Dog Appreciation Thread, post your fave dog shots here...

Coming soon...

At some point I will get a picture up of him... I’ve recently adopted a 15month old black Labrador... for any photographers, I recommend chocolate or yellow labradors especially if you plan to photograph them in the snow....

Long suffering...
Fly & Tigs.web.jpg

Tigs and his mum, taken in February this year (2017). Expectantly waiting for their occassional treat of a dog chew.

This was him today, having retrieved through ice that was breaking t times and then having to swim for them. This was just taken on my phone (an old Samsung S4 that I was given because the owner had several upgrades) the lighting was simply the courtesy light in the boot of the car when we got back from across the fields.

Tigs and mallards.web.jpg
A self-indulgent share in this dog appreciation thread, and one of my first digital photos with my first DSLR (Canon EOS D30). 15 years to the week after bringing home this huge-hearted bundle of fluff, we've had to say goodbye today. Sleep tight Abbey x

Abbey, 15 years ago by Andrea Thrussell, on Flickr
A self-indulgent share in this dog appreciation thread, and one of my first digital photos with my first DSLR (Canon EOS D30). 15 years to the week after bringing home this huge-hearted bundle of fluff, we've had to say goodbye today. Sleep tight Abbey x

Abbey, 15 years ago
by Andrea Thrussell, on Flickr

so sorry x
A self-indulgent share in this dog appreciation thread, and one of my first digital photos with my first DSLR (Canon EOS D30). 15 years to the week after bringing home this huge-hearted bundle of fluff, we've had to say goodbye today. Sleep tight Abbey x

Abbey, 15 years ago
by Andrea Thrussell, on Flickr

So sorry to hear this Andrea :(