DB5 52 for 2022 Week 52 Showcase

That looks awful!... the puzzle I mean, the picture looks fine, and bang on theme.

But the puzzle, all shades of brown, and no edges, and some redundant pieces - someone must really hate you!
This is the third year running my sister in law (I love her dearly!) has sent a challenging puzzle...I will succeed for the third time as well.
Ooh that’s going to be tricky!!!!
Nicely shot and right on theme.
That looks challenging, you could say doggone difficult :) Fits the theme well, and including the different elements works well.
Extra bits, how do they know which ones you will lose??? :D:D;), Nice detail captured.
Great shot Keith, it would get "old" for me really quickly...no patience... :D
Thank you for all your comments, it's also good to see other peoples interpretations.
Ah, if you like dogs especially this breed then you know which piece fits piece to piece. If you see what I mean. You have got the eye and the ear, you'll finish it in no time. A nice new puzzle, very fitting.
I've never seen one with no edges before... whatever next! Nice idea.
Lovely cameras and nice subdued lighting. Perhaps a little too much cloth(?) for me, and maybe the cameras could be a bit closer together, or just focus on one...

Still - a nice photo and it must have taken time to set up. Well done.
Thank you and yes l can see your point, closer grouping to see more of the cameras and less cloth.
I wanted to work with three to experiment more with grouping.
Three lovely old cameras, perfect for the theme - complemented by the lighting and the texture and colour of the material. Now that Ian has mentioned it, bringing them a little closer together and away from the edges might work well, but I didn't notice until he mentioned it :)
I think that you've chosen a great subject for the theme Keith and you composition is good. I can see that there is a challenge with the lighting, the camera on the right seems to be drifting into the shadow a bit but all in all I like the shot.
That works treally well for me.

I could fill that space with many cameras lol.
This picture works really well for the theme. I like the setup and choice of materials and like some others have said I may have moved the middle camera in a smidge. Nice one!
Nice lighting for the Cameras. A bit too much cloth showing for me as l would like to see the back two cameras a little closer.
Nicely composed image. You've certainly put some effort into the set up and the subdued lighting works for the subject imho.
That's very nice. I especially like the movement in the coffee stream. Perhaps that element needed a tweak in the exposure to make it a little more "solid"?
I'm with you Keith...coffee on dark, dank days. Actually...coffee on all days... :D
Nice picture, I like how you've captured the movement of the coffee. How many cups did you drink before you were happy with the shot? ;)