Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

Nice capture
Have you tried that in B&W George?
Just thinking that in may suit the scene?

Thanks Keith.

"Yes I have tried a mono version as that's the style I prefer, but this particular pic' lost some of its signage etc in the conversion which I just couldn't get back without other tones going completely wrong, hence one of my very few presentations in colour"
I took the dogs out this morning and wow was the light superb, it made me wish I'd taken a better camera but I only had my old battered smart phone, the best camera I had at the time. I ended up doing another 3 miles on top of what I was going to do after I came across a woman who had lost her dog ( she said she had seen Deer and I'm guessing the dog took off after them) I took her number and went off in the direction the dog had gone straight through the middle of the forest, I could hear her calling for a good 30 mins as I traveled away from her. I then heard a dog barking and my phone went off 30 seconds after , the dog had returned !


Fire fighting water tanks are place around the forest, ( at least I'm guessing that's what they are. There is also a lesser spotted working Cocker Spaniel checking it out !


I thought it was quite unusual to see an Oak that had sprouted off in multiple directions !

Not quite sure what I was doing here but I've included it anyway !

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A few more from a later outing

This train was actually going backwards under Eardington Road Bridge


I just liked the contrast of the colours !


Three rescue Ponies, the lady looking after them told me a strange thing when I was speaking to her , She said Donkeys cannot be left out in the rain as there coat is not water proof. A strange random fact !

I can only assume this was struck by lightning as everything else around it was untouched !


I was in Broadstairs in Kent earlier this weekend and hoped to catch a sunset that after appearing a bit promising came to nothing.
Continuing along the beach I came across this, I light painted the railings and posts with an LED torch to add a bit of interest.
A trip to Croft Castle, Photo opportunities were a bit limited as there were lots of little angels playing Easter \Egg hunting ( little gits ! I've finally got grumpy old git syndrome !) In all seriousness the place was packed and I definitely chose the wrong day for photography .

I messed this one up a little, I had tried to make sure that there was light above the building which I did but in editing the photo had been taken at a bit of an angle ( something I seem to have done a few times lately) so when I rotated it up right I lost the sky above the building. In Black and White on this white page I think I get away with it !


The eyes on the clock looked left then right following the pendulum


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Sandelire shot from ground level at full zoom, and a crop.

A bit random but I think the glass and the Crisscross frame work confused the auto focus and even the best one was blurred so I created this random image. Unfortunately I could see this on the back screen or EVF other wise I would have switched to auto . Note to self when faced with this use Manual focus.

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I really like that Steve, a sort of retro feel to it !
Thanks, pleased you say that as that is exactly what I wanted out of it!

We have several of them now, and they work amazingly well for a medium format camera that can be had for well under £20, and although they can come with problems, yet to find one with a faulty shutter.