weekly Blondie606's 52 2013 Wk 52 Water-The End :-(

After reading Chris's comments I took a closer look at the 1st image & then had a bash at improving it....tried out my Bamboo pen for the 1st time...bit odd to use but definately betteer control than with the mouse.....is this any better ?

Wk 11 Electric Edit by llj666, on Flickr
Tablet's great once you get used to it, especially for details.

#3 works for me. Cracking colours and you've caught some great detail, especially in the lower left.

Crit, I'd prefer a square format.


BTW, I thought you'd be submitting a Northern Lights photograph for Electric?
Hi Lynne,

Letter - 2 good shots. Most has been said by others but I would emphasise praise on the comp and simplicity of #1 and the story in #2 - the face, hand, morning sky. Well done.

Electric - edit of #1 for me. Good vibrant colours and a cleaner image. It seems to have movement whereas the ball seems more static in the frame. Good choice for the theme.
Tablet's great once you get used to it, especially for details.

#3 works for me. Cracking colours and you've caught some great detail, especially in the lower left.

Crit, I'd prefer a square format.


BTW, I thought you'd be submitting a Northern Lights photograph for Electric?

Cheers Andy....tablet is taking some getting used to , feels very awkward at the mo but I'm persevering ! Northern Lights shots not as good as I wanted which is why I'm looking to revisit next year :)

Hi Lynne,

Letter - 2 good shots. Most has been said by others but I would emphasise praise on the comp and simplicity of #1 and the story in #2 - the face, hand, morning sky. Well done.

Electric - edit of #1 for me. Good vibrant colours and a cleaner image. It seems to have movement whereas the ball seems more static in the frame. Good choice for the theme.

Cheers Alan :)

Hi Lynee; love the first letter shot. Great composition.

Like the edit of #1 for electricity - but one question: have you tried rotating the picture slightly to give a dutch angle? I have a gut feeliong that it might look quite interesting.

How did you find the tablet and pen? It is worth perservering with?

Hi ya....not quite sure what a dutch angle is :thinking: Still persevering with the tablet, feels weird but I am finding it better for editing detail & generally having more control
Blimey , week 12 already...nearly a 1/4 of the way through..don't time fly when you're having fun :D

Struggled with Direction last year....& it's no different this year ! 1st up is a little cheat from my hol to Sweden :

Wk 12 Direction 3 by llj666, on Flickr

the following 2 I took today & can't decide which is worst :LOL:


Wk 12 Direction 1 by llj666, on Flickr

#3 - and yes , the post was slightly on the squiff (y)

Wk 12 Direction 2 by llj666, on Flickr

Right...off to have a nosey & catch up :wave:
I really like Letter number 2; I'm afraid number one leaves me cold (sorry!). Actually there's too much grey in the snow, somehow.
Electric number 2 I think. Love the colours of all 3 of them, but 1 and 3 look too much like some weird coloured goblin, while 2 is what it is, but still mysterious.

Directions... not number 3 for me. Number 2, ok, but why would anyone take that shot without the theme pushing them too? In other words, it's not really got enough interest. Number 1, OTOH, tells you something. You may well look back on that shot in your dotage, and use it to work out where the neighbouring shots were taken! Nicely positioned, and interesting enough to want to read the signs on the various direction fingers. That's the one for me!
Not sure if the 2nd and 3rd are necessarily that bad.. or if they just pale into mediocrity in the shadow of the first.....

the multi direction sign shot is great - really interesting and clear, and nicely separated from the trees. Thought the detail on the sign on the post itself had been lost - but it's still there.
Direction - the first shot (Direction 3) is my favourite, spot on! Really strong on theme and works really well - nice work! Only crit would be maybe a bit closer to the sign having only the sky as background would simplify the shot and remove the distracting background. :)
Number one stands out for me, but I really like 2 too. A great find, and the sharpness, placement down the 3rd line and the beautiful tones in the sky really set it off. Deliberately looking for a negative, I'm not sure if i'd prefer to see the post and trees all the way down to the ground... but that's probably the snapshot lover in me talking.
Hi Lynne

Direction - all on theme but #3 seems a bit ordinary for you. #1 has lovely colours but some words a bit indistinct. Don't know what was lower down but would like to have seen more of bottom of trees and 'dome' to RHS. #2 is minimal, good pov and does hold my interest but snow is a bit grey.

Errr, pick the bones out of that :D
Hi Lynne :)

BLIMEY !!!! - first one's well on theme :LOL:

I was thinking similar as your second shot, but been too dark by the time I get to any... Not so sure on the location, snow and uneven wetness but like the general look

3rd... again not so sure as the bridalway isn't very obvious on the ground...

SO my choice is the first, crazy sign (y)
Direction #1 does it for me, purely I think because of all those different directions. It certainly suits the theme very well. :D

The only small niggle for me, and I'm pretty sure it's down to personal preference rather than a critique, is that as I look down towards the bottom of the picture, I keep on expecting to see more (if that makes any sense), so maybe more foreground leading the eye up the signpost?

Still, a really interesting shot. I don't think I'd like to drive in that country. :eek:
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Three :nono:


I'd prefer #1 if I could see the whole post and there was a bit more oomph. As it is, I like the minimal nature of #2. Nice low angle.

Hi Lynne. Let you if for cheating as number is a lovely shot. Lovely blue sky sky and an interesting sign at that.

Of the others it has to be number two. I like the low vantage point as it makes a rather dull subject a bit more interesting.

Number three, well err, it's just a bit dull really, sorry! Greater DOF on the sign may have added a bit more interest!
#1 gets my vote Lynne, simples.

It's the standout shot of the three although I do like the others.
#2, I like, as Marsha says, the low view point works well with what is an ordinary subject.

Not much more to add to what's already been said Lynne, good work Missus, giving the boy posiview a run for his money on how many you have posted ;)
Hi Lynne,

The direction sign in Sweden takes it for me.
The 2nd one is identical to the one i was going to take on Sainsbury's car park. Unfortunately the snow hadn't been cleared.

chhers for popping in...the Sweden sign is my fav too

I really like Letter number 2; I'm afraid number one leaves me cold (sorry!). Actually there's too much grey in the snow, somehow.

Electric number 2 I think. Love the colours of all 3 of them, but 1 and 3 look too much like some weird coloured goblin, while 2 is what it is, but still mysterious.

Directions... not number 3 for me. Number 2, ok, but why would anyone take that shot without the theme pushing them too? In other words, it's not really got enough interest. Number 1, OTOH, tells you something. You may well look back on that shot in your dotage, and use it to work out where the neighbouring shots were taken! Nicely positioned, and interesting enough to want to read the signs on the various direction fingers. That's the one for me!

yeah...shadow on snow with strong sunlight...not a good combination but glad you like the postie shot (y)

The road sign was a test to see iof I could get the shot I wanted , though you're correct in so far as I wouldn't have taken it without the theme...but thats the idea of the challenge.....I think :LOL: I do like that Sweden sign though...& yup , I'll look back in a few years and remember a fab trip (y)
Has to be number 1 on direction :)

cheers John :)

Not sure if the 2nd and 3rd are necessarily that bad.. or if they just pale into mediocrity in the shadow of the first.....

the multi direction sign shot is great - really interesting and clear, and nicely separated from the trees. Thought the detail on the sign on the post itself had been lost - but it's still there.

very subtle graham :LOL:

Direction - the first shot (Direction 3) is my favourite, spot on! Really strong on theme and works really well - nice work! Only crit would be maybe a bit closer to the sign having only the sky as background would simplify the shot and remove the distracting background. :)

I did try for just the sign uut ...hmmm..not sure why I didn't take it now :thinking:
Yup, first direction shot for me as well. fabulous sign and nicely shot.

Cheers Mister :)

Number one stands out for me, but I really like 2 too. A great find, and the sharpness, placement down the 3rd line and the beautiful tones in the sky really set it off. Deliberately looking for a negative, I'm not sure if i'd prefer to see the post and trees all the way down to the ground... but that's probably the snapshot lover in me talking.

Hi Nick....the bottom of the signpost was surrounded by carp fencing & a broken bench so it looked better leaving them out:crying:

Hi Lynne

Direction - all on theme but #3 seems a bit ordinary for you. #1 has lovely colours but some words a bit indistinct. Don't know what was lower down but would like to have seen more of bottom of trees and 'dome' to RHS. #2 is minimal, good pov and does hold my interest but snow is a bit grey.

Errr, pick the bones out of that :D

Thanks Al....still trying to pick the bones out :LOL: Yup , #3 was a hit & run shot...was trying to defrost having spent 3 hours in the snow photographing birds !
the dome on the rhs was just a pile of snow where the plough had cleared the road...not very exciting :crying:

I prefer #2' it seems to convey a mood that doesn't exist in the other two

Thanks chris....glad someone else doesn't mind #2...I kinda like it in an odd way :LOL:
Hi Lynne :)

BLIMEY !!!! - first one's well on theme :LOL:

I was thinking similar as your second shot, but been too dark by the time I get to any... Not so sure on the location, snow and uneven wetness but like the general look

3rd... again not so sure as the bridalway isn't very obvious on the ground...

SO my choice is the first, crazy sign (y)

Thanks Dean :)

Direction #1 does it for me, purely I think because of all those different directions. It certainly suits the theme very well. :D

The only small niggle for me, and I'm pretty sure it's down to personal preference rather than a critique, is that as I look down towards the bottom of the picture, I keep on expecting to see more (if that makes any sense), so maybe more foreground leading the eye up the signpost?

Still, a really interesting shot. I don't think I'd like to drive in that country. :eek:

Cheers Mister...driving over there is great...roads very dry as humidity is almost zero so no moisture to create slippy ice...set of winter tyres with studs & your good for speed ....
Three :nono:


I'd prefer #1 if I could see the whole post and there was a bit more oomph. As it is, I like the minimal nature of #2. Nice low angle.


ha...promise not to do 3 again...well , not for a while anyway :) nothing to see at the bottom of the sign except some horrible fencing & a broken bench...

Hi Lynne. Let you if for cheating as number is a lovely shot. Lovely blue sky sky and an interesting sign at that.

Of the others it has to be number two. I like the low vantage point as it makes a rather dull subject a bit more interesting.

Number three, well err, it's just a bit dull really, sorry! Greater DOF on the sign may have added a bit more interest!

Cheers Marsha...yup , #3 is boring but once I start clicking I can't seem to stop :eek:

#1 gets my vote Lynne, simples.

It's the standout shot of the three although I do like the others.
#2, I like, as Marsha says, the low view point works well with what is an ordinary subject.

Not much more to add to what's already been said Lynne, good work Missus, giving the boy posiview a run for his money on how many you have posted ;)

Thanks Iain...promise to post only 1 from now on...maybe :eek:
Juxtaposition....you have definitely shown 2 contrasting buildings, the composition and angle is just right. The B&W conversion of the tower adds that little extra to make your point more obvious.

Letter....those blue boxes really pop out, I would liked to have seen this just a little wider to show their location better. The grab shot helps the first one and shows why they are there.

Electric....I wondered if anyone had one of these. I think the first one is my favourite of the 2 as it's a little less busy, great colours against the black background......no pixel peeping from me.

Direction....The first one for me although maybe a little wider or shot in portrait to show more of the post.

I quite like the first 2 directions the signpost is perhaps the winner, though the arrow on the floor is good the weather conditions don't seem to have helped (y)
Hi Lynne :wave:

I like the first shot of your capitals signpost the best. Firstly, it's original and interesting. Rule of thirds works well, good contrast with blue sky and trees. A nice job. See you next week (y)
Juxtaposition....you have definitely shown 2 contrasting buildings, the composition and angle is just right. The B&W conversion of the tower adds that little extra to make your point more obvious.

Letter....those blue boxes really pop out, I would liked to have seen this just a little wider to show their location better. The grab shot helps the first one and shows why they are there.

Electric....I wondered if anyone had one of these. I think the first one is my favourite of the 2 as it's a little less busy, great colours against the black background......no pixel peeping from me.

Direction....The first one for me although maybe a little wider or shot in portrait to show more of the post.


Cheers Colt , appreciate you poppin in & having a catch up (y)

I quite like the first 2 directions the signpost is perhaps the winner, though the arrow on the floor is good the weather conditions don't seem to have helped (y)

Thanks Al :)

Hi Lynne :wave:

I like the first shot of your capitals signpost the best. Firstly, it's original and interesting. Rule of thirds works well, good contrast with blue sky and trees. A nice job. See you next week (y)

Thanks for your positive comments..appreciated (y)
Week 13....sometimes theme's just don't grab me & this is one of them .

1st off....apologies to all Porsche owners & fans :crying: Whilst I do really like Porsche , love the styling & history & handling , there are certain things , for me at least , which should never be done to a car & belong in the sinbin along with black shoes & white socks & shoulder pads....so flipping 70's/80's :bang:

2ndly.....this one nearly got me in hot water twice !....Busy day in Helmsley market square , spotted this & thought holy pants that's the one....found a parking slot , grabbed camera . Lots of people & cars about so went in close & prayed the camera settings were somewhere near right . Just taking the 2nd shot when I heard the clunk of the car doors being unlocked ,looked up & saw wifey waiting for me to finish...needless to say I thought better of saying why I was taking the shot, told her it was a lovely car & legged it back to mine...only to see the parking warden heading towards it....ooops, no ticket on it as hadn't any change...smiled at him, threw camera into bag ,fired engine up & nearly pulled out in to said Porsche :LOL:

Anyhooo....nowt special but thought I'd add a tacky border whilst i was at it (y)

Wk 13 Tacky by llj666, on Flickr

yes both wheels are clipped from trying to avoid other distractions...but hey , the shots in & I can spend this week catching up on eveyone's threads cos I'm wayyyy behind with comments :wave:
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Loving the back story there Lynne - made me laugh out loud you did...

Yeah - why not, shot's a good 'un. The only thing I could suggest would be if you'd asked them to roll forward a foot so the badge in the top pic was vertical..... :coat:

Loving the border too...... ;)

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:clap: Great effort. It did make me chuckle. :LOL:

As you've already mentioned about the clipping of the wheels i won't mention it. Albeit to say i quite like the cropping in the top photo but the bottom one needs a rethink.

PS Did you mention to the owner you were taking a shot for the "Tacky" theme for the week :LOL::LOL:
Hi Lynne,

Your story made me laugh. I do like a Porsche but not in these colours, definitely tacky! I wish there was a video of your hasty exit :LOL:
I like both cropped shots, it works well as a dyptich and the red border suits it. It's just a tad thick for me.

Keep going though, for year number three you're doing well.
Great shots and well presented as always (y)

Very tacky indeed!! ;) Maybe i'm a tad jealous of the porsche but for me it has to be black everytime.
its certainly tacky just goes to show money can't buy good taste, sounds like you had fun getting the pic too (y)
That is truly awful... good spot!(y)

I really like the composition of the top shot, and the colour and focus works well. I think the bottom shot just has a little too much white in it for me, and sort of runs into the white dividing bit. Could quite easily be down to my crappy laptop screen though.
Nice car, nice shot! Tacky too! Tacky on anything other than a GT3 RS in my opinion! ;)
Two shots work well and gives a little more context than just the single shot. Colours are nice and bright and the shot is sharp too, nice work! :)
Electric: Really like both shots, great colours.

Direction: First shot for me, very interesting.

Tacky:Great shot and story! Like the colours in there.