Shiny's 2022 Challenge 52

Damp patch of Wine works for me.
The cats eyes is also clever with a window refection included

Juno [the dog] is mightily offended to be mistaken for a cat! ;):);):)
Oh it's one of those blue eyed dogs, are they both blue or does he have one of each.
She's a husky/collie cross and has two bright blue eyes which look freaky in semi-darkness, very wolf-like.
Well spotted through the window and reflections.
That's a don't mess with me look from Juno.
Nice reflection in the eyes there, can't have been easy to capture.

Oh, she's a real 'me' girl and loves attention. We have a nickname for her and call her Mimi -- 'me, look at me, I'm so pretty'. She's also called Princess Tippytoes.
Well spotted through the window and reflections.
That's a don't mess with me look from Juno.

She's a dear really. Thanks for looking.
I like both your Damp, and Seen Through a Window shots. Both are clever and original.
I like both your Damp, and Seen Through a Window shots. Both are clever and original.
Thanks for your kind comments.
Two nice shots. Damp is a good composition and interesting take on the theme.
The window is a lovely "outside the box" image - really crisp and lovely textures.
The dogs eye is a good image, I like the window reflection which hits the theme ... you can always say that the eye is the window to the soul ... not sure if the bard meant it for dogs, but what the hell
Not sure if this is really technology so much as an ancient craft but I suppose it passed as technology in it's time. This is pollarding I believe which is done to prevent trees growing to their full height and to provide long, thin branches for other uses. I've used an old-style monochrome with a vignette to give it an ancient look.

Techno (2) by ShinySU, on Flickr
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I see your point.
Including the saw being used to pollard these trees would add more to the tech story.
I see your point.
Including the saw being used to pollard these trees would add more to the tech story.
Unfortunately, the trees were all there was in the area at the time I walked through with my dogs. I agree, it would have been nice.
What an interesting shot. I like the B&W treatment. I'm not sure if it's technology, and agree a bit of machinery would add to it, but I'm glad you shared it. They almost look like aliens. Triffids having a nap?
We throw so much stuff away and all of this will go to landfill. Just out of shot there are tins of paint, in the left hand bin there is an old plastic container which contained some sort of flammable liquid, the metal in the bin on the right could be re-cycled over and over again but that won't happen now. It's all very sad what we do to this planet but so long as we don't poison it completely, it will recover without us.

Discarded by ShinySU, on Flickr
The image illustrates perfectly todays disposable society
A great social statement. It makes me sad that people just don't seem to care whilst most of us (I hope) try and recycle as much as possible.
Technology - interesting story Martin, the b&w suits it well.
Discarded - I definitely agree with you on how it's sad what we throw out. The shot certainly meets the remit
Picture of a Cornish hedge which is effectively a dry stone wall but with soil between the stones so the vegetation grows. Don't be fooled by the 'hedge' bit, if you hit it with your car you will quickly find it is not made of bushes.

Flora by ShinySU, on Flickr
That's type of hedge that I'd like to have! As much a living statement as a manmade artifact.
That's type of hedge that I'd like to have! As much a living statement as a manmade artifact.

They are ubiquitous here, even my garden boundary is made of Cornish hedges, full of daffodils, primroses, bluebells; all wild sown. Bumblebees over-winter in the nooks and crannies, wrens build their nests in them, hedgehogs hibernate under them and there are little worn tracks where foxes and rabbits clamber over them. Of course in the summer the ones by the sides of the roads get overgrown and pulling over to let another car pass risks putting some deep gouges down your shiny doors as the rocks stick out everywhere, so they are not a good thing all the time.
Loads of flora there, and no doubt a haven for plenty of fauna too!
Hard to find anything unusual round here, everything always stays much the same. However, here is a little model elephant we bought some years ago, it was made by a young autistic boy in the local town (he's probably a young man by now). He takes wire and without any tools, any design skills, nothing really, and just bends it into the shapes of animals,

I've just realised it doesn't show the ears properly as they have been subsumed into the body. I'll try to find another.

I give you, an elephant:

Unusual by ShinySU, on Flickr

There you go:

Unusual 1 by ShinySU, on Flickr
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A good choice Martin. It looks like a scribble drawing.
A good choice Martin. It looks like a scribble drawing.
It does doesn't it, I'd never seen it that way before.
That is really quite cool. A fun thing to own :)

And it was bought in a good cause too.

That is really very cool and really do like it, as a little boy I use to do this too but mine with bikes. Sadly only have two from all those years ago, plus one I did in the lockdown.

I have no such artistic skills, I can put up shelves though, they look like industrial supports; I swear the house could fall down and my shelves would still be up in the air but they would win no exhibition prizes.