weekly 52 in 2013: Brian of Bozeat : COMPLETE

Hi ya :wave:

only one thing to say about Pattern......:notworthy::notworthy: :D
week 21 - Movement. So many shots to choose from this week, with wonderful options from the air show, especially the parachutists. But I had to choose one and I went for this one in the end. Kathie on the Tram in Manchester. Perhaps I'm just biased :love:

week 21 - Movement.jpg by Brian of Bozeat, on Flickr
Hi Brian :wave:

The physio whatsit things are excellent :clap: I've seen how to do them but never tried, love the triptych.

Movement is also excellent. I would give a tiny crop top and bottom so the grass outside the window both start in the right hand side corners, if that makes sense?
Hi Brian :wave:

The physio whatsit things are excellent :clap: I've seen how to do them but never tried, love the triptych.

Movement is also excellent. I would give a tiny crop top and bottom so the grass outside the window both start in the right hand side corners, if that makes sense?

I think so, I have cropped it as a 16:9 and I have to say I do prefer it this way, good call Marsha; Thanks for the feedback.

(Anyone wanting to see the original - just scroll up a couple of posts.)

week 21 - Movement 16x9 by Brian of Bozeat, on Flickr
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A nice pic of your better half Brian and there is definitely movement in there (y)
Bit of a catch up, it's been a while!

Pattern - Lovely! Great colour, lovely and sharp - a really nice job there Brian!

Movement - Works very well, nicely on theme, only slightly spoilt by the top of the seat in front just in view, but that's being picky! ;)
Pattern is spot on, really strong graphic style, just beautifully done. Hard to fault movement too, bang on theme and bolstered by a really enigmatic expression. Honestly can't decide between the two different crops though.:thinking:
Hi, Brian, Movement works for me, well composed and real sense of movement; what works for me, though is the contemplative look in Kathie's face. It is a tad soft @ 1/15th.

Movement - nice shot - definately caught the movement, handheld?? or did you set up a tripod (which would have probably picked up the vibration anyway?

seat back in the foreground doesn;t bother me at all, I'd prefer to lose the fella from the rear, but you can;t always have the whole place to yourselves!
Great idea for movement, the lady is very nicely posed. It's a shame about the guy in the background but I guess you can't really ask him to move.
A nice pic of your better half Brian and there is definitely movement in there (y)

Thank you.

Bit of a catch up, it's been a while!

Pattern - Lovely! Great colour, lovely and sharp - a really nice job there Brian!

Movement - Works very well, nicely on theme, only slightly spoilt by the top of the seat in front just in view, but that's being picky! ;)

Thanks, I'm happy with the seat... for me it sets the scene!

Very nice personal shot.

Thank you

Hi Brian
good capture with plenty of movement ,only nit pick is the top of the seat but I guess there's not a lot you cold do about that (y)

Thanks, I like the seat - see above!

Pattern is spot on, really strong graphic style, just beautifully done. Hard to fault movement too, bang on theme and bolstered by a really enigmatic expression. Honestly can't decide between the two different crops though.:thinking:

Thank you

Nice one Brian... I like the way Kathie is looking into the picture/direction of the movement (y)

Thank you

Hi, Brian, Movement works for me, well composed and real sense of movement; what works for me, though is the contemplative look in Kathie's face. It is a tad soft @ 1/15th.

Indeed it is... I tried to minimize that as best I could by down sizing. I was getting thrown about a bit too!

Movement - nice shot - definately caught the movement, handheld?? or did you set up a tripod (which would have probably picked up the vibration anyway?

seat back in the foreground doesn;t bother me at all, I'd prefer to lose the fella from the rear, but you can;t always have the whole place to yourselves!

Thanks, I was hand held and the fella was part of the scene for me too.

Great idea for movement, the lady is very nicely posed. It's a shame about the guy in the background but I guess you can't really ask him to move.

Thanks, see above.

Hi Brian

Movement - good capture and the edit crop works really well. V good sense of movement. Spot on theme.

Thank you
Thats a beauty Brian, sharp, vivid colour, lots of detail. Perfect.
I particularly like the shadow cast too (y)
Really, really good, the shadow through the leaf makes it a bit different from the norm with these types of shots.
lovely composition and colours, great detail in the hairs on his legs. (y)

300mm on the 55-300?? And that's it? :clap:

Bordering on over-contrasty possibly, but that may have just been down to the sunny conditions.

Love the curving leaf for him to stand on, starting and ending in the corners. (y)
'Ello, wel, Below is, has been said, a cracker. Great detail and well composed.

For me, though, it's the greens that really do it for me....gorgeous

Can only echo what everyone else has said, the only crit would be it seems slightly over saturated
Gorgeous shot, Brian. Would you care to have a chat about the technique? I've had no luck with bug shots and would love to produce something like that.

Hiya, Thanks for all the nice comment folks. I took this hand held with my Nikon 55-300 lens. A rare day of very bright sunlight.

So, 300mm at almost minimum focus distance and f5.6 with ISO200 so that I could achieve 1/500 of a second (to overcome camera shake).

VR on, Sniper breathing technique and burst shutter mode to get the shot and HEAVY cropping in PP. I took approx 100 bursts of shots of these and kept 5 single pics. This may not be the best but it was the best for the theme... After this shot I pushed the ISO up to 400 to get to f8 for a deeper DOF after I realised that a lot of shots didn't have the full creature in focus!

For what it's worth, if the sun hadn't been full on overhead and I wasn't bothered about the shadow then I would have probably tried to get them backlit and used a balanced fill flash to help "freeze" them.

Also, I usually use my monopod with this lens but I had left it in the car as I hadn't planned to be shooting with it, I was trying to get a panorama of the river Ouse "below the bridge" when this opportunity presented itself.

Here is my favourite from the session (more on flickr)

damsel fly-7.jpg by Brian of Bozeat, on Flickr
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Pattern: These are fantastic, very impressed!

Movement: Great sense of movement and spot on theme.

Below: That is stunning! Beautiful colours and light, so sharp!
2 great macro shots Brian, I prefer the second although I'd like to see the first with a little less heavier crop. Lots of details in both with very summery greens.