Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

Well done Carpy. I think you've got the makings.... :D
Thanks Nev, I am absolutely loving it, only down side is the lenses, I need a couple more lol, would like a macro and a longer telephoto (300mm??) lol, macro I could just about do, either the 7artisans 60mm F2.8, or the Pergear 60mm F2.8, both cheap enough, but the 100-300 looks like it is just a bit to much for me .
A quick stop at the farm on the way home (where I metal detect)

The Plough has been hard at it.
004 09 10 23.jpg

Taken from behind with the smartphone, quite like the way this came out.
001 09 10 23.jpg

And then a quick walk locally before tea time.

006 09 10 23.jpg
011 09 10 23.jpg
014 09 10 23.jpg
Hi, I took the Postauto from Andeer ... :


... up into the mountains and got off at Mathon :


The walk along the mountain road to Wergenstein (in the middle of the pic, in the far distance) :


Looking back to Mathon :


In Wergenstein :


I had lunch there, started with a Swiss aperitif (and thought about my deceased father, whose birthday is today ...) :

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Hi, we went to VALLE DI LEI, a reservoir for power generation. They installed solar panels on the dam, too :


Upstream :


My two ladies on the dam :


Turbine parts :


The narrow road to the reservoir, with snow poles for the winter :


Campsut in the distance :

Not my photo! My son's

In the past people have said he has an eye for interesting angles, and for some reason I liked this one he took at school today.

Mainly because it is obvious what it is, but the angles confuse the brain (yes, I do still have one or two grey cells :) )

Not my photo! My son's

In the past people have said he has an eye for interesting angles, and for some reason I liked this one he took at school today.

Mainly because it is obvious what it is, but the angles confuse the brain (yes, I do still have one or two grey cells :) )

View attachment 403830

Definitely a touch of the Escher's about that. :)
Something different about the light at this time of year, just experimenting with the cameras B&W modes compared to changing a colour shot

I prefer the cameras, which to me says I need to learn to do better with conversions!bw101.jpgbw102.jpgbw103.jpg
Early morning walk. Heard a fox run past behind me and just about managed to focus..

Some deer came right up close in front of me, but clearly they didn't see me. I had to zoom right out to 100mm!!!
