weekly 52 in 2014 Cowboy

Hi Mark

torn between the 2....like the inclusion of the hand in #1 but would have preferred more hand ie not cropped so tight

like the close view in #2 showing the polished wood but want to see all of that silvery widget ( technical term ! ) at the base of the shot......

I do like to be awkward :rolleyes:

by cowboy72, on Flickr

I had another shot in mind for this but was too busy to get out in time, life /work/etc got in the way for this earlier in the week as well but I've made it :)
Like it. Daring composition and processing. I'd have had to clean off the bird poop and remove the bit of grass.

Reminds me if my favourite Saul Leiter photograph linky

I like the processing too, I like the mono colouring and the grainy feeling of it.
I like that you've included "Close Board" fencing for the background too! Was that deliberate?

I agree about the bird poop and grass though.
Simple composition and bold b&w should make for a strong pic though Im on the fence with this one......Besides the poop and grass distractions, I think it may be the angle of the sign relative to the fence that "jars" a tad?
lose the blade of grass - keep the bird squirt.

Nowt wrong with anything else, love the light... was it off camera flash, or just a convenient streetlight, the high contrast B&W and the retained texture in the fence. Top job Mark. (y)
Good image, (y) I scrolled the page down to give the image the same amount of space below the sign as above, then I thought, crop a bit off the right? :)

But then again, as mention in another thread, I like the panoramic/letterbox type crop :)
Like it. Daring composition and processing. I'd have had to clean off the bird poop and remove the bit of grass.

Reminds me if my favourite Saul Leiter photograph linky


Thanks, interesting link.

I like the processing too, I like the mono colouring and the grainy feeling of it.
I like that you've included "Close Board" fencing for the background too! Was that deliberate?

I agree about the bird poop and grass though.

I was looking for a nice fence to include, boards rather than panels.

Interesting crop but works (y) not going to mention the poop or grass though....:oops: :$

I also agree with Simon's comments

Thanks both of you.

Simple composition and bold b&w should make for a strong pic though Im on the fence with this one......Besides the poop and grass distractions, I think it may be the angle of the sign relative to the fence that "jars" a tad?

The sign is leaning quite a bit and the fence is straight so I tried to find an angle to minimise this and then rotate slightly to try and equalise it.

I should have concentrated more on the grass and bird poop :D

OMG can't believe you didn't clean it first :LOL:

It had already flown away :D boom, tish, it's the way I tell em :D

lose the blade of grass - keep the bird squirt.

Nowt wrong with anything else, love the light... was it off camera flash, or just a convenient streetlight, the high contrast B&W and the retained texture in the fence. Top job Mark. (y)

I lit it with a torch I'd taken with me just to highlight the close part and go for a security guard/spotlight type effect.

Good image, (y) I scrolled the page down to give the image the same amount of space below the sign as above, then I thought, crop a bit off the right? :)

But then again, as mention in another thread, I like the panoramic/letterbox type crop :)

Close - nice image if not for the unwanted decoration. Also what looks like a stray piece of grass at the bottom is distracting.
Nice first few shots Mark - really liking 'odd' and 'line'... as a few people have already mentioned I'd have lost the litter in 'line' and the bird poop from 'close' though.. lol
Nice clear and well lit shot of the bubbles, I also like the shape of the "cluster" and its angle.
Not sure about this, like the fact there seems to be movement, also like the bubbles on the left, look like marble rolling but overall just not sure it's not to much
Hi, nice sharp image but not really doing anything for me personally
Its different Mark (y), before reading it was boiling water in a pan,I'd looked at it a while and couldn't decide what it was.

It looks a good clean image but just lacks something for me :thinking::)
Noticed a brown tinge coming from left to right in the bubble image was this intentional ? Its like a streak...

As DK has said a tighter crop may have been a better option.
Top marks for trying something different for bubble, agree its lacking something, but not sure what? :thinking:
That's a good shot. It works for me too. I like the lines giving it a sense of movement and the b/w conversion.
Close – Your mono conversion suits what you’ve been trying to portray here. Not sure about the shadow in the centre though.

Bubble – I was trying to decide whether to crop out the left hand side but I think the streaks or scratches help draw the eye towards the bubbles.