Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

Another day spent looking for boxing hares - with the usual degree of success [sigh].
However, on the bright side, the red kites were out in force'

Cannibal Kite:-


Field Kite:


Feeling Shepish:-
Found a bunch of feral goats this afternoon. Mum and kid coming in for a drink.

(Probably irrationally: absolutely, stonkingly pleased with this as it was a roadside snap, handheld 600mm, F6.3, 1/1000th sec, and ISO 5000 on my little Sony A7c. SOOC jpg shrunk in gimp to 1600px on the long side)

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I found my self with a bit of spare time today after taking one of my dogs to the vets and then the two weekly shop, I think I got a little carried away ! More to come. I'm going to have to get the wire brush out to clean my sensor as some of the photos with sky in showed the dust up !

Living on the road side verge .



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When I first moved into the country side this farm had just been painted in I'm guessing a traditional paint and I thought wow that looks great, within a week I could not see/find it at all, the leaves on the trees had come out and it had vanished completely , I began to wonder if I had ever seen it ! The Hedge was much higher at this point but there was a gap where the farm entrance, from that angle the trees in leaf made it vanish.
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Sorry it's me again !
Don't apologise, this is a photography forum.
The more, the merrier, it's just a shame that some people seem to have forgotten that.
Are your walkies with a dog Keith or just by yourself ? Some really nice wildlife photos there.
Usually by myself mate and with the Mrs at the weekends. I'm very lucky to have the riverside practically on my doorstep, and I use it as my regular walkies a few days in the week.
Thanks for the kinds words, I'm working hard to get better at photography.
Today on a dog walk through the Wyre Forest I came across a load of Horse riders I decided to take a detour through the centre of the forest to keep out of there way and found a few interesting spots, It may be worth revisiting with a better camera than my little point and shoot. As I had taken the route less trod I also experience a large number of Deer sightings.

Nothing special but this poor tree seems to have his/her unfair share of problems, There are a large number of holes at the base and then what ever is causing the growths a bit further up !


Whilst following a new ( due to the large amount of rain) water course down I spotted this at a distance and had to have a look. Plenty of problems with this photo but at least it has a really good looking model ! And a hairy bloke .


I tried my best at a retro edit to show great Grandad Badger in the Gold Rush years ! and make up for the cameras short comings
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Deer shooting seat. There are a few of these around the Forest. The poor point and shoot really didn't like the contrast !


Unfortunately the photo does really show what I thought to be a bit of a surreal scene with all the logs/trees at different angles to each other. It reminded me of a game we used to play as kids where you had to pick up small sticks/tooth picks without disturbing the others .

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