weekly Carol's 52 for 2012 Week 21 Random added

Really inspired idea is the potato shot and it's well executed, well done!
Hi Carol

Beet Root....hmmmm...quite partial to beetroot so may have to hunt those crisps out :) Like the shot , detail on the bag writing good , texture in the crips good....but don't ya just hate DOF sometimes :bang:

2nd Root....now that is a really neat idea & well exectued :clap::clap:
You've been busy this week Carol :D
I like both the beetroot crisps shot and the potato one too.
I like the colour tones in the beetroot shot, sharp at the point of focus and nicely lit. The oof front crisp has been mentioned but doesnt detract any from the image, my view is drawn more to the crisps and packet.
I like the potato to chip concept you've created here, good thinking (y)
Aww Beetroot crisps..Yuk, but they look interesting. I think your potato shot is the one. Nicely composed with the full spud at the back and the chips at the front. Chips for tea eh, yes please.
Thanks Marsha, DK, Darren, Michael, Alan, Paul, Phil, Simon, Richard, Lynne, Iain, Alex, Stephen, Robert & Roly. All your comments are appreciated.

Stephen and DK, you've not lived till you've tasted beetroot crisps! lol You should find them in your local healthfood shop Lynne....only cost 59p ...which I thought was a bargin considering some of the prices in there.

The challenge is definately pushing me, have to now think about upping my technical skills.

All the best to everyone for this week.

Hi everyone,

This is my take on this week's theme.
I was photographing last night's sunset from Calton Hill and noticed a girl sitting on the grass with a note pad and pen, perhaps she was sketching? or maybe she had writer's block and was looking for inspiration? Anyhow, I thought handwriting or sketching it doesn't matter, anything written has to be handmade doesn't it? ;)


A very nice image Carol, I agree with your definition of 'handmade' in this context. Very nice composition (classic use of rule of the thirds works) but what makes it particulay appealing is the subtle natural evening backlighting in the subjects hair.
Yet another unique and interesting take on 'handmade' (y)
Ooh I like that! I'm a real sucker for candid shots, and that's bang on theme. Maybe a bit more pad in shot, and her concentrating on it would have been good, but you don't get to be director with these shots!
Stephen and DK, you've not lived till you've tasted beetroot crisps! lol You should find them in your local healthfood shop Lynne....only cost 59p

Hahaha... Crisps in a Healthfood shop. Whatever next :LOL:

I like your outdoor sketching take on the handmade theme. Lovely lighting. Its a shame we can't peep over her shoulder and see what she's done do far..
Hi Carol.
I'm not too sure about the industry shot. Granted sepia is right for the shot and the outline of the building is industrial. I think a closer shot is required. Looks like the weather was against you as well.
Now I like root and both themes are very inspired. The DOF in the first is not a problem as it draws you into the shot and on to the packet.
Handmade I like very much, excellent shot and bang on theme.
Thanks very much Michael, Marsha, Phil, Nick, Paul, Gramps, Darren, Alby, Mark, Stephen, Barbara, DK, John & Mike. I agree that it would be better to have seen a little bit more of her sketch pad, but it was taken with my zoom lens and I couldn't get any closer! I find it really dfficult to take photos of people so I am going to make myself try a few more in my 52!

Mark, wouldn't be great if we could be the director? For starters I'd get cars/vans to move a few feet so they are out of my shots! lol Oh, and I'd do the same for bins and lamposts!

John, yes the weather was really bad that day, the building was just visible through the fog. Closer would've been better, but I didn't have time. It was a bit of an experiment, I kind thought the shot worked in sepia as it gave it a smoggy, dirty old factory, belching out smoke kinda look!

As usual, all your comments are appreciated.

All the best

Damn you Carol :D another cracking shot, and unique take on the theme. Love the way the light falls round her hair, and composition spot on too (y)
Well spotted Carol, a lovely candid shot with some nice lighting too.
Not having more of the sketch pad in the shot doesn't detract from the image at all, I feel it adds to the viewers curiosity of what exactly the model is doing without seeing the whole scene. Good work, (y) Iain
I like this!! It's a different take on the theme and it makes you want to walk up closer and peep over her shoulder to see what she's doing! The lighting on her hair just finishes it off!:)
Thanks Alan, Simon, Iain and Sarah,

Glad you liked it, I'm beginning to understand why the hour before sunset is a photographer's friend, the right lighting makes such a difference to a shot. The challlenge is getting me thinking about light and how it affects an image. Which brings me to my submission for this weeks theme. I wanted to try light painting..... so I did! and this is my attempt. I used a long black skirt as the background and set up the shot with my husband as model. Then switched off the light and used a led torch to paint the scene. It's not perfect but I'm quite happy with it for a first attempt. As usual your comments appreciated.


LOL, this went through my mind too, was thinking of a fiver alight and a self portrait of me lighting a cigar with it, I saw it on House the other night!

I like the idea here as well as the B&W but, I don't think the focus is right on the money, it's looking a little soft to me?
Carol - I like the idea a lot :)

However, as the the flame is well obviously very bright and the banknote is a little lost in the darkness.

Could you fake the banknote and actually have it on fire?
Hi Paul, sounds like a good shot, are you gonna do it?

You're probs right about the focus, my model was getting a bit grumpy so I had to call it a night and go with this shot! lol I really enjoyed light painting though, got to try that again soon.

Hi Richard,

I agree it could have done with just a bit more lighting on the bank note....... setting fire to a fake bank note, is a possibility but knowing me I'd probably set the house on fire! lol

Ha! I've just posted a similar idea, though hopefully different enough to show I didn't copy yours, honest!

I really like this, and am surprised how well it works in B&W. Maybe a touch more light on the fiver needed, but other than that, spot on!
Hi Carol.

Week 1 - really like the colours and shapes,

week 3 - Nice picture, makes an interesting history document.

week 4 - Nice take on theme, I like that you showed the sweet after being eaten.

week 6 - the first one is a great shot. lovely colours and very atmospheric.

week 8 - quite a nice candid idea. I'd like to see the view she had aswell.

week 9 - for the money shot, I'd like to of seen you really burn the money :)