weekly mercurius's 52 in 2014: catch up Weeks 28 - 31

Hi M
Just a friendly pointer and hope you don't mind if I point out that you have posted comments on others' shots on the '52-for-2014-post-your-photos-here-no-comments-please' thread. The point of that thread is just to post the shots with a link. The clue is in the title --- no-comments-please' :) Then click on the link that the poster has put with the picture and that will take you to that person's thread and you can comment there. Hope that is ok
Hi M
Just a friendly pointer and hope you don't mind if I point out that you have posted comments on others' shots on the '52-for-2014-post-your-photos-here-no-comments-please' thread. The point of that thread is just to post the shots with a link. The clue is in the title --- no-comments-please' :) Then click on the link that the poster has put with the picture and that will take you to that person's thread and you can comment there. Hope that is ok
Yes, thanks for pointing that out. I realised almost as soon as I had done it, but was doing it on my phone and couldn't work out how to delete. I've removed it now:ty:
Hello again :)

Liking that Lines shot....chimney stacks are wonderful things full of character that todays buildings lack .....like the angles , the pp on the edited version pop's lots.....(y)
Prefer edited version. Well done
Thanks for your feedback.

I like the simplicity of your shot for line. :)
Thank you

Yes, much prefer the reprocessed image - excellent

Hi M
Line- good spot and focus on just the chimneys. All has been said on the processing. Good start. Incredible constructions on such modest buildings
Thank you. Yes they do seem a bit extravagant for such houses.

Great use of lead in lines for your linear theme..A solid piece of work!
Thanks Jason.

Hello again :)

Liking that Lines shot....chimney stacks are wonderful things full of character that todays buildings lack .....like the angles , the pp on the edited version pop's lots.....(y)
Thanks Lynne. I am always a bit concerned about overdoing the PP and tend to underdo it if anything to avoid that 'over-processed' look which strikes me as very artificial.

Great line pic, and as said above edited just rite aswel.
Thank you David.

2nd image is superb adds real drama to the image well done
Thanks for your kind words.

Hi, those mannequins are just a bit freaky, the mono treatment probably helps to add to that!

The line of chimneys works really well, the edited version is much better, you've done well to keep the uprights straight.
Yes, well they could be straighter, but my hands not so steady on the old mouse!

Odd - they sure are.

Line - nice, the edit really brings them out and I'd probably try a grainy b&w conversion just to see what happens.
Interesting thought about the b/w conversion, I hadn't considered that. I liked the colour version because of the contrast between the stone of the chimneys and the bricks.

Odd - Well exactly that, odd indeed, and a bit creepy
Line - The edit is 100% improvement really adds some feeling to the photo (y)
Thank you.

I like the 2nd shot, it's been difficult recently to get anything other than grey sky.t I like the sky and the detail in the bricks in the 2nd.
Thank you.
I always remember walking along a London street in winter with a colleague, it was raining and the sky was leaden. I made some comment about the bleeping weather and he said something like: 'Just remember that 5,000 feet up the sun's shining and there's a blue sky." I've never forgotten that, especially during the awful dark grey winters we have here. It's somehow rather comforting.
You're off to a strong start with these two.

Odd - it definitely is! It's an eye-catching image and really suits your black and white treatment.
Line - well seen. The second edit is a much stronger image and brings out the colours and contrasts of the bricks and chimneys against the moody sky, and I especially like the strong diagonal line from corner to corner.

Looking forward to following your thread (y)
You're off to a strong start with these two.

Odd - it definitely is! It's an eye-catching image and really suits your black and white treatment.
Line - well seen. The second edit is a much stronger image and brings out the colours and contrasts of the bricks and chimneys against the moody sky, and I especially like the strong diagonal line from corner to corner.

Looking forward to following your thread (y)
Thank you Andrea.
I think a lower view point would make for a more interesting composition. Playing with DOF and scale. Colours are a little muted but nevertheless a fun photograph.
Play is on theme, bit feels a little like a grab shot. I think a few more minutes though would have produced a much better submission.

Nice figures, though :)

Agree with all the above. Perhaps some playing about with lighting could produce something with a bit more impact....Though on a fundamental level, I like the way you've set it up and composed the figures. Really conveys the feeling of a helpless trapped creature (y)
Agree that it's lacking a certain something - I wish we still had action figures and plastic animals in this house.
Thanks, guys for your comments and crits. I know it's a rubbish shot. I just can't get my head round indoor shots and flash! I much prefer outdoor stuff.

Any suggestions about lighting gratefully received, as I know that this is a big 'development area' (as they say in performance reviews) for me!
Last edited:
Nice idea, the colours in the figures are a little flat and the background doesn't seem to work for me.

On theme though :banana:
Love the second re processed line shot, there's some nice detail in the sky now, play I'm not sure I can see what you're trying to do but not quiet sure it's come off, as it's been said its a bit flat, maybe some better lighting would have helped
Nice idea, the colours in the figures are a little flat and the background doesn't seem to work for me.

On theme though :banana:
Thanks Mark.

Love the second re processed line shot, there's some nice detail in the sky now, play I'm not sure I can see what you're trying to do but not quiet sure it's come off, as it's been said its a bit flat, maybe some better lighting would have helped
Yes, lighting and set up for indoor shots is a real challenge for me.

Hi, sorry I can't give any tips on lighting, I always struggle with flash! But maybe getting down lower would improve the shot as the background is rather distracting.
Thanks Marsha.

I agree about this lacking something and would suggest getting down lower maybe.
OK, thanks Peter. To be honest, I don't think it's worth a re-shoot. I may do a re-take in a later week, when I'm feeling more inspired!
Lots of line on there so hits the theme. It feels a bit over-sharpened on too high a contrast for my liking - Purely personal taste I guess. What processing did you do on this one?
rather abstracty - but plenty going on it there - looks like nice light falling across the trees, and they certainly are growing close tegether - took me a moment to twig that was the link to the theme... (twig, geddit?) :coat:
I love this - completely nothing wrong with it for me (y)
Thanks Sarah

Lots of line on there so hits the theme. It feels a bit over-sharpened on too high a contrast for my liking - Purely personal taste I guess. What processing did you do on this one?
Thanks Peter. Guess it is down to personal taste in the end. I was going for a silvery effect to match the 'silver' birches. Used LR with the b/w processing in Silver Efex Pro2, with no sharpening over and above my normal (medium) setting.

rather abstracty - but plenty going on it there - looks like nice light falling across the trees, and they certainly are growing close tegether - took me a moment to twig that was the link to the theme... (twig, geddit?) :coat:

Thanks. I thought it was an obvious link, but then what do I know?!
Hi I thought it was obvious too, its very contrasty but I like it