overbez's 52 in 2023... Completed....

Like the high key and still showing detail and separation from back ground. Great idea giving the link to the unedited picture.
Think that with most modern cameras, unless it’s something specialist-eg maybe sports with lowlight maybe? the editing is more important than the camera used.
@Peter123 , @n1kcy , @Gav-canon, @Darkslinger

Many thanks for the kind words of appreciation.

I really like the simplicity of this shot, although maybe not so simple to create. The retention of detail against the background right into the top corner is great.

Thanks Stuart, it was a farily simple set up, all natural light from windows and roof lights, white paper taped to wall behind and camera on tripod.

Like the high key and still showing detail and separation from back ground. Great idea giving the link to the unedited picture.
Think that with most modern cameras, unless it’s something specialist-eg maybe sports with lowlight maybe? the editing is more important than the camera used.

Thanks Keith, I did the Straight Out Of Camera (SOOC) image last time and I like to look back on them. Here was just a case of not blowing any highlights, preferring to push the whites back up, than try to pull them back afterwards.
Nice picture you have done well getting the whites back and keeping the flower separated from the BG
Lovely shot and great use of negative space. It works really well.
Nice picture you have done well getting the whites back and keeping the flower separated from the BG

Thanks Allan

Lovely shot and great use of negative space. It works really well.

Hi Helen, thanks for noticing the negative space, I also considered a portrait crop of just the left third, but I preferred the more open one I posted.

Lovely Graham. Great technique.

Thanks Simon

Very nice. Very clean and minimalist.


I have printed this one (it didn't use up much ink) and its on a wall in the downstairs loo. (Which has a few white photos in white frames, so this fitted nicely).
Week 4 - Transparent

Week 4 - Transparent
by Graham, on Flickr

Link to one of the unedited shots >> Week 4 SOOC <<
The eagle-eyed among you may notice that the lower half of the face is quite OOF in the Straight Out Of Camera shot. This was also my second venture into focus stacking. (As well as confirming my cloning skills are still good! :) )
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Lovely colour on the watch face and the stacking and editing makes a huge difference to the photo.
Nice lighting and no glare which can be an issue nothing wrong with the picture or your stacking
Fab clock shot Graham. Nice diagonal and sharp where it needs to be! (y)
Lovely colour on the watch face and the stacking and editing makes a huge difference to the photo.

Thanks Keith, colour was something I wanted to highlight.

Nice lighting and no glare which can be an issue nothing wrong with the picture or your stacking

Thanks Allan. See below reply to Dave for a bit on lighting.

Photographing any sort of watch can be so hard as the glass can end up with horrible reflections, you have managed to nail that as the lighting is very good and as Allan said no glare which is better. Great job done.

Thanks Dave, was lit by an umbrella softbox and a smaller flash onto the face. There's a few changes I'd make if I did it again, but happy with this. After I cleaned it up with the clone tool!

Very nice. I was going to ask if it's focus stacked, but at f/8 and 105 probably not.

It was focus stacked Tim, a single shot wouldn't get the top and bottom of the face in focus... Could have maybe got away with 3 separate shots, but I went with 7 as not sure what the DOF would really end up as. I could have gone smaller aperture... but where's the fun in that??


Fab clock shot Graham. Nice diagonal and sharp where it needs to be! (y)

Thanks Dave, a lot of effort went into making it sharp!
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Such brilliant detail, and very cleverly edited. Very good picture!
Nice shot Graham, the commentary you provided was very interesting.

I use focus stacking quite a bit but the Olympus automates taking the images. I use Photoshop to align and stack the final result.
Such brilliant detail, and very cleverly edited. Very good picture!

Thanks Sophie.

Nice shot Graham, the commentary you provided was very interesting.

I use focus stacking quite a bit but the Olympus automates taking the images. I use Photoshop to align and stack the final result.

Cheers Bill, ooh, automated focus changes in camera would be great! Sadly not a feature on my 12 year old D5100 :ROFLMAO:

My old version of Photoshop doesn't do stacking either but CombineZP has done a reasonable job here. It's amazing the clarity when the stacked image pops out!!
Thanks Sophie.

Cheers Bill, ooh, automated focus changes in camera would be great! Sadly not a feature on my 12 year old D5100 :ROFLMAO:

My old version of Photoshop doesn't do stacking either but CombineZP has done a reasonable job here. It's amazing the clarity when the stacked image pops out!!
For sure. I'll have to look up the CombineZP software. I haven't heard of that one before.
You'd think a free choice would make it easier!!

I wanted to take the opportunity to try out the macro lens a bit more. Found these tiny buds just coming out - love the way the red on the leaves makes them look like little tentacles.

Again about 7 shots, focus stacked to give detail all the way through.

Week 5 - Snapper's Choice by Graham, on Flickr

Link to one of the unedited shots - with focus to the rear. >> Week 5 SOOC <<
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That's a lovely piece of macro work, well lit and a good bit of stacking.

The background is perhaps a bit strong.
That's a lovely piece of macro work, well lit and a good bit of stacking.

The background is perhaps a bit strong.

Thank-you Paul - appreciate the critique. I have read that background is almost more important than the subject for macro! Something to look closer at in future.
Nice macro and excellent stacking agree about the BG, bit darker maybe:thinking:
Area. Red scarf makes the shot for me.
Incomplete, Like the mono conversion and the pipes meeting where they do makes for a good composition.
Artificial. Good retention of detail in the flower, always like high key shots.
Transparent. You have got the lighting spot on for this, looks like a product shot.
Snappers Choice, really like the detail you have kept by stacking and keeping everything sharp. I am not sure I agree about the background I think it works rather well at bringing out the colour and textures of the shot.
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Nice macro. Creeped me out at first look as I'm watching "The Last of Us" at the moment :oops: :$

Agree the background is a bit overpowering. I;d much rather see it in its natural environment with a soft background.
Love the macro shot, thoght you been diving in some coral reef

I may give that a try
That is a really lovely picture, very vibrant colours and detail. Well Done.
Lovely detail with the stacking and even lighting, definitely needed the stacking as some areas are bit mushy in the single picture linked. No need to mention the background again:)

Be good to know the actual size of the plant pictured.
@Allan.H @Baloo @-Oy- @JayceeC @Fuji Dave @Disney93 @rpn @nog

cheers all. BG could be improved, I originally set up for a pencil as the subject and the plain green contrasted with the blue of this. I rather lazily just stuck a couple of other subjects in front of it afterwards.

The stem is about 5mm across, and the main leaf on the right is about an inch long.
Lovely detail in the macro. I would agree that the background needs toning down a tad... it distracts from the lovely colour in the leaf.