AlanDorset Week 52 Picture of the Year

A nice set of images... I rather like =#3 with the splash of bright colour from the varied sized bollards.
Same here but box ticked - good dof concentrating on the subject.
The long exposure shots worked out well, quite like the purple in the knob picture and no photographer or tripod in the reflection
Nicely done - whatever it says :)
@AlanDorset A Ming vase by any chance? :)

Whatever it is, Alan. I hope you got it insured. :) It literally translates to 'Made in Big Ming Dynasty' I know the Ming dynasty was in the period of 1368 - 1644 but Big Ming!!!! I'm not so sure. Also Chinese characters were different then compare to the current Chinese characters. Anyway, traditional Chinese writing wrote from right to left and up to down. So top right 'Big', bottom right 'Ming', top left 'Year', bottom left 'Make'.

Nice shot by the way. :)
@AlanDorset A Ming vase by any chance? :)

Whatever it is, Alan. I hope you got it insured. :) It literally translates to 'Made in Big Ming Dynasty' I know the Ming dynasty was in the period of 1368 - 1644 but Big Ming!!!! I'm not so sure. Also Chinese characters were different then compare to the current Chinese characters. Anyway, traditional Chinese writing wrote from right to left and up to down. So top right 'Big', bottom right 'Ming', top left 'Year', bottom left 'Make'.

Nice shot by the way. :)
Big Ming !! Wow !! Thank you.
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Great shot for the theme, nice to se some chinese letters! Not normally a fan of a heavy vignette, but with the circular "clouds" around teh text, it works ok here.

The gold lining sparkles nicely, and no distracting highlights.
Beautiful item.. such glorious colour and texture. Very well captured.
You're definitely going to have to hunt for a translation and post it Alan!
I think there'e enough in the sky to get away with it. Normally I'd clone gulls out, but I think those ones add to the image!
Fits the theme, just not the best weather and same here. Welcome to the UK in Febl
The pov works really well to pick out the main subject against a busy background. A moody image.
Well shot Alan, Your POV is excellent and the processing suits it very well.
Nice focus and your glass is definitely full, using Theakston's or any beer would have been a waste
Nice - good capture of the frothing bubbles and the OOF background in complimentary colours works really well!
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Nice repeating patterns in the block there. Good spot.
Nice Jigsaw Hell shot Alan :)
Catching up:
Full: Great image Alan, makes me thirsty just looking at it
Patterns: That's a well used chopping board, suits the theme well
I can understand the shopping trolley maybe, but the bike doesn;t really look abandoned, set on it's stand nicely... and it makes me wonder why!

Good POV with the line of bricks bounding the top of the frame
And a a plastic bag.
It's a good tunnel shot even though it looks the kind of place to avoid at night.