weekly Boots' 52 for 2023

Nice abstract Paul. Like Dave's deep fryer...way too clean...
Premature fragmentation? Like the shot though.
Nice shot / shots.

Let's see frame 2!
Like the shot, guessing the hammer is just behind the glass

Thanks Keith!

No, the hammer was in the same place. Dave got it, the glass and the hammer weren't in the same shot. So although they both occupied the same place, they did not occupy the same time.
2 shots! Very clever. Well thought out and extremely well executed.
Very well executed - 'scuse the pun!
Edit... oops, just saw someone else said the same...
That's a fun shot Paul, you've captured the energy of the hand and hammer really well.
Very creative :)

What did you use for the background and base if I could ask. Is it one of these photography backgrounds? I assume the glass was already broken and this just helped it on the way?

Thanks Adam!

The backdrop/base is a piece of black velvet draped in a curve. The glass wasn't broken, and still isn't. It's two shots, identically lit, one of the glass, and one of the hammer. It was a reasonably straightforward job to combine them.
Sadly I seem to have slipped behind - a combination of lack of motivation and time. So, a bit of a catch up required.

Week 10 - Full and Technique Black & White


The canal (Grand Union) on the far side of the wall is full, so the Twelve Arch Weir is working hard. Normally there is little, if anything coming over this.
Two nice shots Paul. Love the Full shot especially. What an excellent bridge!
Two nice b&w images and what are the patterns shot? I like the square crop and the focusing technique.
Thanks Stan! It's a towel radiator, shot from above, with the camera on the wonk and a very shallow DoF . To be honest, the hardest bit was getting the tripod and me in the bathroom and far enough away to be able to focus at all. I was contemplating standing in the bath.
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Thanks Stan! It's a towel radiator, shot from above, with the camera on the wonk and a very shallow DoF . To be honest, the hardest bit was getting the tripod and me in the bathroom and far enough away to be able to focus at all. I was contemplating standing in the bath.

:) You need a bigger bathroom. :) Oh, wait don't tell the wife that!
Great shot, really like it, but strangely quite off-putting to look at, almost feels like losing my balance. Weird.
Oops, slipped behind again!

Week 12 - Tunnel

A smoke vent built for the railway tunnel below.

A Tunnel Lies Beneath.JPG
Well caught up, very colourful vent, magnolias are a sure sign of spring and last one looks smooth on a smooth top