weekly Richard, 52 week - Change added

Thanks all the feedback. Framing was definitely a challenge as the little chap was moving pretty fast so I put more effort into getting the eyes and face sharp.
I'm a sucker for animal shots love it and again was drawn to the eyes, on a mission they say to me. :)
The clipping has been mentioned but I'd like to congratulate you on the sharpness of the image. With two dogs myself I know just how difficult this can be to master. You've even got the dog's eyes looking down the camera.
As said so far great shot of a moving subject.
I will at some point this year no doubt give my 2 K9 models center stage if they sit and stay still long enough.
beautiful dog and a great pose. agree with people on the crop but the focus is pin sharp, especially around the eyes which i bet was hard enough to deal with!
Play: Pin sharp where it should be and I like the crop too.

Play - not sure I can add to what has been said. The cropped tail is a shame bjt inevitable given the subject isn't static. The dog is slightly off centre and I wonder if cropping part of the left hand side to centre the dog would help the composition.
Hi Richard

you've really nailed the focus on the eye's in that shot....just perfect :clap: If you hadn't cropped the paw that shot would be a wall candidate...
Close - This theme really did put the cat amoungst the pigeons being a homonym. It is good to see a photograph of the less obvious pronunciation. Nice B&W conversion. However, from a static image it is not possible to know if the book is being opened or closed.
However, from a static image it is not possible to know if the book is being opened or closed.

That's pretty much the issue I had when envisioning this image... I had movement blur and puffs of dust in my mind, but nothing further than that. And also you need to stay away from closed for my money, which you have!

Nice black BG, well lit, and good conversion to B&W
Close - However, from a static image it is not possible to know if the book is being opened or closed.
Thanks for the feedback all. Yes " open or close" - that was my dilemma, but decided to go with it anyway, as the theme is close then I felt that they would be the the natural assumption that the book is closing. Its always good to get some debate going over one's pics though:)
I thought of doing something similar when I took my book photograph but couldn't work out how to ensure the theme 'close' wouldn't get confused with 'open so I didn't so it. In hindsight I think if I (and you) had put both palms outside the book then it couldn't be mistaken for 'open', but then it would look more like 'closing'. I think I like the idea that the theme was open to interpretation as it does make one think a lot more about it.
Nice B&W conversion and well composed - close or closing - difficult to judge - but I'm all for poetic artistic licence :D
Hi, nice bold image there great colour, what is the object though seems very sharp round the edge