Posiview's TP52 2016. Week 52 Celebrate added. FINISHED :)

Hi Andy a bit of a catch up from me

Rough love the fact that the is a car on the oat and both look a little rough around the edges.

Covered - I can say nothing but WOW fantastic image.:clap:
Vast - Lovely scenery! Having Isabelle in the shot really makes it come alive. And the red jacket really works!

Rough - I liked the B&W version when I first saw it. Then I saw the colour and liked it even better. Both have their own appeal but I think the colour makes it pop more. I like the black framing thing you’ve done, too. Adds to the appeal :)

Covered - Amazing shot there. A great interpretation of the theme and beautiful B&W treatment. Love the swirly formation of clouds around the head!
The NMA sound like a very moving place to visit. I can't believe I have never heard of it, coming from Staffordshire, but will certainly pay it a visit when visiting family in Stoke. Your photograph deals with the subject matter powerfully and with great respect IMO. The framing in the lighter part of the cloud is perfect.

Great PoV and positioning of the figure in the frame.

It's all been said above, powerful image, well done

I seem to have missed commenting the last few submissions.

Vast; very on theme like the contrasting green of the land and Isabelle's red dress.

Rough; can't really make out the theme but sure in real life could be different, but like your triptych treatment.

Covered; I think I've seen something similar from you before. Like the composition and pov the B&W suits perfectly. :clap:

Stunning shot with that sky Andy .....a very powerful image.

As already said, a very powerful image, nicely captured and processed Andy :)

Hey Andy :)

Rough - Hmmmmm not sure which one of these to be honest, I like the B&W but it doesn't stand out enough for me, but the colour version actually make it look quite tidy, well paint/body wise... must say the car on there is one good effort for sure, liking the Triptych treatment :)

Covered - Cracker this, wish I had made it Saturday, the weekend was a total wipe-out for me... but hey, looks like you had super weather photography wise, a great choice of statue, and the composition and PoV with that belting sky really adds punch, love it :clap:

Hi Andy a bit of a catch up from me

Rough love the fact that the is a car on the oat and both look a little rough around the edges.

Covered - I can say nothing but WOW fantastic image.:clap:

Andy, your covered is absolutely fantastic. Idea, B&W and concept brilliant. Makes me want to visit is awe inspiring place

Vast - Lovely scenery! Having Isabelle in the shot really makes it come alive. And the red jacket really works!

Rough - I liked the B&W version when I first saw it. Then I saw the colour and liked it even better. Both have their own appeal but I think the colour makes it pop more. I like the black framing thing you’ve done, too. Adds to the appeal :)

Covered - Amazing shot there. A great interpretation of the theme and beautiful B&W treatment. Love the swirly formation of clouds around the head!

Thanks, all, covered, yeah, one for a reshoot.

Rough, I'll be going back once the central memorial opens again around September; keep an eye on the meet forum if you want to join me (y)

Well, I never thought I'd see a projectile vomit here, but nothing truly surprises me! :D

Very well done Andy....colours look great and I think the choice of less bright BG is the right one.
Wow, excellent idea and well executed! I agree that a brighter background would have worked less well. The colours really pop out.
Great idea well executed. I'd like to know how you did it.
Very well done Andy - the splatters are brilliant as is your take on the theme. BG looks perfect to me. :clap:
Hi Andy

I much prefer the colour version of Rough but will agree with others than the triptych doesn't lend itself quite so well to this theme perhaps?
Covered - nice capture (great POV) and good processing. I think you've done really well with this one. As you say, a very poignant statue. You've really done it justice :clap:
Colourful - yuck. But enough about the guy on the right, it's a great composite (y) How did you do the paint shot? Really good take on the theme - love it!
A Technicolor yawn, the paint splashes are superb I would like an explanation too a great idea well executed
Hi Andy now that's is a superb image it really grabs your attention. Very well executed and processed
Any excuse for a selfie eh Andy?
I'm not sure what you've been drinking / eating but I'd quit if I were you :D

Nice processing, clever idea (y)
Colourful Language ... a very good theme twist. Very well done, BG looks fine as do the colours, you could do with a shave tho.
Well, I never thought I'd see a projectile vomit here, but nothing truly surprises me! :D

Very well done Andy....colours look great and I think the choice of less bright BG is the right one.

Excellent idea Andy ....and I do like the title :) ...how did you do the paint splatters..... I really like them, they would stand alone as an abstract for me.

Wow, excellent idea and well executed! I agree that a brighter background would have worked less well. The colours really pop out.

Great idea well executed. I'd like to know how you did it.

Very well done Andy - the splatters are brilliant as is your take on the theme. BG looks perfect to me. :clap:

Ahhhh cool idea... and very apt as your language can be colourful :D

I tend to agree about the background, pure white would have been very harsh with them pastel-like colours, like it (y)

Hi Andy

I much prefer the colour version of Rough but will agree with others than the triptych doesn't lend itself quite so well to this theme perhaps?
Covered - nice capture (great POV) and good processing. I think you've done really well with this one. As you say, a very poignant statue. You've really done it justice :clap:
Colourful - yuck. But enough about the guy on the right, it's a great composite (y) How did you do the paint shot? Really good take on the theme - love it!

A Technicolor yawn, the paint splashes are superb I would like an explanation too a great idea well executed

I agree with the above, that's a stand out image and it would be cool to know how it was achieved.

Sounds good to me andy. I'll take it please.

Hi Andy now that's is a superb image it really grabs your attention. Very well executed and processed

Any excuse for a selfie eh Andy?
I'm not sure what you've been drinking / eating but I'd quit if I were you :D

Nice processing, clever idea (y)

Colourful Language ... a very good theme twist. Very well done, BG looks fine as do the colours, you could do with a shave tho.

Aha..it's language not a yawn - always read the small print! A very striking image - good job :clap:

Thanks all, I know, another selfie :)

The colour is a stock image :oops: :$

With this in mind I decided to have another, more direct, attempt at the theme below :)

Hi Andy - I think I prefer shot 1! I would prefer to see the BG a true white however, I know you said it didn't look right - but it's so close as it is! Sorry, just my OCD! :p
The colourful language of shot 2 adds to the theme, but I think shot 1 makes the better photograph (even if it is a stock image!) (y)
Hi Andy. Nothing wrong at all with the second but still favour the first ... maybe because of the subtle visual play on the theme. Stock image maybe but the concept and result is excellent.
Nice one Andy and nearly all your own work too ;) It works really well but I like #2 better as it expresses the theme you had in mind.
Andy, colourful really great take on the theme. I can honestly say I would never of considered that. This is what I am really enjoying about this part of the forum is the inspirational ideas each person has on the themes

Great !

Hi Andy. I'm well behind the times for commenting. I like horizontal very much, it cleverly mixes man-made straight lines with the less-perfect natural ones. Vast is great too, with a warm foreground and human focal point to contrast the cooler - and indeed vast - backdrop. I prefer the colour boat although it doesn't scream 'rough' at me. Covered is stunning, the perspective combined with the clouds make it really dramatic. As for colourful I was really impressed with the way you'd captured the paint but number two has the added benefit of making me laugh.
That works too Andy!

I like that, it's a good (re)interpretation of the theme.

Hi Andy - I think I prefer shot 1! I would prefer to see the BG a true white however, I know you said it didn't look right - but it's so close as it is! Sorry, just my OCD! :p
The colourful language of shot 2 adds to the theme, but I think shot 1 makes the better photograph (even if it is a stock image!) (y)

Hi Andy. Nothing wrong at all with the second but still favour the first ... maybe because of the subtle visual play on the theme. Stock image maybe but the concept and result is excellent.

Nice one Andy and nearly all your own work too ;) It works really well but I like #2 better as it expresses the theme you had in mind.

A cracking image Andy, good work


Andy, colourful really great take on the theme. I can honestly say I would never of considered that. This is what I am really enjoying about this part of the forum is the inspirational ideas each person has on the themes

Great !


Hi Andy. I'm well behind the times for commenting. I like horizontal very much, it cleverly mixes man-made straight lines with the less-perfect natural ones. Vast is great too, with a warm foreground and human focal point to contrast the cooler - and indeed vast - backdrop. I prefer the colour boat although it doesn't scream 'rough' at me. Covered is stunning, the perspective combined with the clouds make it really dramatic. As for colourful I was really impressed with the way you'd captured the paint but number two has the added benefit of making me laugh.

Thanks for the feedback everyone, especially Nick for the catchup.

In my 5 years doing the 52 I have never been so lax with my comments, appologies this. I will get back into it (y)

Just returned from a solo speed trip to Spurn Point...very little sleep, but buzzing as it was a great trip.

Here's my entrance, I was after a higher vantage point but went ar*e over t*t and gashed my knee :whistle:

Bit of light painting. Pity there were no stars in the sky for some star trails.

If you ever get a chance, get over there, its amazing.

But take water, food and suncream when you go to the end of the point :banghead:


TP 52 week 30 entrance 2 by aNdy sHeader, on Flickr
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Hi Andy. Just Googled Spurn Point to check on geography - sadly too far for me to contemplate but it does look an amazing place. That's quite an Entrance you have made with your light painting - quite dramatic. (y)
Nicely done light painting of an intriguing structure, interesting take on the theme (y)
Hi Andy. Just Googled Spurn Point to check on geography - sadly too far for me to contemplate but it does look an amazing place. That's quite an Entrance you have made with your light painting - quite dramatic. (y)

Cheers, shame it's too far.

Andy, would of been great for danger as well, I like the lighting on this. How did you go about it ?


It's about 4 exposures painted with my torch and blended in photoshops.


Nicely done light painting of an intriguing structure, interesting take on the theme (y)

Cheers, great place.
Hi, entrance looks an interesting place well light painted too would like to know a little more about what it is

size, very good has to be the B+W for me the way the sky fans above you is nice
Thanks for sharing how you did your entrance shot - works well, very dramatic. Hope your cut/sunburn/hunger are fading too :rolleyes: !
I prefer the b&w for vast - the more dramatic clouds emphasise your diddiness in the scene better for me. I like this one a lot (y)