright on my tablet, than on the computer....a super shot and perfect for the theme.
Thanks for the comments Susie

A great image, lovely combination of the 5 images. It might be my squiffy eye but I think it might need a slight CW rotation to make the bottom of the stained glass window horizontal.

Lovely image though :)
Thanks John. No you are right it is slight off the horizontal. Easy enough to fix thank goodness

What a wonderful building. The ceiling is stunning.

Well composed and cracking detail, I especially like the detail in the far stained glass windows.

I did wonder what a little more contrast would look like and had a quick play in Snapseed, but I think I prefer it as it is.

Good show.

Thanks Andy. I added medium contrast via curves on this one. I did try high contrast but felt it just didn't work. I agree about the ceiling especially when you think of how old that building is and the lack of modern technology to help design and build such a magnificent building.

I like that, light enough without blowing the highlights (y)
Cheers Mark
Excellent pp skills Peter, great Image, like the fact it looks so well lit (y) I might have been tempted with a 'sense of hight' :thinking:
Thanks Phil. My other thought was a "sense of awe" given the superb architecture.
Amazing shot! and good idea I love the lighting in the nave. Often you get mixed lighting in these buildings which is a devil to get right. As pointed out could do with minor tweak to straighten it up.
Amazing shot! and good idea I love the lighting in the nave. Often you get mixed lighting in these buildings which is a devil to get right. As pointed out could do with minor tweak to straighten it up.
Thanks Mercurius

Hi Peter :)

Loving the symmetry in the shot, great to see no people in it too, fantastic job putting it together too mate :clap:
Cheers Dean

Good detail and symmetry, the brightness works well.
Thanks Kev

Great image Peter, lovely place the Minster, we have another lovely church in Beverley St Mary's(y)(y)
Thanks Judi. We've stayed in the caravan up at the racecourse a number of times when we were putting on a display at the kite festival and always enjoyed walking down into the town. The market place on a Saturday is always a draw. There's a great fruit & veg stall and usually someone who sold some lovely continental breads. As I said somewhere above I'd never been into the Minster before and I was impressed. The church you mention is nearer to the market square isn't it? Maybe we'll get there next time we're over.
I think you've done brilliantly with this. I like the fact it's bright and there's stacks of detail in the roof. No crit this week from me!
Absolutley a stunning image and obviously a lot of work went into it. No real crit from me although does appear a little bit bright.
Week 08 - Ending

Unhappy Ending
by Delta Skies, on Flickr

Unfortunately I am not able to get the shot I really would have wanted given my location and time of year so resorted to another effort taken inside. OK I did go outside but only to rescue the dying roses from the bunch I give my wife for valentines.:love: Taken using studio lights but toned down in PP as the image came out too clean. I wanted an aged to match the old book and the rose.
Hi Peter

love your Sense shot....... really refreshing to see a light & airy inside view , the verticals don't worry me , in fact , I'm finding it hard to see anything I don't like about it :clap: found something.....back in mega picky mode....the very bottom of the shot there's what appears to be the top of a chair ( or something ) that has 2 lighter spots , almost blueish in color , faint but there:exit:

Ending....you old romantic you :D the whole image has a lovely aged feel to it but , & this is possibly just me , the placement doesn't sit comfortably but can't pinpoint quite why :thinking: I think I want to see the whole thing done the other way round if that makes sense ? Book rotated 180 degree's , rose coming in from the lhs ? Feel free to ignore me , I'm tired.....:coat:
Hi Peter

love your Sense shot....... really refreshing to see a light & airy inside view , the verticals don't worry me , in fact , I'm finding it hard to see anything I don't like about it :clap: found something.....back in mega picky mode....the very bottom of the shot there's what appears to be the top of a chair ( or something ) that has 2 lighter spots , almost blueish in color , faint but there:exit:

Ending....you old romantic you :D the whole image has a lovely aged feel to it but , & this is possibly just me , the placement doesn't sit comfortably but can't pinpoint quite why :thinking: I think I want to see the whole thing done the other way round if that makes sense ? Book rotated 180 degree's , rose coming in from the lhs ? Feel free to ignore me , I'm tired.....:coat:
Thanks for the comments on the two images Lynne. I'll have a look about the lighter spots when I get home tonight. Other than reflections I'm not sure what they are. I was wearing black so it wasn't be LOL. No problem regarding the placement. I came away with numerous shots all with different angles and POV's and positioning of the rose. I just happened to settle on this one.
Ending - lovely take on the theme, I like the slightly old feel to it works well, I can't find anything to pick fault with so I won't :).
Thanks Mandy
Ending... no crit from me love it :)
Thanks Judi