weekly aljazzera's 52 week challenge week 52 BUSY added

Brilliant effort well captured (y)
I love short and flight, can't fault them tbh
patience has certainly paid off I think. I like it and the reflection is very good indeed, only way I can see of improving it is with a different back ground. You have done very well though.

thank you

Good thinking on the theme. Very nicely shot although I agree with Mark about the reflection. I can't imagine how many shots you had to take to get this. The positioning on the thirds makes it even better.

more by luck than intension an it is quite heavily cropped

Brilliant effort well captured (y)

thank you

I love short and flight, can't fault them tbh

you are vey kind thank you
Flight...great effort. Not easy, I know....:bonk:

I don't mind the reflection, TBH. Well positioned and decent colour.

Just the few white dots near the centre and it does look a bit noisy.

I like this a lot Allan.
It is a creative, different take on the theme. I am not overly bothered about the reflection, its not so intrusive that it takes anything away from the image. With the weather we are having, nice blue sky reflection would be a little hard to come by. Iain
Hi Allan, another thread I thought I'd visited before!

Short nap, nice idea for the theme. The clutter on the right makes it look even bigger.

Flight. I know how difficult it is to shoot bubbles, I used them in my magical shot. You've done well to catch this perfectly sharp. Nice composition too. I think a few more bubbles in it would have helped:thinking:

crown court by allanhowe, on Flickr

Not the best but i have struggled with this theme I just found it very uninspiring .

i have edited this pic so some of the comments might make no sense
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I like this a lot Allan.
It is a creative, different take on the theme. I am not overly bothered about the reflection, its not so intrusive that it takes anything away from the image. With the weather we are having, nice blue sky reflection would be a little hard to come by. Iain

Thank you

Hi Allan, another thread I thought I'd visited before!

Short nap, nice idea for the theme. The clutter on the right makes it look even bigger.

Flight. I know how difficult it is to shoot bubbles, I used them in my magical shot. You've done well to catch this perfectly sharp. Nice composition too. I think a few more bubbles in it would have helped:thinking:

Had a useless bubble blower (the wife) and it was quite windy I didn't think through the weather.

Flight...great effort. Not easy, I know....:bonk:

I don't mind the reflection, TBH. Well positioned and decent colour.

Just the few white dots near the centre and it does look a bit noisy.


I have no idea what the white dots are I did take a look at the lens but nothing on it and yes it is noisy, heavy crop high iso thanks for the comments
Hi, Alan, I quite like this one. I like the looming perspective and the fairly close composition.

It's a tad off, though (path bottom left) and I'd prefer the window wasn't in. I suspect a nice, gritty B&W would work.

I agree about the B&W comments but I'm even wondering whether a bit of HDR might work. It would certainly accentuate the green at the bottom of the wall. HDR is not everybody's cup of tea though.
Hi Allan, I know what you mean about not being inspired with this weeks theme!

I would also like to see it B&W and possibly a tighter crop to cut out the window!:)
Hi Allan

Sorry not been to this thread before - I have been relying on the spreadsheet and you don't seem to be on it.

So I will start at Short - good shot, really clear on the main subject. Background a bit busy but it is fairly neutral and does not draw my attention away. It's all learning and now you will be able to consider a wider aperture to emphasise the main subject a bit more. Juat about on theme with your subtitle. I saw the special north west tv prog on this and looking at the crowds in Liverpool, you did well to get such a good shot.

Flight - well done on a difficult shot. I agree with DK that the pic is more 'float' but I like the focus and the background. You might like to clone out the few white spots in the centre.

Authority - Spot on theme but just a slight bit wonky. May look better if the top window was cropped out.
Hi, Alan, I quite like this one. I like the looming perspective and the fairly close composition.

It's a tad off, though (path bottom left) and I'd prefer the window wasn't in. I suspect a nice, gritty B&W would work.


Hi Allan

Flight - Nice shot, I struggle to see flight - more Float, but the reflection is great, and I actually like the background

Authority - I think it needs something else- Andy may have it with a B&W, but a nice crop, and bang on theme

I agree about the B&W comments but I'm even wondering whether a bit of HDR might work. It would certainly accentuate the green at the bottom of the wall. HDR is not everybody's cup of tea though.

I would like to see this as suggested, a nice gritty black and white.

Hi Allan, I know what you mean about not being inspired with this weeks theme!

I would also like to see it B&W and possibly a tighter crop to cut out the window!:)

Hi Allan

Sorry not been to this thread before - I have been relying on the spreadsheet and you don't seem to be on it.

So I will start at Short - good shot, really clear on the main subject. Background a bit busy but it is fairly neutral and does not draw my attention away. It's all learning and now you will be able to consider a wider aperture to emphasise the main subject a bit more. Juat about on theme with your subtitle. I saw the special north west tv prog on this and looking at the crowds in Liverpool, you did well to get such a good shot.

Flight - well done on a difficult shot. I agree with DK that the pic is more 'float' but I like the focus and the background. You might like to clone out the few white spots in the centre.

Authority - Spot on theme but just a slight bit wonky. May look better if the top window was cropped out.

as requested

chester crown court b+w by allanhowe, on Flickr

can't get it straight if i do the bottom of the pic the top goes out
Hi Ya

LOVE your bubble shot......well done for getting such a great shot of a difficult subject matter , reflection doesn't bother me , love the different colors in it....really good work mister :clap:

Think I'll go for the B&W version of Authority though a good HDR might have worked just as well....& yes , verticals can be a right pain , get one right & it throws another out:bonk:
mmm I think the crop is too tight, all I'm getting is the dog's bum

hard to see that it's leaving

the shot itself is good though, I just wonder if you could open it out a bit to give it more 'movement'
Hi Allan, seem to have missed a few of your weeks. You are progressing well and trying some technical stuff as well. Previous comments have been made on your shots so will not repeat. Particularly like the bubble, very adventurous.
Leave - very good shot and fits the theme. Taken from an out of the ordinary perspective and cant fault it
Like the edit in 'authority', the window was distracting ... though you seem to have lost the rich colour of the original, which is a shame IMO.
'Leave' ... not really doing anything for me, I'm afraid.
Hi Allan, seem to have missed a few of your weeks. You are progressing well and trying some technical stuff as well. Previous comments have been made on your shots so will not repeat. Particularly like the bubble, very adventurous.
Leave - very good shot and fits the theme. Taken from an out of the ordinary perspective and cant fault it

Thank you

Like the edit in 'authority', the window was distracting ... though you seem to have lost the rich colour of the original, which is a shame IMO.
'Leave' ... not really doing anything for me, I'm afraid.

I posted a b and w because everyone was requesting it i dont like it either really and might replace the original colour one with a cropped version, sorry about leave the dogs bum not to everyones taste maybe

Leave is a bit :puke: not a fan of dog butts....

It is quite a literal interpretation.


not what I here ;) but hey at least it is on theme hey;)
hi allan

Leave - No problem with your subject but I agree that by opening out the shot more it would be possble to see the doorframe and then more obvious that the dog is leaving. i like the colour palette

the original shot was just to busy and I cropped it down have had another look at the original and i will be leaving it as it is thank you for the nice comment though
Hi Allan,

I think I prefer the colour version for authority, but for composition cropped. I think it would work better B&W if there was more contrast and a bit more gritty grain, if that makes sense?

Leave. I like the idea and the door frame onto the path tells me she's leaving. However, I do agree with others that a wider shot (say across a field and with less wheelie bins) with her vanishing would have a lot less bum in it;) I love the colour and detail in her coat though, it's lovely and sharp.
'Authority' - like the mono version over the colour, adds to the sombre effect of the building.

'Leave' - not a very flattering image (too much detail!) I think a differing angle would be more flattering so for me it's one of those uncomfortable images that don't work.

Have to agree with the butt being to big in the frame, it could do with more space to tell the story of leaving I feel.
I do like your mono shot of the Court House for Authority. ;)
Hi Allan.....

Butt's aside!!!! you've posted a pic, it fits the theme, more than what I've got!!
How is a tea towel holder on theme for "leave" ;)

Seriously, it is a fun image Allan, it is on theme, maybe with just a wee bit more of the doorway showing. Iain
Hi Allan.....

Butt's aside!!!! you've posted a pic, it fits the theme, more than what I've got!!

thanks I am sure something will come up

How is a tea towel holder on theme for "leave" ;)

Seriously, it is a fun image Allan, it is on theme, maybe with just a wee bit more of the doorway showing. Iain

I am amazed at how many people are offended by a dogs bum:nono: the picture was just a snap shot but fitted the theme so I used it after having trouble with the previous weeks very uninspiring theme it was just nice to get it out the way and I do find it amusing in a way it's a view we are used to in our house:)
Hi Allan

Leave - What can I say... Nice collection of wheelie bins :D

Certainly on theme and a good one to get a split in opinions (y)

Thanks I think i have been accused of being to obvious by some so maybe next week I will be really obscure
Hi Allan

had to chuckle at your Leave image...pooch on a mission :LOL:

I quite like this one ( I do like to be the odd one out ), there's just a hint of movement in the tip of his tail , the threshold of the door show's he's leaving & it looks as if you were shooting in to the light yet managed to get good detail in him (y) Possibly a slightly wider view but no , like it as it is (y)
I am amazed at how many people are offended by a dogs bum:nono: the picture was just a snap shot but fitted the theme so I used it after having trouble with the previous weeks very uninspiring theme it was just nice to get it out the way and I do find it amusing in a way it's a view we are used to in our house:)

Not sure if my post has been misinterpreted Alan :thinking:
I wasn't offended by your dogs backside, I think its a fun image. The tea towel holder reference was meant as a joke too ;) Iain
Not sure if my post has been misinterpreted Alan :thinking:
I wasn't offended by your dogs backside, I think its a fun image. The tea towel holder reference was meant as a joke too ;) Iain

don't worry no offence was taken it just seemed to upset 1 person particularly and it wasn't you :naughty:

pigs by allanhowe, on Flickr

Pass the pigs sort of a dice game you roll the pigs and they land at a random position to give you points.
Authority; I prefer the colour one. Says it all for the theme I think.

Leave, great idea and shot! Not too comfortable looking at a dog with tail up for too long, but it is a great photo!!!!
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Never heard of that game but might have been good to use a slower shutter to get a bit of movement in one pig rolling I think. Just a suggestion. ;)