weekly alsjazzera TP52 2014 WEEK 52 SUPPORT added

Action - well caught with a good tangle and slight blur of legs!

Mono - Not a great fan of b&w conversions of flowers because I prefer to see their natural colours, but this one's well composed and good detail in the petals and stamens.
good work with Holly again, low POV, nice clear field all around, and action stopping shutter.

Flower (dunno what sort it would be) works really well, great composition, and I like the DOF, just fading out of focus on the leftmost petals and stem.
Great action shot of the ya dog Allan, composition, dof, work well (y)

awwwww babies............. great when they're asleep :D

All the best for the new arrival (y)

Thanks, all looks a bit odd that answer now I have taken the other pic down :)

Lovely shot mate, super work!

Thank you

Hi Allan,
Action... lovely shot of your dog, well caught (y)
Mono...white on white well done, I think it would benefit from the stem coming right out of the corner, love it:clap::clap:

Thanks the flower was a pale yellow not white, was disappointed myself I missed the stem in the corner but if I crop it now is too tight to the left :banghead:

Action - lovely capture would liked to have seen a bit more of the eye

Mono - really like it the white on white works well

Which eye :giggle:

HI Allan

sorry for being so late to your thread......been stupid busy !

That Dandelion shot is a corker....love the lighting , makes it really pop off the screen , fab black bg & nicely placed...negative space works well :clap:

Nothing wrong with the 2 extra Nature shots you've posted but for me they pale against the Dandelion........lighting & shadows look good on them as well :D

Action......love it...different to the usual action shots but still love it....(y)

mono...oh yes , lovely n sharp , good conversion...I wondered about the stalk coming in from the corner as well....but then you'd possibly need more space under the flower ...not sure if it would work :thinking:

Thanks Lynne obviously a women of taste re: the dandelion, stalk n the corner would have been nice I must pay more attention

Great shot Alan, processing works very well (y)

great comment Phil, works well for me :)

Hi, Action, looks to be having a great time. Looks a little flat on my laptop.

Mono, works well and a nice clean BG. I'd like it all in focus though.


sorry I didn't want it all in focus wanted the middle of the flower to be the main focal point
thanks for looking
Action - well caught with a good tangle and slight blur of legs!

Mono - Not a great fan of b&w conversions of flowers because I prefer to see their natural colours, but this one's well composed and good detail in the petals and stamens.

I know what you mean about natural colours but I though this worked as a simple shape too

good work with Holly again, low POV, nice clear field all around, and action stopping shutter.

Flower (dunno what sort it would be) works really well, great composition, and I like the DOF, just fading out of focus on the leftmost petals and stem.

Thanks Holly I find is very easy to work with as she is slightly crazy.
Hi Allan....I am so jealous of your mono shot...I absolutely love it ...I could live with that on my wall.
Action fits the bill perfectly, and Nature....that second pic...is another huge wow from me...it really is a smasher :)

Thank you, too kind:)
Oh, yeah. That one really works for me. It's like a scene out of Silent Hill.

Very dramatic processing, good detail and the border really adds to it.

Crit I might have been tempted to go for a square crop.

Yup, one of the best for a while IMO.

twisted in more ways than one - super inventive slant on the theme.

lovely processing and the texture on the sky really lets the twisted branches stand out.

Now, is this an art sculpture that already existed... or was it made for the theme? Actually, not sure if I want to know. :)
That's certainly twisted! Good idea and it looks great. Almost doesn't look like a photo to me.


Oh, yeah. That one really works for me. It's like a scene out of Silent Hill.

Very dramatic processing, good detail and the border really adds to it.

Crit I might have been tempted to go for a square crop.

Yup, one of the best for a while IMO.


Thanks Andy, i did a square crop and wasn't sure which one myself

Hi Allan,
Twisted ....a bit morbid but well twisted(y)

Thanks Judi "a bit morbid" did think that myself, but I enjoyed doing it and I haven't really enjoyed this years 52 so that was a bonus

twisted in more ways than one - super inventive slant on the theme.

lovely processing and the texture on the sky really lets the twisted branches stand out.

Now, is this an art sculpture that already existed... or was it made for the theme? Actually, not sure if I want to know. :)

Thanks Graham, I am ashamed to say I made it all myself :wideyed: the tree is about 4 inches high, so the bunnies are not really hanging from the tree
I did think about going out and hanging it from a real tree but thought if someone came along how weird would that look :eek:
Hey Allan :)

I think I have your cold... felt like carp sinse I got back in the uk :(

Love your close up flower shots, the green background is very striking, but the white flower with the black background is excellent, super detail (y)

Action - Now that dog looks how I feel lol !!!!

Mono - A very crisp high key shot, a suoper crisp white background and super detail in the centre of the flower, liking the composition too - what's not to like :clap:
Twisted....... in a humorous way :D I like it Allan, well executed, suits the processing (y)
Hi Allan

Ashamed to have fallen behind - soz
Nature - dandelion is best for me. i like the focus and the b/g and the almost top light is a refreshing angle - that slight tinge of green in the flower is good and adds to the crisp coolness of the atmosphere. Other two are fine - I partic like the spray of railway line weed

Action - fills the bill and captures the theme

Mono - I really admire that. the mono conversion certainly draws out the structure of the flower without any distractions. Unusual and effective. My only slight gripe ( and it is slight) is that the stem seems too oof, more like a charcoal line drawn on the b/g. But that does not matter as I think that the flower without the stem works equally in this instance and with this processing.(y)

Twisted - brilliant, inspired:clap:The concept, execution, processing, use of texture and the dog eared frame - exceptional.(y)
HI Allan

Twisted........I must have looked at that image 20 times....but only just spotted how the bunnies are hung from the " tree ".......that's no way to treat cuddly bunnies :punch: The frame a superb addition , the textured bg works well & I'm impressed that you made the "tree " as well........Fatal Attraction is coming to mind for some reason ?overall.......:clap:
Hi Allan ......I love this one .....quirky, fun, and excellent for the theme. The border adds that extra dimension and finishes it off perfectly. :clap:


Hey Allan :)

I think I have your cold... felt like carp sinse I got back in the uk :(

Love your close up flower shots, the green background is very striking, but the white flower with the black background is excellent, super detail (y)

Action - Now that dog looks how I feel lol !!!!

Mono - A very crisp high key shot, a suoper crisp white background and super detail in the centre of the flower, liking the composition too - what's not to like :clap:

Glad I have passed on my cold to someone, i like to share o_O thanks for looking in

Twisted - love it fits the theme nicely.

Thanks Mandy

yeah nice take on the theme there Allan... it certainly is a twisted pic...


Twisted....... in a humorous way :D I like it Allan, well executed, suits the processing (y)


Great image, love the processing and frame too

Thank you

HI Allan

Twisted........I must have looked at that image 20 times....but only just spotted how the bunnies are hung from the " tree ".......that's no way to treat cuddly bunnies :punch: The frame a superb addition , the textured bg works well & I'm impressed that you made the "tree " as well........Fatal Attraction is coming to mind for some reason ?overall.......:clap:

Thanks Lynne no bunnies were harmed in the making of the picture, and besides its a stunt bunny ;)
Fresh as a daisy - #1 - colours look a bit flat and lighting not so good. B/g a bit dark?
#2 - better for the theme - looks much fresher - better lighting emphasising the freshness of the green with excellent detail. B/g is better cos brighter(y)

I have no idea why the BG is darker on the first one the second one was my favourite too but put the other one n because I thought everyone would want to see the front view

Hi Allan,
#2 for me too, I like the lighter bg, the back of the daisy is a nice fresh green and the hairs on the stem all make it look 'fresh'(y)

Thanks Judi, I can only agree about the BG, thanks for looking
Hi Allan, number 2 for me, definitely. I think the composition is far better as the first looks like something someone has posted before and I am all for originality. I prefer the colours too.
Hi Allan, number 2 for me, definitely. I think the composition is far better as the first looks like something someone has posted before and I am all for originality. I prefer the colours too.

Thanks have taken the other one down,

It looks like looking out of a window with the border, it doesn't look like a photo at all, slightly disturbing as well (y) :)

Nice to see a daisy from a different angle.
Hi Allan, long time no comment, sorry :(

Twisted, yes it certainly is, in more ways than one :D
Love it, as Andy says it has a Silent Hill feel about it, very sinister. Well done you on making it yourself, bending wire for your own props is the way forward ;)

Fresh, I never saw your first one but the remaining image is bang on theme. I feel the background is a little overpowering though, perhaps a more yellow BG would blend in more?

i have learnt that if one person says something a bandwagon is then hired

Hi Alan ....... Of course great minds think alike :) I like the angle of this one, lovely detail in the stem when zoomed in and when viewed on Flickr. Good choice of background colour .... It complements the green and white well.



It looks like looking out of a window with the border, it doesn't look like a photo at all, slightly disturbing as well (y) :)

Nice to see a daisy from a different angle.


Hi Allan, long time no comment, sorry :(

Twisted, yes it certainly is, in more ways than one :D
Love it, as Andy says it has a Silent Hill feel about it, very sinister. Well done you on making it yourself, bending wire for your own props is the way forward ;)

Fresh, I never saw your first one but the remaining image is bang on theme. I feel the background is a little overpowering though, perhaps a more yellow BG would blend in more?

Thanks for looking in, you might be right about a more muted BG

Fresh, nice. Well composed and good detail. I quite like the BG. Crit, there seems to be slight orange cast.


probably from the orange wall, don't think its a WB issue :thinking:

Twisted - is it the photo or the photographer that is twisted :) ha On theme weirdly it works well the frame adds to the effect

The voices in my head say I am perfectly sane o_O:wacky::wideyed:
Fresh: I think the BG works well, and POV excellence!
looks like you were one of the first in with a daisy - and you could have gone for the obvious, but I love that you've taken a different view,

shows off the great detail in the hairs on the stem, and the orange BG really brings out the whites of the petals.
Fresh - I quite like the background, composition works well lots of detail in there a nice shot Allan


Fresh: I think the BG works well, and POV excellence!

Thank you

looks like you were one of the first in with a daisy - and you could have gone for the obvious, but I love that you've taken a different view,

shows off the great detail in the hairs on the stem, and the orange BG really brings out the whites of the petals.


:ROFLMAO: I see that you have re-acquired your pith

I don't know what you mean :p