weekly Week 31 - Mono

Hi everyone thanks for all the FB, as always food for thought going forward thanks again:)
Hi ya :wave:

another different slant on the theme...original , on theme , like the angle , good colors...yup good thinking mister :)
Well done sir - a take on Wild I don't think we've had yet!

Nice contrast between the fluffy sawdust and shiny floor underneath, and all within the frame. (y)

Where are you shooting these, (somewhere fairly dark I'm guessing?) - there's quite a bit of noise (mostly visible in the hat), which is to be expected at ISO 3200, but you've still had to take your shutter to 1/6 sec which is fairly long for a static object. :thinking:
Well done sir - a take on Wild I don't think we've had yet!

Nice contrast between the fluffy sawdust and shiny floor underneath, and all within the frame. (y)

Where are you shooting these, (somewhere fairly dark I'm guessing?) - there's quite a bit of noise (mostly visible in the hat), which is to be expected at ISO 3200, but you've still had to take your shutter to 1/6 sec which is fairly long for a static object. :thinking:

Thanks for FB, think may be over doing stuff in PS, and still getting to grip with different setting on Camera, todays setting was on the floor with extra lighting :)
Everton, that definitely is an interesting take on the theme. I really like it as such, and as a shot with a bit of story; I'm less sure of it as a photograph, though. I'm really not quite sure how we "should" be approaching the theme, I suppose!

Having said that, do I have any ideas on how it might have been better? Maybe a bit less square on? Bit more depth? Less separation between the elements? I don't know! Do pardon me for being a grump. But as I said, the theme interpretation is really smart...
That noise is in the way of a good image. I like the subject, and it's otherwise well composed. Would have been nice to see it a bit cleaner without the noise.
Hi Everton. OOh, cowboys! - Good idea!

Shame about the noise... Looking at your settings I wonder why you were at ISO3200, were you hand held? if so a wider aperture would have got you the same shutter speed at a lower ISO. For reference, usually for static setups like this I would use ISO100 and something like f8 (So it's easy to keep it all in focus) let the tripod take the strain. If you don't have a tripod yet a beanbag/bag of rice works well, and a remote release is less than £2 off ebay, or you can use the selftimer. Hope this helps, see you next week.
That noise is in the way of a good image. I like the subject, and it's otherwise well composed. Would have been nice to see it a bit cleaner without the noise.

Hi Everton. OOh, cowboys! - Good idea!

Shame about the noise... Looking at your settings I wonder why you were at ISO3200, were you hand held? if so a wider aperture would have got you the same shutter speed at a lower ISO. For reference, usually for static setups like this I would use ISO100 and something like f8 (So it's easy to keep it all in focus) let the tripod take the strain. If you don't have a tripod yet a beanbag/bag of rice works well, and a remote release is less than £2 off ebay, or you can use the selftimer. Hope this helps, see you next week.

Thanks for the FB guys, all the FB back on this has been great, and has made me go and re-examine this shot and get a better understanding of IOS and F stops, hoping all you guys keep giving me feedback it is helping (y)
Now that is a whole lot of space(s) there..... Only minor things from me this week, and all maybe's as well.....

maybe loose a little sky,
maybe a lower viewpoint,
maybe either right on a line to start, or right in the middle of two

But the perspective of all the lines drawing you in works, and the black shadow / resurfaced area works well too. B&W might work with less sky in it?

Well spotted - (y)
Now that is a whole lot of space(s) there..... Only minor things from me this week, and all maybe's as well.....

maybe loose a little sky,
maybe a lower viewpoint,
maybe either right on a line to start, or right in the middle of two

But the perspective of all the lines drawing you in works, and the black shadow / resurfaced area works well too. B&W might work with less sky in it?

Well spotted - (y)

Thanks for the FB, will take a look and re-post :thinking:
Is that tescos carpark :naughty:

Anyway, well spotted and on theme.

Fe me the devils in the detail and I'd prefer it if you had taken the photograph looking down one of the lines or exactly in the middle.

Might even work with all the sky/buildings taken out.

Is that tescos carpark :naughty:

Anyway, well spotted and on theme.

Fe me the devils in the detail and I'd prefer it if you had taken the photograph looking down one of the lines or exactly in the middle.

Might even work with all the sky/buildings taken out.


Thanks for the FB, when I say I do take your feedback on board, as I'm reading your FB 'Looking down' I'm thinking why didn't I think of that.

ps always looking to get better (y)
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I have this feeling often. Sometime when you're in the field you miss what in retrospect is the obvious.

That's what the 52 is all about, learning (y)


I wonder if you can help, not sure why my new thread still shows up as 52 Sin, how do I change it each week so eveyone know when I done my new post ?? :help:
For me the monochrome tighter crop is the best. My only concern is that I can't work out what the diagonal dark bands are. Are they shadows? Do they really help the image? Maybe they do add interest, but they also add a bit too much mystery for me. That said, well spotted and a good result!
I think the tighter crop works better, as does the B&W!
I think a higher perspective might have worked better on this - like pointing downwards from higher up. You could get some cool emphasis & distortion on all those parallel lines! Nice idea! (y)
For me the monochrome tighter crop is the best. My only concern is that I can't work out what the diagonal dark bands are. Are they shadows? Do they really help the image? Maybe they do add interest, but they also add a bit too much mystery for me. That said, well spotted and a good result!

Thank for the FB, I think some work has been done on the car park in the pass

The last B & W tighter crop shot is a cracker for me (y)

Thanks for the FB, (y)

I think the tighter crop works better, as does the B&W!
I think a higher perspective might have worked better on this - like pointing downwards from higher up. You could get some cool emphasis & distortion on all those parallel lines! Nice idea! (y)

Thanks for the FB (y)
Great idea! I can imagine this because its the same for me every morning although snooze is my preferred button ha

Nice colour and sharp, great shot, i like the composition and everything being black apart from the screen adds to it i feel!
Thats a nice idea :clap: apart from the already mentioned crop, although 10 to 9 in the evening seems a strange time to get up for work ;)
Hi everton - best one of yours yet IMO.

The only thing jumping out at me is the time.... It may well be the time certain people start work, but a time around 5:30 or 6am might have drawn more empathy from the majority of viewers?

Great idea! I can imagine this because its the same for me every morning although snooze is my preferred button ha

Nice colour and sharp, great shot, i like the composition and everything being black apart from the screen adds to it i feel!

Thanks for the FB, like you I use the snooze button maybe once before getting out of bed ;)

Hi, the red really pops out here. The overall composition works for me, just the cropped bottom by way of crit from me.


Thanks for the FB, and yes once posted and looking at it could see that I should have got it all in :bang:

Thats a nice idea :clap: apart from the already mentioned crop, although 10 to 9 in the evening seems a strange time to get up for work ;)

Thanks for the FB, very good point around the timing, somthing to look at going forward around my set up (y)

Hi everton - best one of yours yet IMO.

The only thing jumping out at me is the time.... It may well be the time certain people start work, but a time around 5:30 or 6am might have drawn more empathy from the majority of viewers?


Thanks for the FB, all in the set up and somthing to be awere off going forward

Again would like to thanks you all for all the feedback given so far, it is helping me to look at what I do ;)
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Really good, great composition, like the red snooze, very applicable and very original!