weekly David's 52+2 for 2014 - SHAPE

Yep, works for me David (y) good contrast between the two, good detail in the tree stump :)
Can't get too enthusiastic as I like my wood woody-coloured and this kinda looks like a cross-section of an old telegraph pole (of course that may be what it is). Good contrast between the two elements though.
Thanks Phil and SSU. It's an old penny of Poplar that has faded to grey with age so when wet it goes darker. I see your point though Martin, maybe a more earthy brown colour would have worked better.

Hi, David, :thinking:

Close, yeah, I do like barb wire. Nice detail, the blown BG does distract slightly.

Edited bubbles has cracking colour and detail.

Smoke, on theme and it's good to nail this one.

Mineral. A little dark for me, but nice detail and I do like the crack in the wood.

Hi sense of humour is a nice pic, not sure on the sc in the other one
"the ending" is interesting texture wise, would like to have a closer view of the flower though
Bit of a cheat this week... Wasn't took specifically for this theme, but alot of other people seem to be shoe horning images in so i think i'm going to jump on that band wagon too! :D

This was took at my little girls 6th birthday party on Saturday... She was feeling very positive indeed as it was her first party at home and was uber excited!

by David Raynham, on Flickr
Great image David, she certainly looks positively happy (y) like the pp, a bit fairytale like :)
Great shots the past few weeks David, on a roll as you say!

Mineral works well, in terms of the processing and the composition.

Sense is two really lovely candids, the little girl seemingly unaware of the camera in each. I am a large fan of SC, but wonder if the deep blue brings down the mood of the shot a little, as does the darkness of the cardigan to some degree... In my mind if I change the cardigan to a lighter colour, and the flower to a pretty pink, it works. (Could be done in PP, with the red slider in the B&W conversion, and the hue adjustment on the SC layer).

That log in ending is going to serve you well, I can see it already!! :) again, nice composition with the rings radiationg out, the contrast of colours between the log and the 'flower' working well for you.

And positive, a great smiling princess, suits the high-key processing, looks to have lost the bottom of the tiara(?) though leaving the top half floating. But a very winning smile, and sparkly eyes. (y)
Hello mate, great post. Really appreciate your comments. I will have a play with the hyacinth photo. I totally agree with you tbh.

The bottom of the tiara is covered with white fluff so it's been lost with the exposure slider I believe?

I'll sort the original out tonight and an edited version of the SC.

Muchos Gracias...
Thanks DK. Yeah I have neglected the images only thread. Maybe I should figure out what my last image was and update it...
Your last image on there was Wk 3 'Close' - I marked you as 'On the Edge' was going to put you on the naughty list tomorrow :D

You will get LOTS more visits when you stick a pic on there to guide people... It's been 6 weeks since I have been because I only follow that generally :)
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Re-edit of the sc flower shot is perfect. (To my description of what was in my mind). The tone of the shot is much lighter and the sc adds greatly now.

Amazing what a difference can be made in the editing. I reckon that could easily justify a place in a frame on the mantelpiece now. (y)

See what you mean about the tiara fluff too. Nice edit, very different to the original.
Cheers mate. I am guilty of killing photo's with contrast and am always weary with highlights so am a little hesitant to up the exposure. Maybe I should be a little more confident with my PP.

Many thanks for your help!

Hi David

in no particular order.....

Positive....quite partial to high key shots , love her expression as well.....can't help thinking you need to dial the exposre back just a smidge ?

Ending....yeah , liking that , lovely detail in the log & the subdued colors in the flower head works really well....very very appelaing image to me :clap:

Smoke...not gonna crit as I had such a mare but love the color !

Sense....the edit of the little girl with the pink flower works well...I think the blue flower was just too dark

Bubble....super image...great color combo (y) I may have been inclined to crop to almost portrait to lose the random bubbles on the rhs :thinking:
Hi not sure where I am with your pics so will start with time,
there is a clock in there but it seems a little lost, the bottom of the image isn't particularly interesting
from the point of view of the theme
I have no idea what lens you used but a closer view of the clock and dome might have worked better
Thanks for the feedback guys and girls. I was actually thinking that the clock was lost because there was more happening in the bottom of the image. :LOL: I may enter another shot for this week when I've had a think about it more. :D
I really like this one. I think that the dilapidated buildings and wonky paving stones help to emphasise the passage of time theme and enhance rather than detract from the clock itself.
Hi David, it seems that I have got a bit behind in my commenting so here goes
Sense.... love the nice smiley little face full of fun (y)(y)
not keen on the dark sense of smell but do quite like the edited version :)
Ending.. I really like it but would have liked it to be a bit closer to the flower (y)(y)
Positive ...is an Awwww picture lovely (y) we should have a shoehorn on the smileys
Time... I like it double time with the clock and time seems to have nearly run out for the building(y)(y)
Plenty to look at there David with the mish-mash of bricks, stones, tiles on that left wall, with the regular brickwork to the right, and the clock to tie it to the theme.

Woohoo, thanks guys. There was alot more interest in the ruins but I couldn't get it all in. There were loads of Gargoyles (one is in my etc project if you fancy a gander) and down stairs there was the cellarium and a dining room.
Hi David not looked in for a while but now you've added to the Pic only thread..... although there's no link to here from your Time shot.... anyway here goes

Bubble - Like both edits and love the colours (y)

Smoke - Good clean image, the smoke is nice a clear and I like the fact that you can see the top of the incense stick with the smoke going across the frame (y)

Mineral - This does have a gritty feel about it but I find theres more interest in the wood rather than the stone.

Sense - Sense of humour all the way for me lovely shot (y)

Ending - Again as with the other shot involving the log the real interest lies with the log and not the subject.

Positive - I wish my girls were that young again and that happy to still be photographed, another cracker (y)

Time - Closer crop on the clock but some nice detail in the brick work. The sky is a bit flat though maybe try to bring out some of the blue.
Smoke - A lovely shot - very sharp. The choice of colour is really nice.

Mineral - I really like this. The dark wood background with a hint of colour lifts this from an ordinary picture of a stone to something you might see in Ikea.

Sense - Selective colour very rarely works for me and I'm afraid this is an example. Sorry

Ending - Another lovely wood one. The dead flower hits the theme. Maybe you could do a series of these. I think they really work.

Positive - A super shot of your little princess. Ultra high key but it works especially with such a willing and happy model

Time - The image doesn't do much for me although it looks like you've done a good job in handling the exposure for this
Hey, thanks for the good feedback. Appreciate all comments and advice. Unfortunately there was no blue in the sky to bring out. Would have made for a better image I agree.

As for the kid, yep she's pretty easy going with regards to pics being taken. Very much a poser.
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