weekly Jaycee' 52 for '22 .........Finished

Yes! A fellow press-head! :coffee:

I've included a few shots of mine over the past couple of 52 week challenges.
Yes! A fellow press-head! :coffee:

I've included a few shots of mine over the past couple of 52 week challenges.
They are great, I have had mine for a few years now wouldn't be without it
Wasn't sure what it was either until I saw your response (initially though it was the bottom half of a hydraulic chair!!)
Certainly ticks the theme box.
I'll have to Google this
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Interesting but predictable shape to those bottles. You would not see anything like that these days.
Bells must be may 2nd worse Whisky, after Teachers.
I thought it was a before and after shot for a moment until I looked more closely at the caps:)
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I think Bebop is right. It's a Week 3/4 combo! A container, containing bottles!
Well after 50 years that full bottle deserves to be drank.
Image fits the bill just fine.
I have never seen gates on alleyways, Do you know why they are there?

Ticks the box for an alley.
Is this Barry John? I nearly took some of the alleys off Holton Rd/Broad Street and they look the same with the gates.
I have never seen gates on alleyways, Do you know why they are there?

Ticks the box for an alley.
Is this Barry John? I nearly took some of the alleys off Holton Rd/Broad Street and they look the same with the gates.

The gates were put up a few years ago to stop anti-social behavior in the alleys, some have turned into a bit of a tipping area but others have utilized the space as a safe play area for the kids, and others have stayed pretty much the same.

Yes Simon, back of Princess/Queen street
Quite different with this viewpoint from other alleyways we've seen. The B&W does give it a 70s feel even though there are gates now. Sad that they are needed.
Great take on the theme John. A different, and interesting, perspective.
I think the grey framing adds considerably to the image, I must try it myself at least once this year.
Yep - nice heavy shot for the theme
Bang on theme. I wonder if you could have changed the angle slightly and lose some of the background. Maybe it wasn't possible?
Thanks for the likes and comments guys.

I think the grey framing adds considerably to the image, I must try it myself at least once this year.

Bang on theme. I wonder if you could have changed the angle slightly and lose some of the background. Maybe it wasn't possible?

I didn't notice how the grey frame added to the image, it is added automatically by imgur.

I was literally up against the fence behind me and leaning on a lamppost to the right of me. I could have climbed over the fence but if I slipped into the dock it would have ruined my camera :) I took a few shots but this was the best one background wise.
Nice shot John. Where's this (I feel like I should know!).

On the waterfront opposite Morrisons, it's on one of the docking quays, you have probably walked past it a 1,000 times :)
On the waterfront opposite Morrisons, it's on one of the docking quays, you have probably walked past it a 1,000 times :)
Ah! Only ever driven to there. Il add it to my places to go - often thought about getting a shot of the docks down there.
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I like both images John, not sure if I'm diggin' the thick grey borders though...
I like both images John, not sure if I'm diggin' the thick grey borders though...

Thanks, I think they fit on some pics, but not sure how to get rid of them,
It is amazing... put man in a container and he can fly high, float and sink deep.... just need to make sure it's the right sort of container :LOL:

Don't forget to add the week to your post so the keeper of scrolls can tick it off easily.
Well yes, great idea that meets the challenge.
when I saw it I thought it was some kind of mineral waste from an industrial process.
Technology - I wondered about that question myself John, Isn't physics wonderful?
Discarded - I've discarded many pounds of coffee grounds myself