weekly 52 in 2013: Brian of Bozeat : COMPLETE

Good work Brian (y)
Love the colour you've captured in the sky, it balances well against the crisp silhouette of the foreground.
Some nice leading lines from the wires, really gives the scene depth.
:eek: late to this party I am... have to go with a what they said. (y)

I saw the pre-edited one and thought - need to crop out the second tree top on the right - and it was gone.

Wonder how differenter it would have looked taken on a DSLR - reckon there might have been temptation to lift the shadows... which tbh would probably have ruined it!
Nice bit of photoshoppery there Brian (y)

I would be tempted with a square crop, from just behind the back of the left hand you to the right hand edge of the mirror.

Cheers (as Andy would say ;))
I think you are probably right iain... I'll have a look


You are right, cropped it. Good call. Thanks. :)
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Ooohvery clever Brian. Said it before but great idea and very good execution (y)

Can't imagine it was a particularly tricky PS job.... but the effect is fantastic. And flawless
Ooohvery clever Brian. Said it before but great idea and very good execution (y)

Can't imagine it was a particularly tricky PS job.... but the effect is fantastic. And flawless

Thanks Graham,

The hardest part of getting this to work was getting the "eye contact".

The PP was very easy as you say, with only 1 small area of overlap. ;)
Hi Brian
Excellent take on reflection :clap:

Can't add anymore, so I will move on.

nuff said :clap:
Cut is a great spot. Lovely detail and colour, only the bar at the bottom right annoys slightly.

I really like the colours in Live, nice composition pulling you through it.

Reflection is just something else, what can you say about a shot like that? A great idea, well executed. (y)
Hey Brian :)

Reflection - Now that's a cracker :LOL: :clap:

Really like how you have done that, great expressions, well lit, and I don't mind the crop, the pic is a normal room so works well for me :)

Live - I feel the power lines could do with more prominence in the shot but real nice colours and Silhouette of the tree, and the border suits it well (y)

Sweet - Now that made me laugh... a brave model too :LOL:

Cut - Love the propeller tip, as Andy says shame about the diagonal thingy, bit still a very sharp image of the main point of focus :)
Brian: Power shot, as others have said, doesn't really convey much... and TBH the shot doesn't really seem to me to stand alone either. The Solitude shot, though.. magic, a lovely shot. As someone else hinted, a lone walker in there might have helped a bit with the theme, but who cares, it's a great shot. 3 pages to go...
Sweet: definitey creepy. Kudos to that patient person!

Cut... I couldn't get the relevance to theme without the explanation. I'm not sure about the overall composition, doesn't feel harmonious to me, but I do like the lovely detail and colour in the prop blade itself.
Live does work very well, with great colours and the interesting frame. Reflection is a great shot, definitely needs a double take to get it all in. I'm full of admiration on that one!
Very niiiiice - I was going to do cheese on toast - but this blows the idea in my head out the water... looks like the plate is melting too.. :LOL:

Can't fault either of them. Top work!
Thanks Graham, I was overjoyed when I read it was cheese, erm I mean Melt, on my phone on Saturday morning. I've been gagging to get my shot done ever since.

By the way - they were... ♪♫ tasty, tasty, very very tasty, they were very tasty! ♫ ♪ ♫
Hi Brian

At least you got cheese in ;) does what it sets out to do.
Not the most exciting thing i have ever seen, though they do look very nice (y)
Good work on melt Brian, bang on theme too.
I think the top one would be as equally as strong an image on its own. The red hot grill is a particularly nice touch, it really helps the composition. (y)
I shouldn't have came in here before lunch - that cheese shot has set my stomach off :LOL: Very good! I like "Left" too, a good take on the weeks theme (y)
Good work Brian, a nice early submission.
With the subject matter, I am sure many would have taken the B&W route but I think this works well in colour, picking up the lovely detail in the stone work.
Have these been vandalised? Is that why the crosses are laid down or is it simply a case of thats how they were left? ;)
Good work Brian, a nice early submission.
With the subject matter, I am sure many would have taken the B&W route but I think this works well in colour, picking up the lovely detail in the stone work.
Have these been vandalised? Is that why the crosses are laid down or is it simply a case of thats how they were left? ;)

Thanks Iain, I was pleased to find these laid out like this at the back of the church near my in laws house. I have no idea of the back story. I think the composition is strong enough to go B&W and it did occur to me at the time of shooting, but I loved how lush the moss was and wanted to keep that colour.
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Hi Brian
Thats really nice, if graves can be described in such a way,
liking the angle of the shot and the lush grass/moss :clap:
Hi Brian - hard to fault that one - well composed, exposed and processed......
Nice idea Brian.
Left as in departed and left as in left hand stone.
Good detail in the moss (y)

And left as in no longer looked after! ;)


Yep that is a great one mate, works several ways... Nice angle and liking the moss too (y)

Thank you DK.

Hi Brian
Thats really nice, if graves can be described in such a way,
liking the angle of the shot and the lush grass/moss :clap:

Thanks Alan.

Hi Brian - hard to fault that one - well composed, exposed and processed......

Your not supposed to find fault. :LOL:

Thanks Graham.


Thanks everyone, I've got a full house of positives so far! :D