n1kcy’s 52 for 2023 - Weeks 52 Favourite Image of 2023 (cc always welcome)

Week 8 In the kitchen.

I spent a while trying to actually backlight the steam, but the problem I had was there just wasn't enough steam for some reason. so I added the steam in PS.

Shot on Fuji XT4, 16-80 kit lens, off camera flash at 11 o'clock to provide the backlighting, set to 1/16 power in a grid to avoid spill. led continuous light to camera right for fill.
ISO 400, f5, 1/200. Played around with the position of the spoon until it was lit fairly evenly.

Nice setup and well lit. The steam doesnlt work for me as it doesn't look like steam. It looks like smoke.

Otherwise I like it a lot.
I saw the image before I read your description. I was trying to deconstruct the lighting. There's a few other comments on other threads saying that steam was nigh on impossible to capture so you probably set yourself a tough task.

Good skills in making the 'steam' in PS, Do like a custard cream too.
Nice setup and well lit. The steam doesnlt work for me as it doesn't look like steam. It looks like smoke.

Otherwise I like it a lot.
Nice image, I'm afraid I have to agree on the steam, I don't feel it fits :)
I've been through my archives and found an old image with genuine steam from a cuppa, have redone it through photoshop.... which do you prefer?

I saw the image before I read your description. I was trying to deconstruct the lighting. There's a few other comments on other threads saying that steam was nigh on impossible to capture so you probably set yourself a tough task.

Good skills in making the 'steam' in PS, Do like a custard cream too.
Thanks, it was quite straight forward, I just used a layer mask.

Nice one Nicky, the steam looks very natural.
Thanks, I've done another version below.

Nice shot and nice photoshop too. I thought you've done well to capture the steam until I read your narrative.
lol, I did try....

Loely shot Nicky. Nicely lit and the steam adds to it.

I like the second more, and it has a ghostly look too, which in my mind is a bonus.
Anyway all I can think now is, wish there was a packet of Custard Creams in the house, so your photo has certainly had an affect on me :)
Nice idea but I have to agree about the steam in the first one looking like smoke. The second image works better for me.
Good idea and fits the theme, think I prefer the second.
You fault :) that I've just watched a video on Youtube on how to add steam in photoshop.
I prefer the second (y)
me too ironically.
I like the second more, and it has a ghostly look too, which in my mind is a bonus.
Anyway all I can think now is, wish there was a packet of Custard Creams in the house, so your photo has certainly had an affect on me :)
can't beat a custard cream

Nice idea but I have to agree about the steam in the first one looking like smoke. The second image works better for me.
Good idea and fits the theme, think I prefer the second.
You fault :) that I've just watched a video on Youtube on how to add steam in photoshop.
Glad to have inspired :)
Week 9 Broken + Tech of black + white.

Your chosen one has a lot of impact and B/W suits it well.
Getting down close and low is a good angle for this.
First one's the one! Great B&W and plenty of detail in the crackle around the tail light, and the rust!

You can almost imagine a toothy, lop-sided grinning face in there too!
Nice pov on the shot and looks great in mono. It almost has a face.
Nice one Nicky, I think that you've chosen the best of the two and the b&w processing suits it really well.
Your chosen one has a lot of impact and B/W suits it well.
Getting down close and low is a good angle for this.
Thanks, it was worth the wet knees lol.

First one's the one! Great B&W and plenty of detail in the crackle around the tail light, and the rust!

You can almost imagine a toothy, lop-sided grinning face in there too!
Yep, I can definitely see the face

That certainly ticks the box this week !

Nice contrast and detail (y) poor car :(
It's one of two very sorry looking MGs.

A fine image of a very sorry looking MGB GT
Yep, it's had it's day.

Nice pov on the shot and looks great in mono. It almost has a face.
Yep, definitely a face.

Nicely picked out. Looks good in mono

Nice one Nicky, I think that you've chosen the best of the two and the b&w processing suits it really well.
Thank you.

Broken is very good. Lovely subject, but also well processed.

Kitchen. I’m going to go against the grain and say I prefer the first one for some reason.

Weirdly I think the second looks more fake.

Nicely lit too.
Thanks, that's the beauty of art we all see things differently.
Nice natural arrangement of the cards and the hand, giving a real first person POV and perspective.

Actually quite like the hint of detail in the BG (back of settee and lamp), was that intentional or were you going for black?
Yep - works for me :)
Nice natural arrangement of the cards and the hand, giving a real first person POV and perspective.

Actually quite like the hint of detail in the BG (back of settee and lamp), was that intentional or were you going for black?
It was intentional as I didn’t want it to look like a studio shot or cut out in post. It’s the kitchen lol.

Yep - works for me :)
Nice clear shot and great idea to fit the theme
Great take on the theme!
Nicely done Nicky. Very effective.
Fits the theme nicely.
Thanks everyone
Week 11 Patterns
Been away this week in sunny Weymouth lol. The weather and being on holiday with a toddler put paid to any chance of a decent photo so here’s a phone shot of the easter bonnet we’re decorating in our caravan in the rain
Couldn't be better for the theme, and produced on your phone, in a caravan, in the rain, while entertaining a toddler deserves a round of applause.

Square crop works also to emphasise the pattern.
Fun shot Nicky. Can we see a wider angle to get some context?
We were in sunny-not- Devon for a week so know what it was like. Nice pattern/work, could have run a comp to guess what it was
Couldn't be better for the theme, and produced on your phone, in a caravan, in the rain, while entertaining a toddler deserves a round of applause.

Square crop works also to emphasise the pattern.
Thanks, it was a grab shot in less than 1 minute lol.

Nicely shot Nicky. Bang on theme.
Thank you
Fun shot Nicky. Can we see a wider angle to get some context?
I'm not sure what happened to the hat, but it's an easter bonnett, which I held in one hand and positioned the caravan light in the centre then shot with the phone pointing up into it.

We were in sunny-not- Devon for a week so know what it was like. Nice pattern/work, could have run a comp to guess what it was
Spring's gotta arrive soon....