weekly Bruja's 2016 52 - CELEBRATION

Technology - Fun take on the theme I like it, it made me smile
Horizontal - a simple but effective shot
vast - great view right on theme
ROUGH is a very apt title for last week as, after a couple of months of pain the doc said 'oh, it's tennis elbow' WTF........

Anyway, I'd already taken a couple of images for Rough but Covered may have to wait as I can't lift up my camera....

Jaffa cakes and sympathy would be appreciated at this stage though :p



Lovely details in those I prefer the first on as I love the textures and grain detail in wood (I work for a joinery company so it sort of goes with the job!)
I agree with @Emja (god, I'm at it again).
The central positioning of the knot, with the grain passing round it works nicely.

I've just got a monopod attachment for my belt (to take the weight), I wonder if that would help with your elbow?

Anyway have some :jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa: and :beer::beer::beer:
Jaffa cakes and sympathy would be appreciated at this stage though :p
Buy me a ticket and I'll deliver both, personally (y)
( that'll make you feel better, or maybe worse, who knows :D )

Great textured in the wood shot (y)

(I see you managed to sort out your own linky BTW)
Aww, sorry about your months of pain and tennis elbow!! :( Here’s a jaffa cake for you. :jaffa: (Only one because I think you’ve had too many already and we need to watch our healths! :))

I like your first rough photo. It’s got nice swirls and textures, and like Emma said, the centre looks like an eye, which is cool and creepy!
I like the wood Jill - great texture with those lines forced around the knot in the wood. (Hope you have a quick recovery). :)
That looks a cool place to be Jill - nicely under cover. Well taken to have kept detail in the sky as well as into the darker recesses of the image. :clap:
Lovely details in those I prefer the first on as I love the textures and grain detail in wood (I work for a joinery company so it sort of goes with the job!)

Thanks Mark, but where's my Jaffa cake?

The wood for me as well. I think the central composition works well here with the lines swirling around the centre it looks like an eye. Hope you're back to lifting your camera soon...:hug::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa:

Thanks Emma. I did think of cropping to the 'thirds' but think that this is one of the times a central composition works well.

I agree with @Emja (god, I'm at it again).
The central positioning of the knot, with the grain passing round it works nicely.

I've just got a monopod attachment for my belt (to take the weight), I wonder if that would help with your elbow?

Anyway have some :jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa: and :beer::beer::beer:

Ooh, Jaffa cakes and 3 large JD and cokes. It's actually taken from the old railway line, between the rails. As for the belt attachment I'll just get MrB to carry it and pass it to me on command :p

Buy me a ticket and I'll deliver both, personally (y)
( that'll make you feel better, or maybe worse, who knows :D )

Great textured in the wood shot (y)

(I see you managed to sort out your own linky BTW)

Whenever you like Hissy. We've got a spare room and lots of sunshine if you feel like a visit (y)

Trust you to pick a bit of wood with a nipple on it :naughty:

Trust you to see the association :whistle:

Lovely texture in your wood shot Jill ....hope you feel better soon :jaffa::jaffa: a couple to spur you on :)

Thanks Susie (y)
Aww, sorry about your months of pain and tennis elbow!! :( Here’s a jaffa cake for you. :jaffa: (Only one because I think you’ve had too many already and we need to watch our healths! :))

I like your first rough photo. It’s got nice swirls and textures, and like Emma said, the centre looks like an eye, which is cool and creepy!

Thanks Sheylara. Yes, I'm pretty full up with :jaffa: now. Glad you like the pic. So far I've had looks like a nipple or an eye :p

Great shot of the texture in that piece of wood! Nicely spotted!! Sorry a Jaffa! Oh where did it go.......?:exit:

Tut tut, teasing me like that. :p

Have to go with the skull I like the grittiness of it

Ooh, a vote for the skull :D

I like the wood Jill - great texture with those lines forced around the knot in the wood. (Hope you have a quick recovery). :)

Cheers Carl (y)
That looks a cool place to be Jill - nicely under cover. Well taken to have kept detail in the sky as well as into the darker recesses of the image. :clap:

It's an iPhone panorama with just a bit of tweaking in Photoshopexpress app.

It's our nearest shopping centre and you need that cover in the summer :tumbleweed:
Whenever you like Hissy. We've got a spare room and lots of sunshine if you feel like a visit (y)
That really is a kind offer thanks x :)

Covered, there is plenty to see and its nice and colourful too ( :D )

wood or stone? I'm saying wood but they're both Rough-looking.

that's a cheerful wide angle Covered vista. Una cerveza por favor.
Covered now you just showing off our local shopping centre is dull and boring! Great image lovely colours and details. :jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa::jaffa:
Rough - love the wood, great lines and texture
Covered - lovely shot, Love the oranges against the sky
Hi Jill. Who's been a busy girl with the camera then? All excellent shots I must say. Offered the choice, I'd opt for the sneakers for Colourful as I like the horizontals, texture and dual colours in the marble as well as shoes. As for Entrance, it has to be #3 with all that lovely wood/paint textured decay providing the bg for that ornate golden knocker - looks stunning. (y)
Good stuff Jill, I agree with Carl about coloured, I had pretty much the same thoughts but I'd go with the first for Entry, I like how the line of the buildings leads off into the distance.
Hi Jill. I haven't visited the forum in quite a while so I'm well behind on comments!

I really like Technology (I love the nice contrast and humorous subject) and Horizontal, which is so simple but so effective. I like the wood for Rough, the trainers for Colourful and I can't decide on which one for Entrance. I 'try not too look at your shots of hot sunny places as they just make me too jealous.
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Hi Jill

Quite a choice there for colourful I think for me the Burger King shot just edges it over the shoes and its between the 1st and 3rd entrance for me
Hey Jill.

Colourful - Loving the shoes and the unconventional POV.
The crop of the fine food establishment feels a bit tight to me, but it does demonstrate Mediterranean colours well.

Entrance - the archway for me. Nice use of the wall/gate on the right hand side to lead you through the archway into the world on the other side.
Hey babe

You do things in style on the continent ... what a happy-looking burgerking! And that porticoed entrance is a beaut.
Lovely set there Jill. Well caught on the peacock, they usually close up when I get anywhere near them :(
You're in the right place for these two themes!
My favourite colour is the Burger King shot - if there had been a tiny bit more sky above it would have perfect for me - such in-your-face colours and strong shapes.
I love the ornate door knocker, too. I remember my aunt coming to visit me when I was living in Seville and taking a whole roll of film just of doorways :)
must admit like the Burger King colours, and the sneakers above

Thanks Chris (y)

Hi Jill. Who's been a busy girl with the camera then? All excellent shots I must say. Offered the choice, I'd opt for the sneakers for Colourful as I like the horizontals, texture and dual colours in the marble as well as shoes. As for Entrance, it has to be #3 with all that lovely wood/paint textured decay providing the bg for that ornate golden knocker - looks stunning. (y)

Cheers Carl, I can't help it, I get twitchy when I can't get out and use it :p Glad you like them (y)

Good stuff Jill, I agree with Carl about coloured, I had pretty much the same thoughts but I'd go with the first for Entry, I like how the line of the buildings leads off into the distance.

Thanks so much and glad I've split the vote :p
Hi Jill. I haven't visited the forum in quite a while so I'm well behind on comments!

I really like Technology (I love the nice contrast and humorous subject) and Horizontal, which is so simple but so effective. I like the wood for Rough, the trainers for Colourful and I can't decide on which one for Entrance. I 'try not too look at your shots of hot sunny places as they just make me too jealous.

You're not alone in that Nick :D Thanks for looking and commenting (y)

Hi Jill

Quite a choice there for colourful I think for me the Burger King shot just edges it over the shoes and its between the 1st and 3rd entrance for me

Thanks Mark :)

Hey Jill.

Colourful - Loving the shoes and the unconventional POV.
The crop of the fine food establishment feels a bit tight to me, but it does demonstrate Mediterranean colours well.

Entrance - the archway for me. Nice use of the wall/gate on the right hand side to lead you through the archway into the world on the other side.

Hi Tim, it looks a bit tight cos I posted the wrong one :eek: Glad you like the shoes too.....