weekly AvidPessimist's 52 - 2016


Junior Member
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Just a few photos.
Criticism, pointers and help is welcomed and appreciated.

Week 0 - Old - Old retakes - Old retake 5
Week 1 - Metal - Metal 2 - Metal retake
Week 2 Captive
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14
Week 15
Week 16
Week 17
Week 18
Week 19
Week 20
Week 21
Week 22
Week 23
Week 24
Week 25
Week 26
Week 27
Week 28
Week 29
Week 30
Week 31
Week 32
Week 33
Week 34
Week 35
Week 36
Week 37
Week 38
Week 39
Week 40
Week 41
Week 42
Week 43
Week 44
Week 45
Week 46
Week 47
Week 48
Week 49
Week 50
Week 51
Week 52
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Oscar, like your image, good luck completing your 52
Hi, can't see any pictures in your thread, only links to Flickr :thinking:

Might be an idea to copy the BB Code from Flickr and paste here (y)

Liking the Buddha image - an interesting take on the theme. A quick ask; is the shot in focus? It looks a little soft on my screen but that may be due to the high ISO it was shot at - 1600! I notice from the exit data on Flickr that you shot this at f11 - a wider aperture would have meant you could lower the ISO, or increase the shutter, and possibly get a sharper image. You may also have thrown the bg a little more out of focus - this would have helped isolate the statue further.
I like the scene you've set, it creates a good atmosphere and the light's great. Being picky, I'd have liked to be able to see the bottom of his feet!
First off, blown away by the comments and support. Cheers guys!

Nice colours on your Budha photo.
Oscar, like your image, good luck completing your 52
I like the scene you've set, it creates a good atmosphere and the light's great. Being picky, I'd have liked to be able to see the bottom of his feet!
Cheers Clive, Nick and Lee! It's okay to be picky nick;)

Liking the Buddha image - an interesting take on the theme. A quick ask; is the shot in focus? It looks a little soft on my screen but that may be due to the high ISO it was shot at - 1600! I notice from the exit data on Flickr that you shot this at f11 - a wider aperture would have meant you could lower the ISO, or increase the shutter, and possibly get a sharper image. You may also have thrown the bg a little more out of focus - this would have helped isolate the statue further.
All of this has been noted and I will be back with a new take on the Buddha using your advice, greatly appreciated by the way.
Hi, can't see any pictures in your thread, only links to Flickr :thinking:

Might be an idea to copy the BB Code from Flickr and paste here (y)

On it!

Thanks all,
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Hi Oscar. Like the little Buddha and the setting. Great bit of work and nice response to the theme. Well done. :clap:
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Obviously a day for successful retakes, this is much better - even down to the extra light falling on him.
Obviously a day for successful retakes, this is much better - even down to the extra light falling on him.

Cheers Nick! Now do you mind if I jump on your knitted bandwangon for "Captive"?

I don't think I can patent the use of stuffed toys. They were second choice anyway - if my daughter had had a Ken doll to use as the bad guy, you'd have seen some truly depraved things happening to Barbie.
I like the "feel" of the shot. I think primarily the lighting is good although I would perhaps try pushing the highlights down to take the edge off the two bright spots on the bottle.

Then honestly I think it's about composition. It's not level first of all, and I would aim for the centre of th bottle to be a third in from the left.

Also it is too closely cropped at the top and could do with some negative space there rather than so much space for the reflection in the table.....you could "manufacture" this via post edit rather than retaking


Hope that helps
I like the "feel" of the shot. I think primarily the lighting is good although I would perhaps try pushing the highlights down to take the edge off the two bright spots on the bottle.

Then honestly I think it's about composition. It's not level first of all, and I would aim for the centre of th bottle to be a third in from the left.

Also it is too closely cropped at the top and could do with some negative space there rather than so much space for the reflection in the table.....you could "manufacture" this via post edit rather than retaking


Hope that helps

I agree the feel of shot is what I like!!! I think that's why I kept on to it and looked for critique. Thanks for your tips, exactly what I needed! I'll definitely be back for a re-shoot using your advice sometime tomorrow.

ps. I really do like the Buddha shot btw :)

Just thinking........did you have room/spot lights left and right behind you? That's creating those two bright spots and would also explain why the very front of the label looks a tad darker than the side. So perhaps if you can try different places to move your subjects to in the room. This might result in something you'd prefer with either the light just coming from one side or more on the front of the bottle?
Hi Oscar, good to see you taking part in this challenge.

Glasses and bottles are not easy subjects to take photography of but I think you've done reasonably well. The position of the bottle is too far left. The unevenly lit background and the gap (black line) between the bg and table? top are a bit of distractions too.

Was a wide angle lens used for the shot? Right side of the bottle is reasonably straight but the left is distorted?

I'd echo a lot of what Chris said - not level, too high in the frame and the light sources reflect in the bottle.

I think the "Gevrey Chamberlin" disappears a little too far round the side of the bottle; it's nice to see the picture on the label but you automatically read the words and it's hard at the end.

What I'd try (and I mean 'try' as I'm new to all this too) is moving one of the light sources round slightly so there's less of a pronounced shadow down the front of the bottle. If it looks a little flat, turn the left-hand one down a touch. No guarantee it'll even look good but I'd be interested to know the effect!!!
Just thinking........did you have room/spot lights left and right behind you? That's creating those two bright spots and would also explain why the very front of the label looks a tad darker than the side. So perhaps if you can try different places to move your subjects to in the room. This might result in something you'd prefer with either the light just coming from one side or more on the front of the bottle?

The spot lights were in-front of me to the left and right but were a little ahead of the subject, if you've got any more advice keep it coming! Also I if you have the time I've got 5 other shots on my Flickr of the bottle, in particular the second to last one I like the lighting in but the composition was wrong. When I tried to replicate this lighting and settings it was too dark - I still don't have an explanation for this....

Hi Oscar, good to see you taking part in this challenge.

Glasses and bottles are not easy subjects to take photography of but I think you've done reasonably well. The position of the bottle is too far left. The unevenly lit background and the gap (black line) between the bg and table? top are a bit of distractions too.

Was a wide angle lens used for the shot? Right side of the bottle is reasonably straight but the left is distorted?

Hey Stan, no a wide angle lens wasn't used just the canon EF-S 18-55mm III kit lens. Really appreciate the comments for the retake. I initially was getting a plain card background but really liked the texture on the back of a pillow, unfortunately I noticed the line as well as on the flip side of the pillow is a dark brown. I cannot explain the distortion?



I'd echo a lot of what Chris said - not level, too high in the frame and the light sources reflect in the bottle.

I think the "Gevrey Chamberlin" disappears a little too far round the side of the bottle; it's nice to see the picture on the label but you automatically read the words and it's hard at the end.

What I'd try (and I mean 'try' as I'm new to all this too) is moving one of the light sources round slightly so there's less of a pronounced shadow down the front of the bottle. If it looks a little flat, turn the left-hand one down a touch. No guarantee it'll even look good but I'd be interested to know the effect!!!

Hey Nick, I'll definitely produce an image how you instructed for your sake and mine!

Thanks all really helpful as always!
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Nice idea for old, sorry can't really help with lighting bottles but may be making the light sources larger (by reflecting off something or though something) would make them more even. Good effort though, keep trying. Here's how the pros do it
Nice idea for old, sorry can't really help with lighting bottles but may be making the light sources larger (by reflecting off something or though something) would make them more even. Good effort though, keep trying. Here's how the pros do it

Yeah, I suppose I need to get larger light source and exactly symmetrical/even! Might retry tonight or might retry tomorrow, thanks for the link I couldn't find anything myself!

Hi, they are much better than the first lot, you have chosen a difficult subject to light, a larger light source would help but for now take the advice above and bounce the light off a large piece of white card and try to get some light from behind the bottle to light the contents a little

Good luck with your 52
I have one of those lights from a well known Swedish store.....I think it's going to be too narrow a spread and too white. Try a lamp with a warmer glow...

But the main thing I think is the composition not the light, I think you had something decent to work with to start with. I think It needs space above and to the left of the bottle. I would take a shot from further back with more space around the whole thing then you are at liberty to try different crops on the computer.
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I really like the last re-take of the Buddha especially the "loss" of the blinds.

The 3rd bottle image is the best IMO. although as Chris said a little more head room, wouldn't go amiss, or crop the bottom tight, and lose the light "streak" ( clone it out )
down the left hand side too.

Can't offer lighting tips though. Its very hit and miss with me also :D
Hi, they are much better than the first lot, you have chosen a difficult subject to light, a larger light source would help but for now take the advice above and bounce the light off a large piece of white card and try to get some light from behind the bottle to light the contents a little

Good luck with your 52

Given me something to try! I was thinking tin foil or would this not give the right glow?

I have one of those lights from a well known Swedish store.....I think it's going to be too narrow a spread and too white. Try a lamp with a warmer glow...

But the main thing I think is the composition not the light, I think you had something decent to work with to start with. I think It needs space above and to the left of the bottle. I would take a shot from further back with more space around the whole thing then you are at liberty to try different crops on the computer.

I don't really know what to do with those zoomed out shots though :help:

I really like the last re-take of the Buddha especially the "loss" of the blinds.

The 3rd bottle image is the best IMO. although as Chris said a little more head room, wouldn't go amiss, or crop the bottom tight, and lose the light "streak" ( clone it out )
down the left hand side too.

Can't offer lighting tips though. Its very hit and miss with me also :D


Thanks for the compliment on the buddha shot, I'm always ready for retakes when possible as the outcomes are very positive!
I was a bit annoyed when I saw the streak originally but I suppose I can edit it out. All my software is on my slow laptop(n)

All a lot of mixed opinions so got a lot to think about before I post any retakes!

Hi Oscar, you're definitely heading in the right direct with the re-shoots. All the above comments are very valid. I've tried and failed numerous times trying to capture a half decent photos of glasses/bottles until recently, I think, but still poor and way short of standard here in last year's 52's

That is a really nice shot. Definitely a piece of inspiration and motivation to get the picture I want don't be so hard on yourself.
