weekly JohnN's 52 project for 2013 - Week 39 - Sweet

Last couple of shots I think are real class
I am particularly drawn to the Vertical shot, brightness, depth of field, interest of the subject absolutely spot on - bravo :clap:

(PS: come on you stags!)
Thanks again, I'm hoping to process (hint) some tonight, just the point and shoot one's though as I didn't fancy taking the big one on a course
Hi John,

Vertical, brilliant just brilliant (y)
The composition works so well with the strong dominating vertical and the gentle curve of the sea wall diminishing into the background.

the little fella stood on the scope platform, looking down tells a little story in itself.

I like it a lot.

Pattern, bang on theme, you've captured some great detail in the wood too (y)
DOF in vertical is spot on. Works great as an image, and the boy hanging on and looking down makes it for me.

Love the detail and falloff of focus in pattern.
Vertical excellent can't add to what has already been said :clap:
Pattern i do like it though it needs a bit of a crop on the right there is just a little too much blur there :thinking:
Vertical: ticks all the boxes, would be a good one to use in a photography book on how to take better photos... simple composition, leading lines, shallow depth of field, story etc. it's all there! - well done, great comeback!

Pattern: Well, it's a pattern! - But it's not doing it for me I'm afraid. I think the shallow depth of field spoils it for me... sorry :(

I'm looking forward to seeing some more soon!
Thanks all, vertical certainly has gone down well, just one of those lucky shots :)

I agree that pattern was nowhere near as good, the one I had planned was chairs and tables from above but just my luck they were all a mess!
Hi ya & good to see you back John :wave:

Love the shot for Vertical ,great colors,focus ,DOF & , well just everything really :clap:

Pattern...oh yes...love it , fab detail :clap:
Cheers, great to be back, well I will be by the end of next week when I'm back from Scotland.
Almost there :)

Okay, getting there - link to thread (only two weeks off, well until tomorrow!)

Should be self explanatory this one, the process of making an image, a little bit of a cheat using such and old picture but I wanted to use a decent one with some obvious processing.

Week 24 - Process by magsnorton, on Flickr

Hehe, the face of young Rock, I had actually taken a few pictures of rock faces, cliffs and a could of caves but still preferred this one.

Week 25 - Rock by magsnorton, on Flickr

What can I say they're mad! At least it was a warm day.

Week 26 - Pair of Nutters by magsnorton, on Flickr

A little vague I'll admist but I do like the shape of the tree and the reflection, although I can see me doing another without the reflection as I think its a better picture without, I'll see.

Week 27 - Shape by magsnorton, on Flickr

Obvious one, plenty of dishes, just a little annoyed both black and white images came out sequentially.

Week 28 - Plenty by magsnorton, on Flickr
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process: I see where you are coming from but it's not doing much for me.

Rock: looks like a family snap rather than a portrait to me I'm afraid and would be better if you had done less PP in my opinion, his eyes look surreal.

Pair: I love this shot, great timing and well composed & exposed. a real cracker :clap:

Shape: is that a shoehorn I smell :LOL: Great landscape, I have nothing to add other than I wish it were one of mine :)

Plenty: again, like process - I think we think in different ways, I'm not really getting why you shot this, there's plenty of dishes but the composition is all over the place (to me) it just looks like a jumble. sorry ;(

Movement: clever idea, I think it would be even better with less blur on the lady, not sure and it's just a minor point, nice one.

Below: excellent! - love this POV and the B&W works really well, vignette (is it added?) keeps bringing my eyes back to the branches.

Size: not my cup of tea I'm afraid...

Hope you're not offended by my honest opinions, well done on the catch up, Just speed and step to catch up on now and you're back in... (y)
No, no always happy to receive criticism, and yes that was a shoehorn ;)

You're also spot on with Rock - it was a snap, I just preferred it over the various shots I actually looked for for rock and only spotted it by accident, by the way I actually didn't touch his eyes, almost the only part not messed with :)
Hi John :)

Right... here we go then

Movement - That's unusual mate, liking the idea of movement of the lady and the vehicles, the rest of the shot looks nice and sharp, good movement caught - Good One :)

Below - Very nice, the vignette and the Black and white really suit the tree shape and position you have chosen, really like that (y)

Size - Hahaaa that's unusual, not too sure on the backgrounds but a nice idea

Process - Again another great idea, the difference between the first and third shot is excellent, not only a good idea but a real good image in it's own right :clap:

Rock - Awweee bless, I like that, great eyes contact, he looks such a happy lad :)

Pair - Blimey, the edge is a bit annoying but necessary to add a dimension, a cracking capture !!!!

Shape - Liking the tree and the sky allot, the misty?? mountains add a eerie feel to the landscape, the B&W conversion helps build that feeling for me too (y)

Plenty - Of cables and Dishes, good detail, shame the bottom one is clipped, but perfect for the theme, again the B&W works well :)

DAMN... what a great catch up, good to see you back John :clap:
Nearly back up to date...super shot s for pair and shape.

Super sharp capture of a frozen moment. The upside down one adding loads.

Marvellous landscape and mice conversion. Like the light sky with the dark clouds :clap:
Hi John
good to see you back with us. :wave:
Below... bit to dark I think you are missing a bit of detail in the tree itself and not really liking the vignette
Movement...quite like that you have movement in the person and the car
Plenty...works but the wires are a bit distracting
Shape...nice landscape what was it like in colour?
Pair...nicely caught
Rock...nice shot has a great expression
Process...I really like that love the after part of it :clap:
Thanks all for the comments and advice - as always gratefully recieved :)

Thankfully it won't be as mammoth a task this time as the mini catchup is only two pics.

First off this is not speed (so I guess not on theme ;)), in fact its aspirin and given my level of drug knowledge it probably looks nothing like this, but hey, I'm not going to go seeking out drug dealers for a 52 :eek:

Week 29 - Speed by magsnorton, on Flickr

Now this is not steps as such - they're not touring now anyway ;) - but it is stepped.

Week 30 - Steps by magsnorton, on Flickr

PS: I've no idea whats going on with the mono images!!!
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Sure, it was basically a bit of perspex underneath (well actually an old screen from a laptop ripped to bits) and the lighting was just off camera flash with a gridded snoot to keep the light local.

Another bit to the lighting was to kill all ambient light before using the flash.

Oh and a bit of post processing to tidy up stray bits of light and aspirin dust :)
Hi, Mark, I'm struggling commenting on the 'catch up' threads, so I'll have to comment on your Monos.

#1, well composed and nice detail in the pills. Looks like there might be a few small blown areas. Ni ec blacks, though, and the spotlight effect works for me.

#2, well composed and good detail. I'd like to see a tad more contrast.

speed a really nice shot not sure about the tenuous link but i can get over it, would have been good for mono.
Not sure about steps the little bit of ground at the bottom could go, maybe a different angle on the stones.
Speed: Good lighting and idea.

Step(s): I like the shot, maybe adding a texture to give it more of a gritty feel would work?
Tablet shot looks to be flawless. I particularly like the crushed tablet and its reflection. Very nicely done.

Steps shot: Perhaps if I understood the context of the writing on the steps it would have some meaning for me... but I don't so it doesn't work for me, sorry. Shot well enough though and the B&W works. (y)
Thank all for your positive feedback on Speed, I was pretty pleased with that shot, its even one that had planning and used a flash (major change for me!).

Agreed the steps is a bit blugh... perhaps a later redo.

Now if I can just get round to doing mono!
Hi ya :wave:

bloomin 'eck.......

Right , in no particular order.....

Below....love it ....perfectly on theme , dark but with some detail in the tree bark with an almost perfect fan of branches against sky (y)

Movement....right on theme with good contrast between the blurred car ,person & static car at the front.....only little niggle is the bonnet coming in to shot rhs...maybe crop it out ?

Size....sorry , can see the connection but not for me I'm afraid

Process......fab to see the start & finish shots...love it :clap:

Rock....crazy crazy nights......thanks for that , in my head now ! Good shot but possibly the weakest of your catch up set ...sorry

Pair....cracking capture with both loon's sharper than sharp .... (y)

Shape....lovely scene , bit of a reflection from the hills but possibly a tad too dark rhs...though if it was lighter you may lose the misty effect ?

Plenty...works well , ( you do seem to be going through a B&W phase for sure )...I'd maybe crop out the very bottom dish ?

Speed...works really for me in context to the theme , B&W , reflection ,detail & a black bg to die for (y) Just ebing awkward...for some reason I want to see the whole tablet to the left of the crushed bits :thinking:

Steps......quite liking this but curious to know if that's how they were or is it some pp with overlaid images :thinking:
Damn, thats one great catchup set of comments - thank you - God knows how you kept track of them :)

To answer your steps query - those are just how they are, its a memorial thing at Rufford Abbey tucked away in the little gardens.
PS: I've no idea whats going on with the mono images!!!

4 B&W's posted in a row... and the next theme out is mono ... :LOL:

Nice to see a different take on "speed", works super well for me, great contrast and reflections! Lovethe 'pool' of light around the subject.

Steps I like too, perfect alignment of them, with the tiniest of overlap down the LHS and the stepped edge to the right (don't tell me that was by chance??),

The only thing I'm wondereing is whether cloning another course of bricks over the grass at the bottom would help or not.. :thinking:
Erm, no quite deliberate... ;)

I see what you mean about the bricks, could work or might leave if drifting, I'm not sure.
Okay, now for mono I couldn't do a mono, after all five in a row!! Nah...

So here we have an almost mono shot of a monopod :)

There is another one of the other end which is perhaps a little better, but theres no colour down that end...

BTW is it straight, I cannot tell and its doing my head in!

Week 31 - Mono(pod) by magsnorton, on Flickr
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The alt version was this:

I think both images are okay, but perhaps a bit more work to change them to landscape with more negative space and possibly some text, or even just a product name.

Week 31 - Mono(pod) - alt by magsnorton, on Flickr
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hi ya :wave:

Mono.......I knew someone would do this shot...I thought about it but darn glad I didn't bother as yours is just perfect .....both of them...though my fave is #1 for the lighting , the texture on the padding & the splash of color in the label....:clap:
Thank you, you made my evening, I really wasn't sure about it... and if anyones going to take a word rather than the meaning and do it as a theme that would be me :D
Awkward sod ;)

BTW what on earth does Post farm phone mean, were you on predictive text!

Anyway on to last weeks shot - Connection.

Now as anyone who know me in the real world is aware - I do not, I repeat do not do mornings, well after two kids it seems the universe disagrees, so I find myself up at 6:15 (I know not that early, but hey) and not woken by the evil spawn, so out I pops, with camera and dog thinking about connections and for a change spiders web - actually deliberately on theme :)

Week 32 - Connection by magsnorton, on Flickr
As you say on theme and a really nice pic love the BG really makes the web stand out :clap: