Simon's 52 in 2022

Nice shot Simon. Hard to get shots like this without heavy shadow ruining the image, you've done a good job.
As already said.. that is a very bright pumpkin.

The hard light works really well. The colours really jump out.

Nice shot Simon. Hard to get shots like this without heavy shadow ruining the image, you've done a good job.
Thanks all - as with most of my contributions, it's more luck than judgment. I tend not to plan or think stuff out too much, just see a shot and snap it!
Week 32 - Internal(s)

Lawks, where does the time go?

Three goes at this week's challenge.

The inside of our washing machine. Not the shot I wanted, but the best of those I took without reflections or door paraphernalia. Ideal I wanted the roundness of the door in a circular shaped shot, but I haven't got the PP skills to do that, so this doesn't make the submitted post for me.

P1000666 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

The internals of my Canon printer - looking a bit mucky now to be honest, but its served me well over the years.

P1000661 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

One of our food cupboards. Please don't judge me.... :LOL:

P1000671 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
Nice set of shots for the theme. I like the printer shot and good to see it has been working hard.
Cheers Stan. Yea, printer's knocking on a bit now. Doesn’t get used as much these days.
Good set Simon, the food cupboard made me laugh... :D

Your Washer could make and interesting abstract if you maybe focused in a little closer on the sides of the drum.
Good set Simon, the food cupboard made me laugh... :D

Your Washer could make and interesting abstract if you maybe focused in a little closer on the sides of the drum.
Thanks as always for your comments Bill. Appreciate it.
They're all on theme, but the printer shot stands out for me. The colour debris really makes it.
Three good takes on the theme. Feeling hungry now :D
I rather like the washer shot. Perhaps cropping to a square might work too?
I rather like the washer shot. Perhaps cropping to a square might work too?
Thanks Helen.
I did think about a crop, and I think your probably right, but thought I’d lose too much of the interior detail.
Week 33 - Square(s)

Well I'm still struggling to keep up here, through my own fault of either getting ready to go on a holiday, or being on a holiday (we're seriously making up for the last two years) or if not doing that, playing golf or gardening - it's tough being retired....and I'm finding it hard to devote much time to my photography with the weeks just whizzing by.

With theme eve looming tomorrow and nothing in the bag yet for this week's them, I've done a quick wander round the house and come up with the following shot on my iPhone 13 Pro. Hopefully it at least ticks the box...

This is my conservatory floor, shot in mono with a fairly strong vignette to hopefully draw the eye to what's an otherwise plain shot.

IMG_0653 (1) by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

Same idea, no vignette, but part of my patio.

IMG_0651 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr

And finally, my front door with has some nice squares, but sadly it also shows up how scabby the door is.

IMG_0656 by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
A good set Simon, I rather like the second image with the offset tiles.
Yep - Patio squares is the one.
I would go with the patio two. The composition of the dark lines makes a nice abstract.
Week 34 - Small

By the skin of my teeth…..

apologies for not commenting on folks posts this week - I’m away in Corfu with a really dodgy Wi-Fi connection and, frankly other things in my mind…

So here's my slightly shoehorned contribution for this week. Way, way, in the distance, and looking very, very small, is the hotel we're staying in at Agios Georgios in north western Corfu, after a 4 mile, 1,000 foot plus ascent in +30° heat

Agios Georgios, Corfu by Simon Hiscocks, on Flickr
Whew! A long walk, up hill, in blistering heat...not my cup of tea...

Well shot Simon.