Lindsay's 2022 Second 52 attempt - Week 39 ( Depict A Song)


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Hoping to keep it going longer than in the previous attempt.
First week: "New", my new Chroma "Cube" pinhole camera that is awaiting film and exercise. Whilst waiting for a little product photography tent to arrive, I just used a sheet of A3 paper as background with natural light plus a desk light from upper right side, hence the shadows. Akso noticed I should have dusted off the camera before taking the shot! Still, it's a start:

E_M10Mk3-P1010014-New by Lindsay Pennell, on Flickr
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Nice shot. Wasn’t sure what it was until I read your description. Have fun using it!
Looks like a fun bit of kit :)
I didn’t realise you could buy such a thing! What fun! The shadows stop it being suspended in space, so it works nicely for me. I always spot dust afterwards too :)
I like the tight crop and the angle you’ve shot it from. Sounds like an interesting piece of kit.
Yes, the "Cube" is the latest thing from Chroma Cameras (@stevelmx5 of this parish) which he announced in time for me to order a couple, one for my wife and one for me, although I may well pass one on to my niece in due course. Lovely simple piece of kit for those of us too lazy to poke a hole in a lens cap! It has some nice simple ideas incorporated though: the piece sticking out the side is the shutter control (slide across to open/close), and a little marker on the back to tell you when you have wound the film on a frame (which is 24x24mm), and it uses standard 35mm film.
Nice new camera Lindsay, would be nice to see some results from it as well.
My recent GAS attacka have left me with several bits of kit that need exercise and results publishing. I shall get there!
I’m glad you’re happy with the Cube Lindsay, thanks a lot for your support. A few people have suggested using a Cube for a 52 project (1 image a week), as that’s how many frames you can get on a standard roll of film!
A good product image Lindsay. I wonder about the colour cast in the shadow? Is that from the type of lighting you were using? Only asking because I don't do a lot of indoor "studio" work and want to know if it's something I should look for.
That looks like an interesting gadget. Look forward to seeing some of your images.
That's an interesting gadget and a clever way to improvise on a seamless background!
A good product image Lindsay. I wonder about the colour cast in the shadow? Is that from the type of lighting you were using? Only asking because I don't do a lot of indoor "studio" work and want to know if it's something I should look for.
Sorry for the late reply, it's been a busy week!
I think it's the weird combination of natural light and an LED desklight. I haven't set up my indoor product photography tent yet to try out.
So, for week 2 "Old" I thought I'd maintain the camera theme by shooting an old Voigtländer folder that I have had in the collection for many years, in fact I think it was one of my dad's collection!
E_M1Mk2-P1160013-Old by Lindsay Pennell, on Flickr
Taken with a very basic setup (obviously!) of a sheet of A3 white paper taped to a chair, overhead LED room light, using an Ol;ympus OM-D E-M1Mk2 plus 17mm f1.2 Pro lens (but I haven't even begun to get to grips with the menu yet so this was straight out of the box shooting, tweaked very slightly in Photoshop.
That's a nice old imp box. The oldest I have is a Brownie from the 60's.
Given that there isn't much in the way of colour in the shot, I wonder if reducing the saturation would be something worth trying, to move the shadow more to the greys and less to the reds.
That's a fantastic shot of what was undoubtedly at the time the latest tech!
Nice shot Lindsay, interesting camera. Hope you have fun with your Oly, I have the same and the menu can be daunting.
@LC2 Good suggestion thanks, I admit I am very ignorant in photoshop, I was more or less competent in Lightroom 6 but very early days in PS. I'll play around with your suggestion as there is a horrible cast to the background
I do like that, what a beautiful thing! The shadows anchor it nicely, but LC2s suggestion is spot on.
Lovely old camera - does it still work?
In answer to @-Oy- yes it does work ok and seems to have no light leaks, bellows intact. One of a number of cameras needing exercise as I last put film through it about 2 years ago.
That's a proper old camera. The bellows look in good condition. You say a simple setup, but very effective.
For week 3 "Receptacle, I had several ideas, some easy, some less so, one decidedly iffy! But I ended up with this one, which suggested to me a potential project to photograph all of the postboxes in my town in their context, just an idea. I have another odea for "receptacle" that I might work on though and add to this thread, if I find time.
E_M10Mk1-P1010033-Receptacle by Lindsay Pennell, on Flickr
Olympus OM-D E-M10Mk1 plus Panasonic 14mm f2.5 pancake lens (assisted by my dog in the other hand!)
A good shot Lindsay and a great idea for a project. Much different from any postbox that I've seen locally here in Vancouver.
Definitely a receptacle!
I was pondering postbox shots for the "old" theme a couple of weeks back, with a view to photographing a few of the VR (Victoria) rather than ER (Elizabeth) ones around the locality and found this website (hope this allowed) Victorian Postboxes
Thanks for that link @SimonH , that will be useful.
Great concept, I had thought of this too and tried too but could not get a good shot so well done for getting one. Good project idea!
Great idea for the shot and as a project. Personally I do feel I would like to see the whole base so less of a tight crop at the bottom.
I agree @HelenC about the base. It was a bit of a "grab" shot so needed straightening slightly and I had very little to play with at the bottom, but no excuses. Now that I've established the idea though, I'll be more deliberate with project shots.
Thanks for the feedback.