Posiview's TP52 2016. Week 52 Celebrate added. FINISHED :)

Hi Andy,

Entrance - I like that. Presumably a low iso was do-able due to blending (no visible noise from what I can see).

Size - I had to zoom in to see it was actually you. In that environment you could easily be a young teenager. I prefer the first of the two images, the second one somehow seems a bit over processed.
Size - I like both for different reasons but I'm going to buck the trend and go with the colour verison
Hmmmm see what you mean about the horizon... but overlooking that I like what you have done, interesting central placement of yourself works that low in the image, and the cloud movement is not too much, although the B&W is a strong and bold image, I like the more subtle feel of the colour one (y)

God knows how to get rid of that dip in the sea, presuming you tried a preset for lens correction, so would 'distortion' work on it in LR ??
Hi Andy, some cracking images here.

Entrance - I love the light painting effect and you've done it well. Worth the effort in getting there - good shot (y)

Size is superb. I presume you mean the wonkiness of the horizon? I hear the Samyang 14 does introduce some complex distortion that LR can't really fix with its limited corrections. Not great for architecture or perfectly flat horizons, but you could probably level it in PS if you really really wanted. I like the colour in it, but the long exposure look you have with the clouds in the B&W makes that for me. I like the distant turbines just visible - adds more interest and vastness...
Prefer the b&w Andy ... but I am biased that way. The central positioning of the figure compliments the disposition of the clouds above - works well.
Here's my entrance, I was after a higher vantage point but went ar*e over t*t and gashed my knee :whistle:
If its not pets its people damaging themselves in an effort to get that 52's shot ;)
Interesting light painting (y)
One day I may even try it, who knows :D
Samyang 14mm, has done some weirdness with the horizon :thinking:
No one said the worldwas flat :D

I prefer the colour personally :)
Entrance - I really like the lighting and the low angle you have used makes it look quite dramatic.

Size - I like both of them I like the fact the person is central to the image it adds to the sense of scale
Good idea nicely done Andy, have a good one.

Cheers, Chris.

Any excuse for a selfie eh Andy?
Good take on the theme, certainly better than my first thoughts for the theme.
Is it me, or is it a bit back focused?

Yup...aaannnyyyy excuse :)

Selfies are never easy to get focus right. Put light stand where I wanted to stand, focused on it and stood there. Maybe f5 was too shallow :thinking:

Hi Andy. Brilliant concept and well taken - selfies are very hard to do. I used the same process with the light stand to help set focus but even so. :clap:
And I thought it was because ud been put on the naughty step and had camera locked away from u...... 0.o

.... I simply use my hand to focus... I used to wear slippers and leave them to check when I'd taken a shot so I knew where my feet were..
Nice idea for the theme, I dread to think what your other one is :eek: slightly soft maybe but I don't think it matters at all as it does its job and tells the story
It's the b&w size for me Andy. Much more atmospheric and I like seeing the wind turbines on the (playing with my mind) horizon.

I must admit to have forgotten my camera/spare battery/lens on occasion :oops: :$ My only crit is it looks like you've just missed the focus. The rhs is spot on but your face and hands are a bit off I think.
Hi Andy. Brilliant concept and well taken - selfies are very hard to do. I used the same process with the light stand to help set focus but even so. :clap:

And I thought it was because ud been put on the naughty step and had camera locked away from u...... 0.o

.... I simply use my hand to focus... I used to wear slippers and leave them to check when I'd taken a shot so I knew where my feet were..

Yes, I suppose it must be difficult, I've not tried it myself so not really aware of the issues.
(y) for getting it as close as you did.

Nice idea for the theme, I dread to think what your other one is :eek: slightly soft maybe but I don't think it matters at all as it does its job and tells the story

It's the b&w size for me Andy. Much more atmospheric and I like seeing the wind turbines on the (playing with my mind) horizon.

I must admit to have forgotten my camera/spare battery/lens on occasion :oops: :$ My only crit is it looks like you've just missed the focus. The rhs is spot on but your face and hands are a bit off I think.

Thanks, all.

Yeah, focus....bugger :)

Thankfully frost free - blooming brave anyway what with all those prickly brambles around !!!
Err Andy

I I I Just don't know what to say..........

Cracking first image for Forgotten love the humour in it

No2........ hmmm you brave man!
What can one say !!!

Really like the first shot, great idea and very difficult to achieve I know from practice, soft but hey, taken with a Nikon ;naughty;

Second shot - Fantastic, now this is more of what I was expecting, just wondering where and how you took it, lighting is good (y)

Maybe we best try some SP in Iceland, have a play with techniques to get focus spot on ??
Hahaha, very good and nice arse too (y)

Liking the tats :D

Why thank you :)

Thankfully frost free - blooming brave anyway what with all those prickly brambles around !!!

Hmmm, a winter SP...like the idea :)

really Andy........ REEeeeally....... this isn't just NSFW .... you should be offering counselling...

Cheers, Kev....counselling....that boat left a long time ago :)

Err Andy

I I I Just don't know what to say..........

Cracking first image for Forgotten love the humour in it

No2........ hmmm you brave man!

Cheers...brave or.....:)

Brilliant Andy, I liked the first when I saw it and the second well ! Cheeky or what

Cheeky...cheers (y)

What can one say !!!

Really like the first shot, great idea and very difficult to achieve I know from practice, soft but hey, taken with a Nikon ;naughty;

Second shot - Fantastic, now this is more of what I was expecting, just wondering where and how you took it, lighting is good (y)

Maybe we best try some SP in Iceland, have a play with techniques to get focus spot on ??

Cheers, Dean, I'm really toying with the idea of taking 2 OCF and 2 softboxes to Iceland for some portraits. If I can fit the softboxes on my suitcase I might just take them :D
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I find my muckboots are too hot in summer, is that why you took your clothes off?

Well done though (y)
I can't stop looking at your.....tattoo! What is it out of interest?

Shot wise, bang on theme (both of them) and well lit as per usual. Bravo for doing two shots instead of the prescribed one!
I find my muckboots are too hot in summer, is that why you took your clothes off?

Well done though (y)

Not had any problems so far.


I can't stop looking at your.....tattoo! What is it out of interest?

Shot wise, bang on theme (both of them) and well lit as per usual. Bravo for doing two shots instead of the prescribed one!

Cheers, which tattoo you referring to?
1st, clever idea Andy, and 2 excuses for a selfie :p

2nd Bare face cheek!
Love the wellies Andy :D
Like first shot - clever! I like the focus on the eye - brings the viewer attention in! Which is more than I can say for the second one!! Makes me want to take up running - screaming in the opposite direction!!
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